
Hallowed Dreams


Where...am I?

My head hurts. I can feel the morning light on my face, but something doesn't feel quite right as I shift my body. There's warmth, when there shouldn't be.

I push open my eyes.

I see Rinei, inches in front of me. Her eyes are closed, lips slightly parted and breathing quietly.

And I think I'm dreaming.

But she feels so real when I graze my hand against her cool, pale cheek. Under the sheets, her leg is curled around mine. Her head is rested on top of my arm.

She's so close. I catch her scent, sweet and hypnotizing. It almost drags me back to sleep.

It must be a dream. It has to be.

With a soft sigh, I place my hand against the small of her back. Her shirt is hiked all the way up to her stomach, and I fix it for her with two fluid motions.

She'd always been a messy sleeper. Even when she was young.