
Elysium City: The Reborn Luna

At the age of forty-two, Summer Dawson met a brutal end; she was also forced to witness her son’s brutal murder. But fate has a twist in store for her. She is given a second chance in the form of Angel Salvino, America’s head Alpha. He brings Summer back to life but this time she is reborn as a younger and stunning lady. Summer is on a mission to annihilate those responsible for her tragedy and cleanse the city of Elysium of its power-hungry evildoer. In this electrifying tale, Summer joins forces with Angel Salvino to exact her revenge and battle the city's malevolent forces. Yet, as they delve deeper, Summer finds herself drawn to Angel, despite the mysteries he guards. Join Summer as she goes on a quest for revenge, and finds out the secrets Elysium city holds. How will her journey fare with the head Alpha backing her up and what is the truth behind his possessiveness over her? Will Summer be able to take her revenge, or fail miserably and fall at the hands of evil? Disclaimer: I do not own the cover illustration. Credit goes to the respected owner.

JulietRose · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter Ten

Diana's fingers delicately plucked fresh herbs from her garden, the cool dawn air wrapping around her. She hurried back into her quaint shop, dedicated to crafting potions and herbal remedies that had served the town well.

Carefully, Diana placed the harvested herbs in her mortar, their fragrant aroma filling the room as she began grinding them with a pestle. It was early six AM in the morning and Diana had woken up abruptly from bed. That had never happened before, and she decided to go make a healing potion in her shop, which was in front of her house.

Something in the air had changed, ever since the tragic loss of Jacob's daughter and son, casting an eerie and ominous aura over the town. She couldn't help but hope that her instincts were wrong.

A series of tinkling chimes echoed through the shop as the front door swung open. Diana glanced up, puzzled by the early visitor. However, no one stood at the entrance; only a whisper of wind rustled the curtains. She sighed and closed the door, returning to her potion-making.

With a sudden start, Diana spun around her heart racing. Her eyes met those of a familiar face—Neha, a young widow who had been a loyal customer for years. Diana struggled to regain her composure.

"Neha, why would you do that?" Diana scolded, stepping closer to her work table. "You scared the hell out of me. Are you here for a soothing drink? Is the pain worse than before?"

Neha remained silent, her lips curved into an unsettling smile. As Diana observed her more closely, her heart sank. Claw marks marred Neha's neck, and fear gripped her.

"Who are you? You're not Neha."

Neha's eyes shimmering with an emotion Diana recognized. "I feel horrible, Diana. I thought you'd recognize me no matter how I appeared. We're best friends, right?"

Diana's breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in disbelief. "Beatrice," she stammered.

Beatrice's lips curled into a sinister smile. "Bingo. I've missed you, old friend."


Summer's breaths came in ragged gasps as she pounded the treadmill, Billie Eilish's haunting melodies filling the gym. Angel had insisted on these morning workouts to maintain her fitness and prepare for the training that lay ahead. He was determined to equip her to protect herself.

Rose approached, her steps measured, and her voice calm. "Hey, love, the chef has breakfast ready. Alpha said you should join us."

Summer paused the treadmill, clinging to the handles. Her appetite was the last thing on her mind. "I'll eat later. I'm not hungry right now."

"Sorry, sweetheart, but Alpha insists. He mentioned you skipped meals, and we can't have that," Rose's tone was firm, leaving no room for argument.

Summer sighed and steadied her breathing, taking deep breaths and exhaling slowly.

"I know you're doing your best, Summer, but you have to take care of yourself. Starving yourself won't help. How do you think your son would feel? Do you want to die before avenging him?" Rose's words cut deep.

Summer clenched her jaw. "No."

"You have the chance to avenge your son and get back at Lucien Hamilton. Don't squander this opportunity. We'll be waiting at the dining table for you," Rose said before exiting the gym.

Tears welled in Summer's eyes, and she fought to hold them back. She clamped her hands over her mouth and let out a muffled scream before the sobs overtook her.

The weight of it all was unbearable. Her son's murderer was within arm's reach, but she couldn't act. She resented the role she had to play, forced to fake affection for the man who had destroyed her family.

The world seemed unjust, favoring wickedness over goodness. But she was determined to ensure that Lucien Hamilton got what he deserved.

Summer took a deep breath and exhaled, this was no time to act weak or sentimental. She brushed the imaginary creases on her lap and made her way out of the gym. She came down to the dining room and found Angel, Rose, and two unfamiliar faces waiting for her.

Seated to Angel's right was a person with wavy, blonde hair, brown eyes, and a charming boyish face. Across from Rose sat a man with dark skin, curly black hair, and captivating hazel eyes, his muscular build and attractiveness plain to see.

"Ah, Summer, you finally decided to join us," Angel greeted with enthusiasm evident in his eyes.

Summer smiled sheepishly. "Sorry for keeping you all waiting."

The blonde-haired guy grinned at her. "No worries, beautiful lady,"

Summer nodded and took her seat, where Rose helped her with her meal.

"Thank you, Rose," Summer said politely, earning a warm smile in return.

The talkative blonde couldn't resist asking. "Alpha, won't you introduce us to our new pack member?"

"She hasn't officially joined the pack yet. Her name is Bela Hadrian." Angel clarified with a measured tone.

The blonde raised an eyebrow, puzzled. "Bela? But you called her Summer?"

Rose, seemingly exasperated, rolled her eyes. "Nosy girl, that's an inside nickname. Only Alpha calls her that."

Summer's eyes widened in surprise. "You're a girl?"

The girl winked at her, a mischievous grin tugging at the corners of her lips. "I can be whatever you want me to be, sweetheart."

Angel intervened, grabbing the blonde by the ear and she yelped. "Bela isn't one of your college admirers, and we don't have time for your antics."

The blonde, now wincing in discomfort, muttered an apology. "Yes, Alpha. Please, release my ear. I'm sorry, Miss Bela."

Summer chuckled, uncertain why her true identity was concealed from the pack members, but she didn't question it. The fewer who knew, the better.

Angel released his grip on the blonde's ear, his attention drawn to the melodious laughter that escaped Summer's lips. Her laughter held a mesmerizing quality, and for a moment, he had been lost in its enchantment. A subtle kick from Rose under the table jolted him out of his daze, reminding him of his surroundings.

"Bela, meet an enforcer in my pack, Paris Stallion."

Summer offered a warm smile at Paris and inquired, "Nice to meet you, Paris. But could you explain what exactly an enforcer does?"

"An enforcer is the alpha's trusted advisor, the head of security, and essentially, the alpha's right-hand person."

Summer furrowed her brow, seeking clarity. "Then who's the alpha's left hand?"

A friendly grin spread across the face of the dark-skinned man. "That would be me," he said. "Nice to meet you, Miss Bela. My name is Noah... Noah Westbrook."

Summer extended a hand, greeting him warmly. "Nice to meet you, Noah. So, what's the alpha's role in the pack?"

Summer realized there was much about the pack and the supernatural world that she didn't understand, and if she wanted to assume her role as ruler, she needed to grasp these intricacies.

Noah continued to explain. "I'm the alpha's right-hand person, his first lieutenant and second in command, responsible for leading the packs in the alpha's absence."

"Think of him as the Vice President," Angel added.

Summer bobbed her head."That's fascinating. The structure is beautiful. So, who is Luna?"

A heavy silence filled the room, and Summer worried she had touched upon a sensitive topic. Angel eventually broke the tension. "The Luna holds a rank equal to the alpha's and oversees the pack in his absence."

Confusion still lingered for Summer. "But isn't the beta second in command?"

Noah shook his head, "The Luna isn't second in command. She holds an equal position to the alpha as his mate, blessed by the moon goddess."

Summer's eyes widened with surprise. "So, there's a destined mate for everyone?"

"Yes, but for humans, finding their mates is an incredibly rare occurrence," Noah replied.

"Jesus Noah," Paris groaned. "why do you keep talking like you're straight out of that vampire series? What was it called?"

"The Originals," Noah quipped.

"Bingo, that's the one."

Noah rolled his eyes at her and Rose chuckled.

Curiosity sparked within Summer. "Have any of you found your mates?"

They all shook their heads, and her gaze landed on Angel, who was quietly eating.

She couldn't resist the urge to ask him, her voice trembling with an unfamiliar feeling. "What about you, Angel?" The room went silent, and Angel looked up, gently shaking his head.

Paris chuckled, nervously. "Let's forget about all this pack stuff and enjoy our meal."

The others readily agreed, and they dug into their food.

Despite her attempt to brush it aside, an ache settled in Summer's chest upon learning that Angel had no mate. She pushed the feeling aside and focused on her meal.


Diana stared at Neha or rather Beatrice who had occupied the body of the young widow. She knew that Neha was long dead and prayed that her soul found peace, but she was sure that was unlikely to happen because Beatrice would have given her the most terrible torture before finally taking her life.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Diana questioned, "How did you escape from the afterlife?" The shock of seeing her dead friend from 1885 was almost too much to bear.

Beatrice's response held a sinister edge. "I made a deal with the devil."

Diana's blood ran cold as she wondered just how far her friend had gone to return from the other side.

But she needed answers. "What are you doing here, Beatrice?"

A chilling smile curled on Beatrice's lips. "Lucien murdered me and took my children, and I'm here to return the favor."

The room grew colder as Beatrice's words hung in the air, leaving Diana with a sense of impending doom.

Hey guys, Happy New Month, and I hope everyone has a great month. I've been busy with school but promise I'll be uploading daily from henceforth. don't forget to comment and vote. Love you all!!!

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