
Bad Memories-1

Sun rising from in-between the mountains, all the trees, the rocks, the animals and birds and waters all in symphony with the nature, women and men going early to the fields and work to earn their living, shepherd's with their flocks heading to the grasslands; coming back home definitely feels refreshing and peaceful. My home is surrounded by grasslands and our farms uphill, all you see are trees, cattle, mountain and lake standing from here. There are two narrow path that goes downhill; one that leads to pihu's home and one that leads to main road. Yesterday had been a very rough day for Joey, most probably because he never travelled in hilly areas before. By the time we got home, he was half-numb, so he stayed at Sara's place because that was near from the main road.

"Having a great morning, kiki?" lucky handed me cup of tea as she stood next to me.

"So far, yes! Where's daisy? Is she still in bed?" lucky gave me a teasing smile as she replied, "where do you think she will be? " We both laughed until Daisy spoke still half awake," what are you guys laughing at so early in the morning?"

"About a sleeping panda that's still drooling half awake" responded lucky derisively and we laughed and mocked each other until the noon.

Three of us dressed similarly as we went for our evening stroll to our neighborhood marketplace to buy some groceries that mother told us to. All eyes were focused on us, as people walked around and called us triplets. We sisters almost look similar except for our noses and chins, mine and lucky's nose are little long and daisy's is lot flat, I have a little pointy chin and both of my sisters have broad chins apart from that three of us look similar. There is an army campus nearby where soldiers train, you will find every sort handsome men and boys training there. Our evening stroll even went by visiting their campus from outside and admiring the best view of my hometown. It feels so good to walk around so freely, nobody here recognizes me as a celebrity instead see me as human. But who can deny my popularity I did find my fanboys here too, as always ending giving autographs and selfies. However, it still feels less burdensome. On my way back I went to meet Joey and Pihu, they seem to have been sleeping whole day, and were going back to sleep again after having dinner. We promised to spend the tomorrow's day to go hiking in mountains with no excuses.

After dinner I got out for walk around my house to digest food as I saw him striding before my house. My legs suddenly felt weak against my body and my senses grew numb, I could feel sickness growing in my body. Oh my god! What was he doing here? I thought he left years ago after our breakup. Why is he here? Sunny! As bright as he was, the same terrifying smile that flashed through side of his face, he same scary dark eyes that looked at me as if I'm a prey. He seems to be more taller and muscular though, it made me recall all old memories that I buried in time.

4 years ago, I came for a long vacation to my hometown. It was nice meeting my loved ones. I payed visit to every single friend in here, including sunny. Sunny had been my friend ever since our childhood. We talked, we played, we ate, we laughed together until things got awkward between us when he proposed me at the age of thirteen. As it was just beginning of my career I passed it on as a joke, but we never talked in years after that. Hence, I decided to build the friendship again thinking he might have forgotten about it, we are seventeen now and it's been 4 years. His home was downhill, a little farther from pihu's home. I and his family had a long talk as it was almost gonna be night, his parents told him to leave me home as its not safe for girls in night. It was one beautiful bright night with lots of stars and full moon. On our way back we exchanged numbers and talked about lots of things. Suddenly atmosphere became strange after he confessed his feelings again for me. I clearly remember his words, " I have liked you since childhood, you mean a lot to me. I'm still same, I love you and want to be with you. Would you be my girlfriend? You don't have to reply now, but I want an answer this time."

That night was too long for me, I thought about it a lot and finally answered him with a 'yes'. My life changed ever since then. 2 months passed so quickly, I was already getting used to him. It was time for me to get back to work. We promised to be faithful to each other. Time moved so slowly, sometimes it seemed to stop there as I had to wait for day to finish to talk to him. I was in shooting with my teen co-star Haider in a movie based on teen love story when our dating rumours went viral. It all happened when Haider and I were shooting in a beach, in our break time we went far away from crew, that's went paparazzi took photos of us. Social Media platforms went crazy along with sunny. He immediately called me back to Ranikhet lying that he met with an accident. I immediately cancelled my schedule and reached here until I found it was all a lie. We had a fight that day and just as I was about to leave, he shut the doors.

" You are not going anywhere, you are leaving that movie and specially if you and that Haider has a connection better break it." The look in his eyes was scary. I was fully shaken, I tried to leave but he grab hold of my arm, his hold was too tight for me to loosen.

"He is just a friend, we both were just shooting at the beach, there's no other connection than that. Now let me go!" I replied coldly.

" Are you not gonna quit the movie then? Is he much important not me? His gaze was fierce, my legs were almost freezing to death. My instincts told me to go but before I could make a move, his hands came striking my cheeks hard. Before I could think of moving whole world around me seemed to revolve as I fell on the floor unconscious.