
Embers of A Burning Desire

Is it a human's nature to love? Two men hanging between a hopeless thread of love. Struggling after struggles , yet continue to pursue the answer of the very same question—Is it a human's nature to pursue its hearts deepest desire , to love someone. To love someone who's existance is part of the past. "Beneath this very same blue sky. i have found you once again , my forever hope."

RAI007 · Teen
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3 Chs


The sound of my phone's alarm clock woke up the spirit in me. Its 4 am in the morning i went down and poured my self some hot black coffee , still no sugar.

"S-sir?", a female voice rang my ear as i was stirring my coffee. I was only wearing my pajamas i closed my eyes and faced the woman.

"Yes?", i asked her as i took a sip of my coffee. "W-well, would you like to eat something?", she asked without looking at me.

Since I've been away for too long , i must've forgotten the culture. I placed my hand over my abdomen and sighed. I placed my cup on the counter and opened the fridge.

"I can cook for myself , you can go now.", i said sternly feeling uncomfortable. When i was in Germany, i did have someone assisting me but not to this point. Having someone tailing me for every thing I'd do is exhausting as well.

"Sir , the madam told me to assist you in anyway that i can... If i dont obey then—"

Before she could finish i cut her, "Alright. Make me some sandwhich , and anything that will go well with it."

I shuffled my hair as i comb it back, i walked away but just before i could leave the area I stole a small glance. The little girl with her back facing me was doing her job silently. It's still early in the morning , do they usually wake up before everyone else?

I dragged my self up to my room and changed, i feel like i have showed that young maid something that i should'nt have showed.


My phone on the bed side table vibrated, i went up to it just to see Alec's name on the caller id. My forehead creased as i left it vibrating. I left the room and went back to the kitchen.

The petite girl was still there, making me something , "Grilled cheese?", my brows shot up with amazement.

I was thinking that she might serve me something korean-ish. "Will this suit your taste sir? Or would you like something else?", she said as she placed the plate containing the foods.

"No...its good", i said as i look up to her as i was sitting down, i smiled. Her eyes widened but as soon as she regained her shock she smiled back and looked away.

"Call me if you need anything sir.", with their traditional 45 degrees bow she left. I stared at her hair in a clean bun.

"You're leaving so early?", mother's voice made me pause as i was about to get in the car , i unbottoned my suit.

"I'll come home early...", my mom tapped my shoulder and went in the car. My forehead creased.

"You're gonna come with me? It'll make you tired ", i said as i sat next to her.

"Things like this won't tire me easily. I heard that Reina made you some sandwiches", she chuckled while she was putting on her lipstick.

"Reina? The maid? Yeah she did", i said with out anycare as i was scrolling through my phone.

"She's a good child , call her if you need anything."

I glanced at my mother who was silent the whole ride. I shifted my gaze on the happenings outside the car , "When did she started working for you?", i asked her breaking the silence.

"She's a friend's daughter. I simply gave her a scholarship but she insited on working part time at our villa.", mother sighed and chuckled

"She's a good child", her comments of her was all positive, she must've been a diligent child.

"If so then i do hope we'll get along very well", the car stopped infront of a building. I gave mother a smile and went out of the car.