
Ember’s Kiss “A Fiery Love that defies the Darkness”

In the small town of Oakdale, 16-year-old Rory Michaels struggles to find her place amidst family secrets and supernatural whispers. Her life takes a dramatic turn when she meets enigmatic Ethan Blackwood, a mysterious and captivating stranger with ties to the ancient magic that permeates Ashwood, a town shrouded in mystery and danger. As Rory's family moves to Ashwood, she finds herself torn between her forbidden love for Ethan and her growing connection to Liam, a charming and loyal friend with his own secrets. As tensions rise and loyalties are tested, Rory must navigate the treacherous world of supernatural politics, family feuds, and ancient secrets that threaten to tear her apart. With the move to Ashwood, Rory must confront the darkness within herself and the truth about her family's past, all while embracing her own destiny and the fiery love that will change her life forever.

Sylvie_Gold · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 25: Ready for Battle

After a relaxing and fun weekend, Aurora, Marina, Raven, and Mia woke up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. They had spent just yesterday off lounging by the pool, enjoying sweet treats, and strengthening their friendship. Today, they stood united in front of the imposing academic wing, their determination palpable.

The building loomed before them, its sprawling structure a testament to the rigor and excellence of their school. From freshman to seniors, all students had classes within its walls, and the girls knew that this was where their mettle would be tested.

Raven, her dark hair sleek and her eyes shining with confidence, turned to her friends and asked, "You guys ready?"

Aurora, her ponytail bobbing with each nod, replied, "Ready!"

Marina, now wearing a crisp white shirt and light blue jeans and her mermaid tail nowhere in sight, grinned mischievously. "Bring it on!"

Mia, her bright pink locks tied up in a messy bun and her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, chimed in, "We got this!"

Together, the four friends took a deep breath, squared their shoulders, and stepped into the academic wing, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Their footsteps echoed through the hallway, a symphony of determination and teamwork.

With their heads held high and their hearts full of courage, they marched into their first class, ready to battle and win.

As they entered the hallway, the notice board caught their attention. The test of the day was prominently displayed: Magical Creatures and Care. The four friends exchanged excited glances, their passion for healing evident in their smiles. They were all in the same class, and their seats were scattered throughout the room, but they knew they'd support each other from afar.

The bell rang, signaling the start of the test. They made their way to their designated seats, the shuffling of feet and rustling of bags filling the room. Aurora settled into her seat, her eyes scanning the room for her friends. Marina was a few rows ahead, her turquoise eyes shining with focus. Raven was to the left, her dark hair falling down her back like a curtain, and Mia was diagonally across, her bright pink locks tied up in a messy bun.

Professor Wynton swept into the room, her long, flowing robes billowing behind her. "Good morning, students! I hope you're all ready for this week's tests. Headmistress Hopkins has made the necessary preparations, and I must say, it will be a challenging but enlightening experience for all of you."

With a flick of her wrist, sheets of paper appeared on each desk, upside down. The students leaned forward, anticipation building. "Turn them over and begin!" Professor Wynton commanded, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

The room erupted into a flurry of rustling papers and scratching quills as the students dove into the test. The four friends worked diligently, their focus solely on the questions before them. But they couldn't help sneaking glances at each other, their eyes locking in a silent show of support and encouragement. They knew they were in this together, and that together, they could conquer anything.

The test began, and the students dived into the questions, their quills scratching against the parchment. The room was silent, the only sound the soft rustling of papers and the occasional cough.

Aurora's eyes scanned the questions, her mind racing with answers. She began to write, her quill moving swiftly across the page. Marina, meanwhile, was completely focused, her turquoise eyes fixed intently on the paper. Raven's brow furrowed in concentration, her dark hair falling around her face like a curtain. Mia's bright pink locks bobbed up and down as she nodded to herself, her eyes shining with determination.

The questions were challenging, but the four friends were well-prepared. They had studied tirelessly, pouring over their notes and practicing spells until they were confident in their abilities.

As the hour ticked away, the students worked feverishly, their quills moving faster and faster. Aurora's hand cramped slightly, but she didn't stop, her determination driving her forward. Marina's eyes never left the paper, her focus unwavering. Raven's face was set in a fierce expression, her dark eyes blazing with intensity. Mia's smile grew wider, her confidence growing with each answer.

With only a few minutes left, the students scribbled furiously, their quills scratching out final answers. The room was tense, the air thick with concentration.

Finally, Professor Wynton called out, "Time's up! Put down your quills and step away from the paper!"

The students sighed in relief, their shoulders relaxing as they placed their quills on their desks. The four friends exchanged exhausted grins, their eyes shining with pride. They had done their best, and they knew they had aced the test.

As the students filed out of the classroom, the tension and focus of the written test gave way to chatter and laughter. The four friends gathered in the courtyard, basking in the warm sunlight and reveling in their shared relief.

Aurora let out a contented sigh, her ponytail bobbing as she nodded to her friends. "That was tough, but I think we nailed it!"

Marina grinned, her turquoise eyes sparkling. "Definitely! I'm so glad we studied together, I don't think I would have made it without you guys."

Raven chuckled, her dark hair falling around her face. "We make a killer team, that's for sure."

Mia bounced up and down, her bright pink locks quivering with excitement. "And now, it's time for the practicals! I can't wait to show off our skills with the magical creatures!"

The friends chatted and joked, enjoying their break and the beautiful day. They sat on a bench, munching on sandwiches and fruit, and discussing their favorite magical creatures.

After what felt like a too-short break, Professor Wynton's voice rang out across the courtyard. "Students, it's time to return to class for the practical portion of your test! Please make your way to the Magical Creatures and Care lab."

The four friends stood up, brushing off their robes and gathering their things. They filed into the lab, their hearts racing with excitement and a touch of nerves.

Inside, the lab was transformed into a mini-menagerie, with various magical creatures roaming about or perched on pedestals. There were fluffy, winged horses (Pegasi), sleek, scale-covered serpents (Drakonians), and even a few mischievous, shape-shifting creatures (Morphlings).

Professor Wynton stood at the front of the room, a warm smile on her face. "Welcome, students! For this practical test, you will be working in pairs to demonstrate your skills in caring for and handling magical creatures. You will be assigned a creature at random, and you must work together to complete the tasks and challenges that come with caring for that creature."

The students nodded, their eyes scanning the room with excitement and a touch of trepidation. They knew this was the moment of truth – could they put their knowledge and skills into practice and prove themselves as worthy healers?

Professor Wynton gestured to a large, ornate box at the front of the room. "The creature assignments are in this box. Please come forward, one at a time, and select a small, glowing orb. The orb will reveal your creature and your partner for this practical test."

Aurora stepped forward first, her heart racing with excitement. She reached into the box and felt a strange tingling sensation as her hand closed around a small, pulsing orb. As she withdrew her hand, the orb began to glow brighter, and a holographic image of a magnificent creature appeared before her. It was a majestic Griffin, with the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle.

"Ah, excellent choice!" Professor Wynton exclaimed. "Aurora, you will be working with Marina to care for this Griffin. Please proceed to the designated area and begin your task."

Aurora turned to Marina, who was already smiling and nodding in excitement. Together, they made their way to a spacious enclosure in the corner of the lab, where their Griffin was waiting.

Meanwhile, Raven and Mia were paired together, assigned to care for a mischievous Morphling. Their creature was currently in its default form, a small, spherical shape with shifting colors and textures.

As the pairs began their tasks, the lab was filled with the sounds of creatures chirping, flapping, and scurrying about. The students worked tirelessly, demonstrating their knowledge and skills in caring for their assigned creatures.

Aurora and Marina worked in perfect harmony, their movements fluid and synchronized as they tended to their Griffin. They carefully examined its talons, cleaned its feathers, and even managed to coax it into a majestic flight around the enclosure.

Raven and Mia, on the other hand, were having a delightful time trying to keep up with their Morphling. The creature was constantly changing shape and form, requiring the pair to think on their feet and adapt their care techniques accordingly. They laughed and chatted as they worked, their chemistry and communication evident in their seamless teamwork.

As the practical test came to a close, Professor Wynton beamed with pride at her students. "Excellent work, everyone! You have all demonstrated exceptional skills and knowledge in caring for these magical creatures. I am confident that you will make outstanding healers of both people and animals in our supernatural world!"

After the practical test, Professor Wynton announced, "Well done, students! You've earned a break. Why don't you all head to the Great Hall for a relaxing tea and snack session? You can unwind and celebrate a job well done!"

The students cheered and made their way to the Great Hall, where a sumptuous spread of sandwiches, pastries, and teas awaited them. Aurora, Marina, Raven, and Mia settled into a cozy corner, sipping their tea and nibbling on treats.

As they chatted and laughed, the tension and stress of the test melted away. They discussed their favorite moments from the practical test, and Marina even pulled out her sketchbook to draw a quick portrait of their Griffin.

After a lovely hour in the Great Hall, the friends decided to head back to their dorms. Raven and Marina bid the others good night and entered their room, where they freshened up and chatted about their day as they got ready for bed.

Meanwhile, Aurora and Mia entered their room, giggling and chatting as they changed into comfortable pajamas and brushed their hair. They climbed into bed, feeling content and exhausted.

As they settled in, Aurora turned to Mia and grinned. "That was quite a day, wasn't it?"

Mia nodded, her eyes shining with agreement. "Definitely one for the books. But I'm so glad we have each other to share it with."

Aurora smiled, feeling grateful for her friends. "Me too, Mia. Me too."

With happy hearts and full bellies, the four friends drifted off to sleep, ready to face whatever adventures tomorrow might bring.