
Elvian warriors

In the word of Aurigae, there lives many kinds of things. People, animals, elves and dwarfs. However there also lives monsters and just a child of those monsters could overpower a group of young adults. So how do the people of this world fight against these monsters? They go through awakening. When the chosen warrior awakens, their back will grow a pair of wings that will give him power to fight against monsters. Follow aboard as our protagonist goes on his own journey.

parch_Seeker · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Six deities

Before the world was in the shape, that it is now. Monsters ruled the world, humans' inferior strength and power could not compete with the monsters who were stronger than them from birth.

It took am army to beat even one adult monster and people couldn't even use their organs or bones as tools. Humans had to hide constantly to survive.

However, one day that all changed. Six people above everyone rose to fight against these terrible monsters. These people, they evolved. All of them got wings of their own color and gained the power of elements with them.

With wings and elements, they also gained weapons bound to their soul. With these new powers, the humans chased the beasts away and gained back space to live in.

The world was in peace, the beasts were not brave enough to challenge the six deities and retreated. It seemed like the humans could live in peace.

Things changed faster than anyone expected. One of the upped deities, the silver winged Elvian and the black winged. They betrayed the rest of the deities and fled into the monster territory.

From then on, the people who also awakened with black wings would be hated on or even killed. However, no one with silver wings showed up.

In the present moment, Afriel had just woken up. He had washed his face and was putting some clothes on, that could defend him from the cold but also easier to move in.

Mom was still sleeping and Afriel did not want to wake her up. He quietly opened the door, stepped outside, and closed it even more silently.

Luckily, it wasn't snowing as Afriel started walking towards the edge of the forest with a saw on his shoulder. The walk into the forest was longs. The village was built as far away from it as possible.

The air was cold and Afriel could barely walk forwards with his tiny feet. He again started thinking how he could do this in seconds if he were an Elvian warrior.

The thought disappeared faster than yesterday because he had arrived. He started to saw a wood that could fit into their hut next to the house. The sawing was boring and took a lot of time.

There was no technique that could make this process faster. He had tried all kinds of tricks but none of them worked. He could only rely on force and strength that his body offered.

Finally, the big piece of wood fell down but not was the challenging part. Bringing it back. He didn't have strength to carry it back and the snow was no hard enough to drag it.

There was only one thing to do. He walked back into the city and soon found the group of five children. Like every other day they were running full speed across the city so Afriel stood on the middle waiting.

Julius spotted him after a while and stopped just in front of him.

"What do you need?"

"Can you carry a log back?"


He had a slight grin on his face and started to follow Afriel. So did the other children of the group. Everything went normally after that. They walked near the forest with no one talking and then back to Afriel's house.

When they were back and the log was in their hut, began the act why Afriel did not want to ask help from Julius.

"So, what are you gonna pay me with?"

"You know that I can't pay you anything."

"Maybe if you started doing jobs like your mom, you could."

Afriel did not respond. It was always the same trash talk.

"I wonder how much she earned from your father."

The twins and Lily were giggling at the bullying, that Julius did.

Afriel became angrier and angrier at the remarks. However, Julius was a lot more heavier, muscular and taller than him, he had no chance.

"Did you again wish to be an Elvian warrior?"

Afriel was silent again.

"Maybe you're mom needs to do some dirty work to earn money for a cased awakening?"

Afriel was boiling from the inside. He wanted to defend his mom from these claims.

"Maybe I'll offer some money for her for some good work of course."

His face was in a large grin. He was smiling from ear to ear and Afriel could not take it anymore. He launched himself towards Julius who easily dodged and punched him into the ground.

They all left after that. Afriel did not try to struggle. As he was laying on the ground someone spoke to him.

"Do you need help?"

It was Anna, she was the only one who did not laugh at him or bully him. She was the nicest and an angel compared to the rest of the devils.

"Thanks for the offer, but no."

"I'm sorry for the things that Julius said."

"You don't need to apologize."



Lily was already screaming for her to leave him alone. Anna got up and did as she was told to do.

After he was sure, that Anna had left he got up and took a couple of chopped up logs back into the house. He was thinking about the things that Julius said.

Afriel did not have a dad. He had run away from mom when she was still young and because of the prices she had to move into the northern region.

Because Afriel did not have a dad and his mom was pretty for her age, Julius liked to make fun of him saying, that his dad just paid for sex with his mom.

Afriel of course knew, that this was not true and just felt bad for his mom. He looked at her working in the kitchen boiling some northern frozen vegetables that they ate every day, expect for once a year.

He put the logs in the fire, which burned all day every day keeping the house warm. He stared at the flame thinking.

How different would his life be if he were an Elvian warrior. Would his dad come back; would his mom live in peace? These were things that the thought of everyday without getting an answer.

He didn't like to think for long of questions were the answer could be thought of easily. If his mom were still alive when he awakened, then of course he could make her live in peace. Without a question.

Mom brought the stew on the table and Afriel got up from the fireplace to sit down at the table. The food was as bland as always but he did not complain.

He knew that this food would keep him alive for another year when he would get meat again. He looked at his mom only thinking of one thing.

He would make her live like a queen one day.