
Elysian Invasion: Awaken of the Hunters

There are countless calamities around the world and every year few hundred thousand people die . But that calamity was the one calamity that changed everything. Kei Nakamura obtains the Book Of Shadows and gains the knowledge of something that others aren't aware of .

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30 Chs

30: Underground Fighting Ring (2)

"KYYAAA! IT'S THOMAS! HE IS SO HOT." "GO ON TIGER! GO AND BEAT THAT LOSER! I HAVE PLACED A HUGE BET ON YOU." The whole crowd was cheering for a fighter that was all Kei could decipher 'This Thomas must be the one, who I will be fighting today.' then he enters the ring to see a man in his shorts with his gloves on and he has eight-pack abs and has a lean athletic body. He has white hair and brown eyes. He was waving at the crowd and then he sees Kei with a mask and starts taunting him "Got to ugly of a face to show huh? Whatever, just come here so that I could beat your ass."

Kei just sighs at that. 'Another immature teenager.' then the referee comes and checks them and makes sure that they don't have any weapons hidden anywhere then he explains the rules. "First thing if you don't follow any of these rules then you are immediately banned from participating in the underground fighting ring. You will be kicked out and may be found dead somewhere so I repeat DON'T BREAK THE RULES!" and both the fighters nod at that and then the referee continues "You are allowed to use your Mana. Only hand to hand combat is allowed. When I say the match is over, then the match is 'Over'. Try to cause less injury to the other person as you are a valuable asset to us. Now that everything is explained then let's BEGIN THE FIGHT!" and the referee goes to a side.

As soon as the match begins Thomas starts to circle around Kei at a fast pace and he cockily says "Can you see my movements? You lower!" then he throws a punch at Kei's face thinking 'This loser is a newbie so I should teach him a lesson. I was also bullied by my seniors when I came here. I almost died because of them but now I can do the same.' but Kei just dodges his punch, then another and another and it just turns to Kei dodging punches and kicks from Thomas.

"I honestly expected better but this isn't even a warmup for me." Kei says this then he builds a little Mana in his hands and punches Thomas which sends him flying and he crashes. "Ho...w?" Thomas asked himself. The referee comes to check whether or not Thomas and he declares "Zephyr is the winner."

The whole crowd was shocked and somebody said "One punch?.. ONE PUNCH!" and started to scream "HOW CAN THIS BE POSSIBLE? THIS MATCH WAS RIGGED! GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK, RIGHT NOW!"

Kei ignores all of this and he leaves towards the private room. '3..2..1' "Hello there. You created quite chaos out there. You're totally the opposite of your name." Vincent says that as he enters the room. Kei just blankly stares at him. "Are you expecting your pay from me? Don't expect it from me. I am just like them. I bet on people and make a ton of profit. By the way, I have to thank you because I earn almost half a million dollars in a matter of minutes just because of you. Conti-" but he was cut off by Kei "You talk too much."

Vincent is shocked that someone would dare talk to him like that but then he gets angry and shouts "YOU WORTHLESS TRASH! HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT! YOU SHOULD KNOW YOUR PLACE! YO-YOU-" but he was cut off by Kei "STOP TALKING!" and Vincent stops and gives him an angry glare then Kei says "If you're angry then come fight me." Vincent is at a loss of words 'How could a loser like him berate me like that?' then he starts to leave the room while shouting"JUST YOU WAIT! YOU'LL REGRET THIS DAY FOREVER!."

Kei sighs and thinks 'He was getting on my nerves!'

Time Skip A day later

The Kei enters the underground fighting ring and everyone was passing him weird looks and whispering among themselves. He thought 'Well, that is not unnatural. I pissed off a reputed person over here. They must be pitying me or thinking how foolish I am. But, I don't care about these things. I am here for only one thing. That is to take revenge for all those kids who have been exploited like Marshall and I get two things as a bonus. First is fighting experience in hand to hand combat and by doing that I am earning nice money too.'

"ZEPHYR PLEASE COME TO THE RING." an announcement was made in the speakers. 'I didn't expect him to move so soon. Oh well, they just make it easier for me.'

While he was entering the ring, he noticed Vincent and he shouted "Bet on me!" and Vincent says "You will be put in your place soon."

Kei enters the ring to see a buff guy who was warming himself up and as soon as he saw Kei, he clenched his fists and said "You're dead today." and he launched himself at Kei before the referee could begin the match.