
Elusive Miracle

Legends foretold, the spark of light Fallen from the heavens to bring delight Those who follow in her goddess's light Shall be brought to lands that heavens compare Darkness however knows they won't fare Against this gracious sunbeam's shimmering might Snuff this ember before ruin is brought upon the dark Go forth, my faithful beast of darkness! Engulf the spark before it destroys us all! _ One of heart, one of mind, one wish that made the heavens open their pearly gates. A miracle, born to lead the world into a new age of peace for the light elves. Unfortunately, that would mean the end for the dark elves. The crimes of their ancestors were pushed down through generations. The new age of peace has no place for half-demons, someone must put an end to the newborn Messiah. Unfortunately for Philomel, this death sentence of a mission was pushed to her, courtesy of the Chief's son, Asclepius. Asclepius, an ambitious, short-sighted dark elf, determined to bring the dark elves to their former glory. A person Philomel made the mistake of pissing off. Dragging along the oblivious entrance guard, (Amon) they begin their emotional rollercoaster of a journey. Daggers in hands, can they become the villains their tribe so badly needs, or will the guilt finally drag them under? _ A voice bellowed and screeched from all around him. It sounded like a million cries through the echoes of a cave, that shrieked as it spoke. The shadows reach out toward the blood-red sky, forming a huge dark figure, the figure of a roaring dragon. Its eyes shine through all the darkness, one a brilliant blue, the other a golden yellow, slits of black in the middle, when the dragon blinks, it blinks sideways. From the corner of the eyes to the other corner, rather than one eyelid to the other. " Was anything but pleasant." The distorted voice of his father reminded him as the dragon stomped around. Each stomp crushed the homes of many and killed screaming villages. " Is this what you wish for? Is this what your heart desires?" The disfigured voice questioned. __ " I win." Philomel smugly whispers to Lenny. Completely pleased with herself before noticing Lenny's heart rate beating against her own, matching her speed but was off her pace. It felt like her heart was pounding at an unnatural speed which felt scary but at the same time interesting. She barely noticed Lenny's hazel eyes sparkling as his shocked expression slowly melts into a blissful goofy smile. Her attention finally returned to Lenny when his chiseled jawline moved closer to her. Lenny's head leans forward kissing Philomel on the cheek as he stares at her with such soft eyes. Philomel instantly blushes as she gasps at the sudden kiss. Her lips trembling trying to think of something to say but her brain malfunctioned. Lenny let out a deep chuckle as he ran a hand through his mahogany chestnut brown hair, extremely happy at Philomel's cute reaction. _ There will be romance but it would be slow-paced since it's friends to lovers. No smut scenes. There will be battles and tons of emotional trauma. Super in the middle can go both ways. This book is experimental writing. It shall be written in script format, detailed, and have a rhythmic beat/freestyle poem to certain scenery descriptions. The story shall also have switched target audience, where certain chapters are tailored to male/ female readers. There will be a notice to inform which chapters are which. Female Tailored Chapters (FTC) will have more cute scenes between characters. Male Tailored Chapters (MTC) will have battle based on the Dungeon and Dragon format where the victory or defeat of a match is based on a dice roll. Upload Every Saturday I will also be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com and Inkitt. ______________________________________________

Metztli_Night · Fantasy
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163 Chs

V5 Chapter 27 Baby Night Shift 1/2

Philomel eagerly took a seat at the table, under the watchful gaze of the Elder elf. Elder elf seeing Philomel's eagerness couldn't help but smile. Hector silently took a seat next to Philomel as he winched at Little One pulling on the fur of his cheek.

" Hey now, that's not very nice."

She scolded Little One as she picks him up from Hector's arms. Little One immediately whined as soon as his little hands were out of reach of the soft snow-white fur.

" I'm really sorry about that."

She apologized with an awkward smile, feeling uncomfortable for having to apologize for someone other than herself. Something that she had never done before.

" Oh no, it's alright. "

Hector held up both hands in a calm gesture as he silently hope that it would be enough to reassure her. Hector noticed the Elder elf had already taken a seat and had her head bowed, seeing this he immediately did the same. Philomel noticed one open eye from the Elder elf watching her and she immediately bows her head as well.

" Compassionate and inspiring Goddess Luna, lighter of flames within our determination. Whatever your hand touches fuel it for the better. My flame is lit but burning low. I thank you for the food we have before us today and may the nutrition fill our weary souls. Let it burn brighter and allow us to carry out your will, Asil."

The elder elf prayed as she called upon the goddess to bless the food. Hector as soon as her prayer finished, Hector started waving his arms. The movement of the left hand bent downward circles over his head while the right hand bent upward in an L in front of his snout. Then both hands circle around the bowl a couple of times before waving it back toward his face.

" Zage."

Hector muttered as soon as the ritual was done.

" Asil."

Philomel quickly muttered it as well and hoped that the goddess or the heavens wouldn't strike her down for saying so. But at least she would be able to keep up the act for a while longer. Her heart silently thanked the twin gods of causality and as she did so, her blue eyes glowed brightly for a moment. Catching the gaze of both the Elder elf and Hector for a moment before her eyes return back to normal. Even though Philomel didn't know it but her inner demon's powers seeped out just a little bit, upon hearing the title of its creator.

The elder elf was stunned for a moment, wondering if Philomel's eyes truly glowed or if it was just candlelight catching her eyes at the perfect moment.

" No. This isn't for you and it's hot. Don't touch it."

Philomel warns Little One holding his hands away from the steaming hot wooden bowl. Little One squealed in Philomel's lap even though he was barely able to see over the table.

" He must be jealous to be able to smell such wonder cooking but not able to taste any."

Hector joked as he slowly started to eat. Both Elder Elf and Philomel laughed.

" Hmmm! After tasting such a wonderful stew. I have a feeling you might be right."

Philomel moans a bit at such good food as she was immediately reminded of home. The chewy tender juicy meat, the feeling of the pleasant delicate potato flatten down upon her tongue with just a soft squeeze. The flavors of the broth swirling inside her mouth were so subtle yet it had volumes to it. The stew at some points tasted a little nutty. As the acorns within the stew visited from time to time to Philomel's taste, reminding her that it was part of the stew as well.

In just a blink of her eyes, she could already see it. Her mother gently smile as her warm hand caressed her cheek and tuck her hair behind her ear so that it wouldn't disturb Philomel while she ate. She could feel the presence of her mother sitting next to her, their shoulders sometimes bumping against each other as her mother puts more food on her plate and urged her to eat more. Philomel couldn't help but feel the love and warmth from the food which reminded her of her mother.

Philomel soon return to the present and was reminded the person sitting next to her left wasn't her mother but Hector who lick his bowl clean with a wagging tail. She was slightly disappointed when she realized but not for long since Hector looked extremely adorable doing so.

" Nehhhhhh. Nehhh."

Little One suddenly fussed as he started to squirm on Philomel's lap.

" Hey, hey. What's wrong?"

She gently asked as she held the baby up in her arms.

" He's probably just hungry. Here."

The elder elf passed Philomel a bottle.

" Wait, how am I doing this again? Do I just give him the bottle like that?"

Philomel asked her voice filled with uncertainty and panic.

" Lay the baby on his belly and hold the bottle slightly above him, he'll know what to do."

Hector advised with a pointed finger gesturing to flip the baby.

" No, no. He isn't a half-beast. Cradle him, head against your shoulder, back curved between your arm and forearm, hand supporting his bum. Then gently hold the bottle to his lips."

Elder elf instructed as she helped Philomel hold the baby in the right way.

" Eh. Elf babies are more troublesome than half-beast younglings."

Hector noted to himself as he rested his head in his paw.

" That's because they only need to be weaned for 17 weeks."

Elder elf explained as she passes the bottle back to Philomel.

" Like this?"

Philomel asked as she held the bottle to Little One's lips and immediately Little One started drinking from it. Philomel softly gasp as a sense of accomplishment washed over her along with happiness. Her mind kept registering with amazement and reconfirming that she was truly feeding the baby.
