A Elvis and DC fan dies and gets reborn in DC with very interesting powers.
Just to see a huge invasion of demons attacking everyone and everything.
Now in a rush to complete my goals I quickly take command.
"Eris go save Raven and take her to my realm."
I summon 200,000 Skeleton archers, 300,000 Skeleton mages and 400,000 Skeleton warriors.
"Archers shoot down as Many flying demons
as you can."
Warriors protect the people kill any demons in your way.
Mages set up my soul trap ritual with my prototype Ultimate black soul gem get it ready to be used the moment I need it.
Protect that soul gem with your lives we will need it and send someone when it's ready to let me know it's done.
Then I summon my mount a undead dragon
named Bob.
Bob let's go to Trigon we have a demon to kill!
I jump atop of Bob and he Flys me towards the giant red demon with four eyes.
After going through and killing only 20 flying demons since my army's got most of them occupied I reach the giant red demon
and just as I was about to attack I got word from my minions that the ritual was ready so my first attack was a advanced soul trap spell that I cast on trigon and connected it to my ultimate soul gem.
" What have you done tiny god!"
"You will find out soon enough monster!"
Trigon then attacks with a large blast of fire breath I dodge and jump off my dragon mount and land behind trigon.
Taking advantage of his lack of clothes besides a loin cloth I quickly jump up and ram my staff into his ass while conducting a powerful lighting spell through the staff and into his butt.
"Grahhhhhh!" Trigon shouts in pain as his insides are fried.
Trigon pants then angrily shouts "You insane maniac who shoves a lightning stick up someone's ass!"
"Me Elvis Pressly would!"
"Though I'm definitely going to have to clean my staff later."
You will suffer for that Elvis!
Trigon tries to disintegrate him with a demonic energy blast but finds his power weakening and it dissappears before he can use it.
Taking the opening Elvis attacks Trigons giant balls with a necromantic energy blast filled with the concept of decay.
"Grahhhh my balls!"
"Elvis Pressly!"
Trigon shouts "You will payyyyyy!
as the ritual finally works and sucks trigon into the black soul gem.
That must have sucked huh heh hate to be in his shoes.
Well now I have a giant battery and if Eris was successful a new student.
It's great to be me.