
Elvis in DC

A Elvis and DC fan dies and gets reborn in DC with very interesting powers.

Shadow_Dark240 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Zeus VS Thor part 2

So me and Oden just finished talking with the mayor and it's going to be broadcast worldwide on live tv.

Now me and him or at my bar eating pizza while discussing the new changes needed in our deal.

"You realize other gods won't stay idle for long with Thor and Zeus fighting In the human world" i tell Oden.

"I know I know but those two are stubborn this is gonna happen ether way all we can do is deal with it as it comes."

"What gods do you expect to visit first?"

Well he is not a god but he is as strong as one and I heard he recently left hell.

it took me a second to realize who he is talking about "no not him".

You got it I expect Lucifer will show up to watch.

Great Well this will make things much more complicated.

Yes it will

He's going to join in the fight isn't he.

Most likely

Then we better prepare for that to happen.

Anyone else to worry about?

Just one Aphrodite she apparently has become very interested in you lately.

"Great Well tell her to ask Eris first if she can join in our relationship."

"Now back to the problem I have a idea but

I will need you to be there to explain the basics of why he is needed."

"Who is this guy?"

"Hircine,Daedric prince of the hunt, sport and fair fights."

"And a dadric prince is?"

"A living embodiment of a concept from outside this multiverse."

"And you need me cause?"

"Cause you know more of the power levels of the gods of this world in order to strengthen the barriers around the stadium also so you can get a feel of them so you can better keep a eye on them."

"Sigh fine I do owe you for this mess I will explain to him our case but what does he get out of it?"

"A portal to access this universe."

"You do know the problems that will cause?"

"I know that's why you can get a feel of his energy to keep a eye on him by helping me with this."

"I can't be everywhere you know."

"True but you will be be able to notice the important stuff."

"True fine I will help you."


Two days later in Gothem stadium

With the preparations complete and two dadric princes to watch over the fight we are set for the fight of the century.

I walk in the stadium and sit in the commentator section next to Oden and Hircine and hermaeus mora.

Two pantheons are on ether side of me the Greek and Norse it's going to be interesting

to say the least.

Oh no he's here I hate that guy.

OK I'm here I hope you didn't start the party without me you know I'm all about the fun.

Sigh no Lucifer the fight is about to start.

Good and by the way congratulations Mr necromancer Heaven is in chaos thanks to you its all thanks to you I can leave hell so I owe you one for that feel free to collect on that later.

Joy well are you here to watch or join the show.

"The Devil fighting on live tv why that would be a tragedy , yes I will most definitely be joining" he says as he steals my popcorn.

"Sigh just get in there then."

"Will do toodaloo."

"This can only end badly"