
Elves Revolution

Almost three decades of drought transformed the Elven empire from a once mighty and feared power into a shell of its former self. The source of the drought was thought to be a curse- a blight upon their land that turned their soil into dust. Eventually, the Kingdom of Men took advantage of their neighbor's weakened state and invaded the elven lands, ransacking what was left of their villages. The remaining elves were forced into servitude and ordered to take care of the people who stole what was once theirs. Nico Holcomb is among them. What little magic he once had dwindled over time, diminished from being away from his homeland and shackled in chains. His only reprieve from his suffering is when he cares for the princess. She's sweet and affectionate and has taken a special liking to him. Over time, he develops reciprocated feelings for her, and he begins to believe she may help his people when she is queen. But his hopes are shattered when the king catches him in bed with the princess, and she accuses him of assault. The king then exiles him to the land beyond the walls. Nico travels for what feels like days, though it's only been a couple of hours; he sits on a tree stump to rest, only for the stump to start shining and shaking. Light beams travel through the roots of the ground like glowing veins. Figures emerge and he braces for the worst but looks up to see an old man with pointed ears. "Welcome young one to the Revolution. This was our home, and we're going to take back what is rightfully ours."

SPPrincess · Fantasy
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59 Chs


Ari peeled open his eyes and took in his surroundings. His room was massive with weapons covering every spare inch of the wall, a thin cloth surrounded his bed and he pushed it back to reveal the rest of the room.

A tall mirror rested against the wall, capturing the image of a young boy with a ghostly complexion. His wide, pale eyes were framed by light brown hair, with a distinctive white streak. His sunken cheeks and slender figure his fragile appearance made him wince.

The floor was cold against his feet and there was a wardrobe pushed back in the corner. He opened the door and pulled down an outfit to put on.

Once he was dressed he made his way to the window and pushed the coverings aside. He spotted his older sister, Bella, in the sparring arena throwing a guard over her back.

He expected Bella's intended, Vlad to be lurking around somewhere so he could show off but he didn't see him which was strange. Bella and Vlad were practically inseparable since they met..which was...?

How can I not remember when Bella met Vlad?? What's going on?!

Shaking the thought from his head he averted his gaze to his other sister, Aniyah, who was sitting on a bench scribbling in a book and didn't seem interested in the match. 

Ari moved toward his bed and pulled a pair of boots from under his bed and pulled them on, he was stripping them when there was a knock at his door. Startled he jumped slightly when he had composed himself he said, "Come in."

Ari was surprised when he spoke, realizing that his voice had a surprisingly deep timbre. His brow furrowed slightly as his attention was drawn to the entrance of the room.

Stepping inside was a striking figure - a tall, muscular man with shoulder-length black hair elegantly pulled into a bun atop his head. His piercing black eyes, narrowed in scrutiny, swept across the room, leaving an enigmatic impression in his wake.



"How have you been feeling?" his father asked taking a seat on his bed. "Are you having any head pains or anything?"

"I'm alright. No head pains." Ari frowned slightly. "Did something happen?"

"How much do you remember?"

Ari strained his mind his most recent memory was of him and Bella in the ring where she was teaching him the different stances to hold a sword. Whenever he tried to think farther back, a blinding pain burst behind his eyes and he let out a hiss.

Opening his eyes he frowned. "Not much. I'm guessing I was injured."


Ari stood and stretched his arms over his head, he glanced back toward the window. "Well, I feel fine. I don't want your pity. Why are you here?"

"Something has happened. Vlad has been captured."

That caught his attention and he slowly turned back toward his father. How could Vlad have gotten caught he was the best swordsman he knew, maybe he'd been caught by surprise.

But even that seemed unlikely.

"What happened?"

"We are at war. And I asked Vlad to fetch something for me, it's to help you and your death magic." His father said. "You were helping me build an army but then the injury happened and...things have gotten out of control."

"Death magic?" Ari asked, looking down at his hands which were now shaking. "I...I can do death magic?"

"I'm not entirely sure if that's what it is..you were in the process of learning how to use your abilities." his dad gave a slight nod. "But Vlad needs your help."

Ari frowned, tucking his hands away. "My help? What can I possibly do? I thought you hated me, I thought I was a failure. Isn't that why you always ignored me, why you've always shunned me?"

His father ran his hands up and down his pants leg. "No...It's not why I've shunned you."

"Then why?" he growled. "What would Mother say about this?"

"She's dead."


Ari stumbled backward and his hands went to the sides of his head. He started shaking it back and forth. How can Mother be dead? Why can't I remember it!!

What's going on?!

"What do you mean, she's dead?" Ari growled, squeezing his eyes shut, struggling to locate the memory. "Why can't I remember it?"

"You can't remember it because it was traumatic for you and I asked my mage to erase the memory. She was killed in the war. By the humans."

Ari's mind drifted, memories swirling, fragments of his mother's face, her voice, her death. Blinding pain. Unanswered questions.

Her shining, jet-black hair was meticulously woven into a long, intricate braid that cascaded over her slender shoulder. She was adorned in a stunning silver gown that seemed to enhance the radiance of her pale blue eyes, making them appear even more striking, and her lips were decorated with a vivid shade of red, adding to her captivating appearance.

She'd looked at him and said, "What are you doing up so early, love?"

"I couldn't sleep. What are you making?" Ari heard himself ask. He rubbed his eyes and climbed onto the spot on the bench beside her. 

His mom smiled. "It's a little something for your sister. Promise me you won't tell your father or sister of this."

Ari nodded and frowned slightly, trying to figure out which of his sisters she could be making it for. Bella hated anything frilly and smelled perfumy. It must be for Aniyah.

"I promise."

His mom hummed slightly and went back to her creation, after a moment of silence his mom said, "What are you thinking about, love?"

"Why does Dad want me to be like him?" Ari asked. "Am I wrong for not wanting to be?"

"Great Mother, no!" his mom replied, looking over at him. "You're your own person and you deserve to be happy. You-You are nowhere near your father in looks or personality and I don't want you to start now."

Ari opened his eyes now back in the present. He shook the memory away and stared over at his father who was still sitting on his bed. 

Why didn't his mother want him like his father? 

"Is there a reason for your visit?" Ari asked, tone cold and dry.

"Your sister's lover, Vlad, has been captured." his father said, rubbing his hands along his pants leg. "I figured this would be a great opportunity for you to prove yourself to me."

Something like pride and awe made his heart swell but he shoved that feeling away, turning his attention back to the window.

"You wouldn't want Bella heartbroken, would you?"

No. That was the last thing he wanted. Bella, who took care of him, loved him more than his father did and treated him like a human. 

He couldn't bear it if Bella were hurt.

The doors creaked open once more, and a man with a stooped posture and wispy, unkempt white hair shuffled in. His robes bore deep stains and creases, suggesting they hadn't been washed in weeks.

The putrid odor of death clung to the man, assaulting Ari's senses and causing him to struggle against the overwhelming urge to cover his nose and stifle a retch.

"You summoned me, sire?" the man rasped, his voice sounding like a rusty gate that had yet to be oiled. "Prince Ari. How are you fairing after your accident?"


His father approached him and grabbed his arm, he held it out toward the man who hobbled forward.

"Are you sure sire?"

"Do it."

Ari tried to yank his arm back but his father's grip was like iron. "What are you doing-?"

His dad covered his mouth with his hand to muffle any sounds. Air tried to turn his head away but his dad tightened his grip on his face, making him choke.

Ari was taken aback as the other man produced a lengthy needle. He flinched, attempting to recoil, his eyes darting between the two men in a state of bewilderment and alarm.

What the hell?

"Don't fret, son. It'll only hurt for a moment."

The older man pierced his skin and the dark contents seeped into his skin, his dad released him and dropped his arm quickly.

Ari's legs gave out, causing him to stumble backward so quickly that the room started to spin around him. His father and the older man blurred into swirly figures, resembling an unfinished painting as Ari struggled to regain his focus.

His mind was clouded with fog he could hardly think, much less plan a way to get away from them. His stomach churned.

"How quickly will this work?" his dad demanded, he sounded far away.

The man sighed. "The moment he wakes, sire. It should be too long now."

Ari crumpled to his knees and darkness greeted him like an old friend.

This is Eli after they've changed him into Ari......

Sorry for the late update!!!


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