
Elusive Miracle

Legends foretold, the spark of light Fallen from the heavens to bring delight Those who follow in her goddess's light Shall be brought to lands that heavens compare Darkness however knows they won't fare Against this gracious sunbeam's shimmering might Snuff this ember before ruin is brought upon the dark Go forth, my faithful beast of darkness! Engulf the spark before it destroys us all! _ One of heart, one of mind, one wish that made the heavens open their pearly gates. A miracle, born to lead the world into a new age of peace for the light elves. Unfortunately, that would mean the end for the dark elves. The crimes of their ancestors were pushed down through generations. The new age of peace has no place for half-demons, someone must put an end to the newborn Messiah. Unfortunately for Philomel, this death sentence of a mission was pushed to her, courtesy of the Chief's son, Asclepius. Asclepius, an ambitious, short-sighted dark elf, determined to bring the dark elves to their former glory. A person Philomel made the mistake of pissing off. Dragging along the oblivious entrance guard, (Amon) they begin their emotional rollercoaster of a journey. Daggers in hands, can they become the villains their tribe so badly needs, or will the guilt finally drag them under? _ A voice bellowed and screeched from all around him. It sounded like a million cries through the echoes of a cave, that shrieked as it spoke. The shadows reach out toward the blood-red sky, forming a huge dark figure, the figure of a roaring dragon. Its eyes shine through all the darkness, one a brilliant blue, the other a golden yellow, slits of black in the middle, when the dragon blinks, it blinks sideways. From the corner of the eyes to the other corner, rather than one eyelid to the other. " Was anything but pleasant." The distorted voice of his father reminded him as the dragon stomped around. Each stomp crushed the homes of many and killed screaming villages. " Is this what you wish for? Is this what your heart desires?" The disfigured voice questioned. __ " I win." Philomel smugly whispers to Lenny. Completely pleased with herself before noticing Lenny's heart rate beating against her own, matching her speed but was off her pace. It felt like her heart was pounding at an unnatural speed which felt scary but at the same time interesting. She barely noticed Lenny's hazel eyes sparkling as his shocked expression slowly melts into a blissful goofy smile. Her attention finally returned to Lenny when his chiseled jawline moved closer to her. Lenny's head leans forward kissing Philomel on the cheek as he stares at her with such soft eyes. Philomel instantly blushes as she gasps at the sudden kiss. Her lips trembling trying to think of something to say but her brain malfunctioned. Lenny let out a deep chuckle as he ran a hand through his mahogany chestnut brown hair, extremely happy at Philomel's cute reaction. _ There will be romance but it would be slow-paced since it's friends to lovers. No smut scenes. There will be battles and tons of emotional trauma. Super in the middle can go both ways. This book is experimental writing. It shall be written in script format, detailed, and have a rhythmic beat/freestyle poem to certain scenery descriptions. The story shall also have switched target audience, where certain chapters are tailored to male/ female readers. There will be a notice to inform which chapters are which. Female Tailored Chapters (FTC) will have more cute scenes between characters. Male Tailored Chapters (MTC) will have battle based on the Dungeon and Dragon format where the victory or defeat of a match is based on a dice roll. Upload Every Saturday I will also be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com and Inkitt. ______________________________________________

Metztli_Night · Fantasy
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163 Chs

V5 Chapter 37 Daycare 1/2 (FTC)

" Can't I just bring him along with me? I promise I'll take care of him if he's cranky."

Amon begged for the hundredth time as Philomel and Hector pushed Amon towards the daycare hut.

" For the million times, no! If he's cranky then who would wanna adopt him?? You got given him his best chance."

Philomel huffed out completely annoyed at the whole situation.

" Amon, I'm truly sorry about you having to spend your last day with him, separated but it's for the best. What she says is technically true."

Hector whined feeling bad for Amon but doing his best to help them out.

" Please, can't you reconsider??"

Amon begged unwilling to move his feet as his shoes scrape the dirt road. Philomel and Hector plowed through the road with Amon as their plow, making the farmers slightly jealous at how much faster they were going than themselves.

The gazelle who ran the daycare watched their interaction with much uncertainty on how to react to such a situation. She was welcoming her other regular customers in and needed to be by her door. Unfortunately for her, being there meant a clear view from the village meeting all the way to her porch. Or should I say, a clear view of the two of them dragging a stubborn Amon from the meeting place to her home?

Never had she ever felt that uncomfortable, having to stand there and watch this struggle for the past 10 minutes. Wondering when it would be a good time to acknowledge them and what she should do, continue standing there, or walk up and Interact with them. Good thing for her Hector decided to interact with her when there were just 2 feet away from her door.

" Emma, Hey! Good morning!"

Hector chimed with a huge waving paw as half of his body hid behind Amon since he was the only reason Amon was still upright. If Hector had chosen to move his paw away, Amon would be sent crashing to the ground, and probably have a terrible blow to his back, at it.

" Hi, Hector... I see that you're showing our guests around."

Emma awkwardly greets, them as she rubs her hands together, trying to feel less nervous. She knew from the Village meeting that Amon and Philomel were going to be visiting every hut looking for a suitable family along with the other updates of the villages. Which consists of, 20 percent damage to the defenses around the farm from last night's dark creatures raid, 3 of the night patrol were injured from the same raid, and they have to go deeper into the forest to gather food which meant more dangers.

" Yeah! Come and meet my new friends! This is Amon and his wife Philomel."

Hector reintroduced as he gestures to one and then the other which wasn't necessary since Emma already learned their names during the meeting.

" Hi!"

Philomel smiles with a wave.

" Hello. And this must be our newest little addition to our village."

Emma said with the best smile she could do without it looking awkward as she reaches out to Little One. Amon turns away from her as his arms around Little One shield the baby more. Emma seeing this places her hands behind her back and gave an awkward laugh. Philomel shook her head at Amon's actions.

" How about a little tour? You could meet all the friends your Little One would be playing with today."

Emma suggested with a clap, silently proud of the quick idea as she gestures for them to come into her hut. Amon stood there not willing to move from the pouch and Philomel had to push him in, getting used to... what she like to call "silent encouragement" which was obviously silently forcing.

The hut compared to Hector's home was on a much smaller scale, it being a two-bedroom hut and the common area is half the size but the layout was quite similar. The kitchen is at the back, the dinner area to the left, and a wide open area to the right, which is purely dedicated to child care. It was a huge playpen section off by what looked like an inward bar counter, storage on the outside wooden backing on the inside. There was a huge soft carpet within the playpen along with many pillows and soft toys. Which seems like the ideal place for kid safety but even so Amon wasn't convinced.

There were 6 toddlers, a bear, a kangaroo, a fox, and 3 black wolf cubs, playing within the playpen with each other and 2 preschoolers playing outside of the playpen, a lion, and a gazelle. Philomel recognized the two preschoolers she saw yesterday.

" Kids, let's all play the naming train and introduce ourselves to our guests, shall we?"

Emma sang out sweetly like a gleeful morning chirping bird as she claps her hands in a rhythm. All younglings stopped what they were doing and let out a little howl in whatever tone they could muster as they all lined up in the playpen from oldest to youngest. Which in this case was gazelle, lion, all 3 wolf cubs, bear, fox, and lastly, kangaroo.

Philomel and Amon were both shocked that such a small gazelle was the oldest of all of them. They all clap their hands together as they sang along.

" Today's the day,

no time for rain,

lets all play under the stars today,

it's time to join, our train of joy,

let's start with our names for toys.

Are you here? Shayna!"

" Here!"

The small gazelle yelled as she waves her hands over her head with much excitement, getting the rest all hyped up.

" Where are you? Richard!"

They asked as they all pretend to search for the lion.

" Here!"

He roared as he jumps up.

" Can't see you! Wolf triplets. Blaze, Blain, and Blake."

They continue the song as they covered their eyes.
