
Intelligence Peddler?

Long Yuehong read the mission description several times and whispered, "This mission seems difficult. Can we really get funds through it?"

The item had been lost three years ago, and not many people traveled in and out of Gesterbourg. The possibility that the clues were gone remained very real, and the probability wasn't low.

Ignoring that, it had been two months since the mission was issued. Ruin Hunters had yet to find any useful clues. They had only conducted a preliminary investigation and provided the Hunter's Guild with statements from corresponding personnels and some results from their field exploration.

Therefore, although the 50 Grand Knight gold coins were tempting, it was just a fantasy in itself. It could be seen but never touched.

The idea of using this opportunity to earn a sum was closer to having a life plan that involved making a killing by winning the lottery in Old World entertainment shows.