
Ember’s Kiss “A Fiery Love that defies the Darkness”

In the small town of Oakdale, 16-year-old Rory Michaels struggles to find her place amidst family secrets and supernatural whispers. Her life takes a dramatic turn when she meets enigmatic Ethan Blackwood, a mysterious and captivating stranger with ties to the ancient magic that permeates Ashwood, a town shrouded in mystery and danger. As Rory's family moves to Ashwood, she finds herself torn between her forbidden love for Ethan and her growing connection to Liam, a charming and loyal friend with his own secrets. As tensions rise and loyalties are tested, Rory must navigate the treacherous world of supernatural politics, family feuds, and ancient secrets that threaten to tear her apart. With the move to Ashwood, Rory must confront the darkness within herself and the truth about her family's past, all while embracing her own destiny and the fiery love that will change her life forever.

Sylvie_Gold · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 12: Magic and Malice

Aurora settled into her seat in the history of mythology class, her eyes fixed on Professor Thompson as she began to write on the blackboard. The professor's voice droned on, but Aurora's mind kept wandering back to the events of yesterday - her chance encounter with Liam Ryder in the library, their late-night texting session, and the spark she felt when their eyes met.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the class. Professor Thompson rounded off the lesson by assigning them research projects on the history of Ashwood. "I want you all to work in pairs," she said, her eyes scanning the room. "Choose a topic related to Ashwood's history, and present your findings in two weeks."

Aurora packed her bag, her mind already racing with ideas for the project. She turned to Mia, who was stuffing her books into her backpack. "Hey, let's work together on this project," Aurora suggested.

Mia grinned. "Of course, Rory! We'll make an awesome team."

As they walked out of the classroom, Aurora suddenly remembered she needed to use the restroom. "Hey, Mia, go on ahead to our next class. I'll catch up with you. Save me a seat, okay?"

Mia nodded. "Hurry up, Rory! Don't be late!"

Aurora rushed to the restroom, her heart racing with excitement. She freshened up quickly and left the restroom, her eyes scanning the empty corridor. She was walking towards her next class, Magical Creatures and Care, when suddenly a harsh hand pushed her shoulder into a nearby classroom.

The classroom was empty, except for four girls who looked like they belonged on a fashion runway. They looked fancy even when dressed up in their uniforms, their makeup and nails perfectly done and their black heels shiny and polished. Aurora recognized them as the Elite girls, notorious for their mean-girl behavior.

The leader, a tall blonde named Tiffany, sneered at Aurora. "Well, well, well. Look what we have here. The little sophomore who thinks she's so special."

Aurora stood tall, her heart pounding in her chest. "What do you want, Tiffany?"

Tiffany took a step closer, her eyes glinting with malice. "We want you to stay away from Liam Ryder. He's off-limits to sophomores like you."

Aurora raised an eyebrow. "Ones like me?"

Tiffany snorted. "You know, ones who are clueless and don't belong in our world."

Aurora felt a surge of anger, but she kept her cool. "I don't know what you're talking about, Tiffany. And even if I did, Why would I listen to you?"

Tiffany's face turned red with rage. "You're asking for it, sophomore," she hissed, her hand raised to slap Aurora.

But just then, a deep voice boomed from the doorway. "What's going on here?"

Aurora's eyes met Ethan's piercing gaze, and she felt a rush of gratitude. He was standing in the doorway, his eyes fixed on the Elite girls.

Tiffany immediately dropped her hand, her face pale. "We were just joking around, Ethan," she stammered.

Ethan's eyes narrowed. "Leave, Now."

The Elite girls quickly scattered, their high heels clicking on the floor. Ethan turned to leave without a word.

Aurora felt a surge of gratitude and called out, "Wait, Ethan!"

He turned around, his eyes fixed on hers for a moment before he turned away without a word and left.

Aurora took a deep breath, her mind reeling with emotions. She rushed to her next class, her heart still pounding in her chest. She spotted Mia in the front row and settled in beside her, her eyes fixed on the teacher, Professor Wynton, who was standing at the front of the class with a mysterious cage and a cloth draped over it.

"Welcome, students," Professor Wynton said, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Today, we're going to learn about the magical creatures of Ashwood. And to start, I have a special surprise for you all."

With a flourish, she removed the cloth, revealing a beautiful white owl perched on a pedestal inside the cage. The owl's eyes gleamed in the light, and Aurora felt a sense of wonder wash over her.

This was going to be an interesting class.

Professor Wynton's eyes shone with excitement as she began to lecture on the white owl. "Class, today we have a special guest, Snowy, a rare and majestic creature from the mystical realm of Aethoria. Snowy is a symbol of wisdom, grace, and beauty, and it's an honor to have her with us today."

Aurora's eyes widened as she listened to Professor Wynton's words. She had never seen a creature like Snowy before, and she couldn't believe how lucky she was to be in the same room as it.

After the class, Aurora and Mia walked out of the room, chattering excitedly about Snowy. As they turned a corner, Aurora spotted Liam leaning against a nearby locker, his eyes fixed on hers with a hint of a smile.

"Hey," he said, his voice low and smooth. "I heard about what happened with the Elite girls. Are you okay?"

Aurora's eyes narrowed, surprised that he knew about the incident. "How did you know about that?"

Liam shrugged. "It's a big school, word gets around. But I'm glad you're okay. Those girls can be vicious."

Aurora felt a shiver run down her spine as Liam's eyes darkened. "And Ethan... he's a snake, Rory. He's manipulative and cruel, and he'll stop at nothing to get what he wants. Stay away from him, he's not worth your time."

Aurora's heart raced as Liam's words sent a chill down her spine. She couldn't believe the venom in his voice, the hatred he had for Ethan. What had happened between them, and why did Liam despise him so much?

Aurora felt a surge of curiosity, but before she could ask any questions, Liam's expression changed, his eyes softening. "Anyway, I'm glad you're okay, Rory. You're a really cool girl, and I'd hate to see you get hurt or manipulated by someone like Ethan."

Aurora smiled, feeling a sense of gratitude towards Liam. "Thanks, Liam. That means a lot coming from you."

Liam nodded, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "No problem, Rory. Just be careful, okay?"

Aurora nodded, feeling a sense of determination. She would be careful, and she would stay away from Ethan. But she couldn't help but wonder what had happened between Liam and Ethan, and why their hatred for each other was so palpable.

As she walked away from Liam, Aurora felt a sense of determination. She was grateful for his warning and his kindness, and she knew she could trust him. She was eager to learn more about Ashwood Academy and its secrets, but she also knew she had to be careful.

With a newfound sense of caution, Aurora continued on her way to her next class, her heart filled with wonder and her mind full of questions.