
Elven War Song

Oryphus tightly gripped Irandil, the sacred sword symbolizing the Elven High Kingship, responding to him with a peculiar sensation. He lifted his head, his gaze traversing through mountains, forests, canyons, and islands, revealing his army fully prepared, with fluttering banners so vast they seemed to blot out the sky. He raised the sword slightly, hearing the mountains and seas echo. Thousands of elves, from various places, shouted his name in unison. His people anticipated him, their king, to lead them to glory, to achieve unprecedented feats! "I am Oryphus, the Elven King, the living legend!"

DaoistkKET7x · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 Plan

The night had grown deep, and the dim moon Eimoro in the sky emanated a faint glow that was barely perceptible.

Yet, Lorvik lifted his gaze and could see Elenia standing on the needleleaf tree. 

She balanced on the soft branches, gently lifting her tiptoes, elevating her fair face, and gazing into the distance with a hint of melancholy in her eyes.

Is she contemplating how to break through?

Lorvik strained to recall memories in his mind— The Prosperous and Summer Years, the year when the northern elven front lines collapsed, and the Holy War Army breached the ice curtain, forcing the northern elves into a desperate homeland defense.

Now, the entire Ironwood Forest was swarming with enemies. No one could guarantee the absence of the fervent warriors of the Holy War Army in the surroundings. Even that unfortunate fellow named Oryphus had met his end at their hands.

Though Lorvik hadn't inherited the memories of the original owner, which was, in fact, a good thing, he pondered the implications. A person's worldview and philosophy are largely shaped by memories. If he accepted a mishmash of someone else's memories, could he still consider himself as himself?

The disadvantage, however, lay in his lack of understanding of many things. Fortunately, he had the Prophet as a great source of information. Drawing on game data and past experiences, he could gather valuable intelligence.

"Hey, come down and let's talk," Lorvik waved his hand.

The Elven ability to move seamlessly through needleleaf trees was indeed a remarkable trait. This kind of tree-climbing capability was enviable to many players of other races, making even opposing faction players grit their teeth,

However, regardless of the circumstances, he had to have a conversation with his teammate first.

In such an unfamiliar environment, communication and understanding were crucial; survival depended on cooperation.

"He could sense his own vulnerability, and in such a weakened state, it was truly life-threatening in this dangerous environment."

Even though he knew the locations of many treasures, the first priority was to stay alive. Only then would he have the opportunity to explore treasures and engage in other activities.

Upon hearing Lorvik 's greeting, Elenia's robe sleeve slightly floated up. She descended directly from the needleleaf tree, her sapphire-like eyes gazing at Lorvik .

This is a typical wild elven warrior, with deep brown short hair, a broad forehead, a scar on the left side of his face. He purses his lips, and his eyes reflect determination.

Wearing dark gray cloth armor, now stained a deep crimson with blood, he stood up. To Elenia, it seemed as if she saw a towering mountain, so resolute!

To be fair, Elenia acknowledged that Oryphus was worthy of her trust.

In accordance with her clan's orders, she arrived at the front lines with the aim of earning merit to enhance her standing within the clan.

However, Elenia hadn't anticipated that the front lines would be breached shortly after her arrival. In the face of imminent danger, she was tasked to head towards the Ironwood Forest.

Oryphus, a guardian warrior sent by the warrior order, accompanied her on this mission. Unexpectedly, even the Ironwood Forest was not spared from the presence of the enemy.

How could it happen so quickly? Her unease deepened as she envisioned a sky ablaze with flames and the frenzied onslaught of the enemy.

The front lines were breached in just a few days, a pace that appeared implausible.

Were the warrior order's masters helpless in the face of such rapid advancement? While the breach was unfavorable, it shouldn't have resulted in a total defeat. 

A horrifying thought crossed her mind suddenly.

If the enemy crossed the Ironwood Forest, traversed the Fortress Plains, they would reach Silver Cone City—the heart of the Northern Elves.

But such matters were beyond her control at present.

Elenia could only dispel these thoughts and quickly head to the Centaur Tribe. Her priority was to urge them to retreat swiftly; that was her immediate task.

The person in front of her was the immediate concern. Oryphus, severely injured and miraculously surviving, had lost his memory. Under normal circumstances, Elenia might have found this intriguing and delved into the reasons behind his amnesia.

However, at this moment, an individual with no recollection, especially in a combat situation, raised a question: How could he recall how to fight? Such a burden seemed unhelpful.

Feeling a bit agitated, Elenia knew that burdens were also companions, and the deeply embedded pride in her bloodline wouldn't allow her to abandon a comrade.

The night grew deeper, shrouded in absolute darkness, with fingers unseen and a biting cold wind sweeping through. Lorvik tightened his arms, involuntarily shivering.

Elenia, upon seeing this, extended her slender fingers, drew a runic symbol in the void, and then gently raised her hand. A burst of flames erupted, bringing warmth to the surroundings.

Lorvik 's eyes lit up at this sight. Void magic of the sorcerers, a unique form of magical manipulation. Gathering magical energy in their hands, sorcerers drew runic symbols in the void to control magic, a method that could exponentially increase magical power.

Void magic, fundamentally distinct from the other three magical systems, had always intrigued him. Unfortunately, he was destined to be a warrior from birth.

This flame was purely composed of magical energy, but Lorvik understood that the subtle illumination was advantageous for them at this moment.

He felt a bit fortunate that it was March, the month of the dim moon.

In the myths and legends, the goddess Imoro, draped in mourning attire, only sees her brilliance growing dimmer. 

In the darkness of the night, she ensures the safety of Lorvik and Elenia.

"Oryphus, I don't have time to chat with you right now."

Elenia knew it would be a tragedy. Her heart trembled as if someone had tightly grasped it, making it difficult for her to breathe.

She absolutely could not let such a thing happen.

She extended her hand, using magical energy to sketch out a map.

"We are currently on the western side of the Ironwood Forest. The dense forest here provides good cover, but encountering those iron shells earlier proves that it's not entirely safe."

"All our food and water are left behind at the previous battle site, and time is not on our side."

Elves can't survive on just grass and fruits. Deprived of food and water, their bodies would weaken further, and after an already experienced battle, this weakness would be fatal. 

Elenia was well aware of this.

"We need to head towards the Centaur village, which means crossing the ravine pass."

Elenia furrowed her brows slightly, pointing to a winding path on the map.

She made a firm decision, "I've decided to travel through the night. If you want to stay alive, you better come with me."

Lorvik had been silently listening to her.

He carefully examined the map. Although it differed slightly from his memory, the details and locations were vividly marked.

However, he expressed concern, "It's too dangerous."

Lorvik muttered to himself, "To reach the Centaur Village, we have to pass through the narrow ravine. If the Holy Crusade has already reached the narrow pass before you, it's too dangerous."

"If the enemy arrives earlier," Elenia was somewhat surprised, realizing a logical loophole she hadn't considered before.

 The possibility that the enemy had arrived ahead of them was quite significant.

Elenia glanced at Lorvik . "Is your memory starting to come back?"

Lorvik smiled but remained silent.

"Even so, I can break through."

Elenia retorted, confident in her abilities.

Lorvik chuckled, "Do you really think you can make it through? Do you know the enemy's weak points? By then, you might find yourself in a dilemma. This is a gamble, risking both our lives and the lives of the Centaur tribe. If you don't break through, in just a few days, the enemy's forces will be sufficient to turn this area into a trap. The Centaur tribe, unaware of the situation, will be completely ensnared."

Elenia bit her lip tightly, feeling frustrated. "This won't work, that won't work. What should we do?"

She was a bit exasperated. "So, what's your suggestion?"

However, she noticed Oryphus didn't respond.

Oryphus pursed his lips, raising his right thumb to his chin, his gaze shifting back and forth across the magical map.

"There should be a place," he muttered, seemingly trying hard to recall something.

But he realized that, relying on his own thoughts, the magical map remained pitch black, with no discernible options.

"This shouldn't be...," he thought, considering that he might have overlooked some blind spots.

Thinking it over, he searched carefully once again.

Suddenly, he clenched his fist, finally relieved as he let out a breath. 

He found it!

Lorvik smiled, "I never participate in gambling. When there's a clearer path, why choose a more difficult one?"

His fingers traced across the virtual magical map, and eventually, he pointed to a location.

"We need to go to the outpost tower."

He said, "If I remember correctly, there's an abandoned outpost there. Outposts usually come with alert magic. I believe, as a Tier Three sorceress, you should be able to repair it. "

 "The alert magic can transmit signals across a hundred miles in the vicinity. We don't need to personally go to the Centaur village to inform them; just making them aware that there are enemies in the Ironwood Forest should suffice."

Upon hearing his words, Elenia also recalled the abandoned outpost, a relic from past wars. 

If they were lucky, they might find some magically preserved food and water there.

However, as she calculated in her mind, she sighed and shook her head, "No, it's too far."

It was indeed too far. The journey to the outpost from their current location would take too much time.

Suddenly feeling a bit weary, it seemed that her only option was to take the risk and head towards the narrow pass by the ravine.

But as she raised her head, she was momentarily taken aback.

Lorvik 's eyes sparkled with cunning, staring at her as he spoke, word by word, "I know a shortcut. We can reach it in just one day."

A shortcut? How could that be possible?

Elenia wanted to refute, but when she looked into Lorvik 's eyes, there was a kind of confidence—full, absolute confidence that couldn't possibly fail.

A slight surge of anger overcame her. After all, he was just a wild elf; what reason did he have to be so confident?

She glanced coldly at Lorvik .

Even if what he said was true, and he did know a shortcut, it was hard to believe.

Yet, what if?