
Embers of A Burning Desire

Is it a human's nature to love? Two men hanging between a hopeless thread of love. Struggling after struggles , yet continue to pursue the answer of the very same question—Is it a human's nature to pursue its hearts deepest desire , to love someone. To love someone who's existance is part of the past. "Beneath this very same blue sky. i have found you once again , my forever hope."

RAI007 · Teen
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3 Chs


Dark skies, clear city lights and cigarette's smoke fogging the living room. My fingers touch down my laptops keys i took a puff of my smoke and drank my bitter hot coffee.

"Whats the point of drinking coffee when all you can ever taste is the bitterness" , Alec , friend of mine since childhood stomped his feet and sat on the couch next to me.

"What's it got to do with you?", my eyes pasted on the monitor, one of my brows shot up.

"Why dont you go out for a drink with me? That would be better than working your ass off all the time", he scoffed as he took a sip of the whiskey on his hand.

My nose wrinkled as the awful scent of liquor forced itself on me. "Be sure to wash that cup", i stood up my my coffee in hand, my eyes gaze upon the cityscape infront of me.

What a lavish life i have. I thought , if only im not this lonely then it would be perfect.

"Awful dude , i came here for you", he went to the kitchen and drained the liquor out of his glass , without moving i heard Alec's little laugh.

"You still hate the scent of liquor huh?", he shook his head and went closer to me. "What're you doing in here really Alec?"

There was no point of him hanging around with me as i am truely a gloomy and aloof man. What excitement would it bring to him?

"Aren't I your only friend? I was thinking that you maybe dying out of loneliness that's why im here", he chuckled as he slicked back his hair.

"So when will you go back to Seoul?", i was takes a back , how did he know i was leaving?

"Two weeks from now" , he was silent when I looked at him his face showed irritation.

"You really are Self-centered, if i didnt asked then you wouldn't even tell me!", his voice raised a little , my ear started to ring.

"Ugh, too noisy", i rubbed my temple as I groaned , my ear is quite sensitive to loud noises.

"Dont be a wussy , ill come with you", i heard him sigh, my eyes widened at his words.

"Leave now. You're annoying me really", i stood up and went to my room, dealing with Alec seems to drain all of my energy.

Its not like im gonna stay there for the rest of my life, im just gonna do some work and visit my mother then after that i'll come back.

"Isnt it too early to leave?", Alec who's wearing a black turtle neck sleeve paired with brown coat and a cigarette in hand was out side the building I am living.

My mouth gaped with surprise, i chuckled. "I never knew you'd surprise me", i walked towards him with my luggage it's trolly wheels rolling.

"You always leave earlier than of the scheduled date...ive grown too familiar of you", he tapped my back and walked beside me.

"For some unknown reason Yohan, it feels like youre not gonna come back", he scratched the back of his head with a small smile om his lips.

"What are you even talking about?", my forehead was in crease , why is this man being too emotional?

"Youre starting to creep me out, really", i sighed, I stopped walking as soon as my car arrived.

"Im just going to Seoul for my new business interest , and also I've been wanting to visit my mother.", I pulled Alec for a hug and tapped his backfor the last time.

"Be well , dont be too much of a Manwhore", he laughed at my statement , i waved him goodbye as the staff helped my with my luggage.

The ride was smooth and silent as the driver didnt speak of anything so did i. I closed my eyes as i put on my earphones, jazz music filled my ears.

"Im sleepy", i mumbled underneath my breath.

What should i do once I get back to Seoul , I may not be able to speak Korean fluently. Should I dine korean foods as soon as i arrive? Or should i indulge myself to some business matters immediately.

"Sir? We have arrived", the hotel valet notifed me and got out of the car. "Thank you", i said as he handed me my luggage.