
Chapter 3 - The Shotgun Wedding

Everything happened so fast that he didn't see how the man got to him. Things only came to light after he landed on the floor while holding his stinging cheek. Leonard looked at the short, voluptuous man in front of him who is still catching his breath. He then grabbed Spencer to his side.

"You don't get to hurt my son! How dare you lay you ugly hand and hurt my precious son's face!" Shouted the man.

"Now you don't see that everyday." He was about to say something when someone talked. He looked at where the direction of the voice comes from.

"Father." Leonard whispered.

Then he looked at the man again who's now hugging his son. "And who are you? How did you get inside?" Leonard asked as he stand up.

"I found him at the gate begging the guards. He said his son is here. So out of the kindness of my heart I let him in. Never thought the son he was talking about was none other than my grandson."

The old man walk in-front of him and looked at him as if he's inspecting and reading him from inside out. Then he looked at his son Nexus that he's still hugging. "My favorite grandson, care to introduce me to this young man?"

"I'm your only grandson, grandpa." Nexus answered. Niel got confused with the situation but when he was about to open his mouth to ask his son said something that would change the course of his life.

"He is my mother grandpa." Nexus said. The old man left out a chuckle before he looked at the man who he just punched a moment ago.

"So he's the mother then?"

Niel can see sour expression on the man's face as if he's about to throw up at the thought.

"Of course not! Do you think I would sleep with him?" The man without any thought nor any consideration shouted his disgust towards the thought of spending a night with him. It hurt him a little but he knows full well that no man in their right mind would sleep with him even if it just a mistake.

"Do you really think I would sleep with a man who has as rotten and ugly attitude as you are? The only good thing about you is your face!" Niel shouted back cutting the man's protest against him.

"You! Who do you think you are to even say that?!" The man stomp his way towards him and pulled his shirt.

"Enough it you two!" The old man shouted.

"If he's not his mother then why is my grandson calling him his mother then?" The old man asked.

"I adopted him — legally. The boy is an orphan and I stood as his parent and guardian." Niel explained.

"Why you!" The man was about to go to the kid again but Niel is fast and punched the man again.

"Try to touch my son again and I swear. I'll break your very bone in your body!" Niel shouted.

"Carwyn, that's enough." The old man warned the man who for the second time is lying on the floor with his now swollen cheeks.

"I'm sorry for this, but my grandson is not an orphan. He ran away again and this time it was hard to locate him. We have been searching for him for years now. But I'm grateful that he found a home and family with you." The man said.

Niel, doesn't like the tone of the man nor where the conversation is going. So he instinctively hug his son tighter. "It seems to me that he is not welcome here. So can I just keep him? I'll love him and do my best to give him a bright future." Niel said.

"No, no don't get me wrong. I'm not taking spencer away from you. As a matter of fact I want to make a proposal." The old man said.

"Proposal? I'll accept it! Anything just so me and my son can stay together." Niel was desperate.

"Yes of course! I want you to marry my son and be officially part of my family and Spencer's mother."

Niel was speachless. His eyes wonder to the man who's still on the floor, he saw how his face turned pale from the old man's new before he lied flat on the floor unconscious.


Carwyn opened his eyes and immediately felt the pain to his both cheeks. He then remembered what his father just said which made him jumped out of his bed. He run to the dining room and there saw the ugliest omega he have seen in his whole life. He might be exagirating in this part but right now in his eyes he is the ugliest he has seen.

"Tell me you are just kidding father!" Carwyn shouted. "I did everything you told me but marrying him is just too much!"

"You don't really much choice with this. I only want what's best for you. And right now he is the best you can get." The man calmly said through eating his stake.

"Do you think with my caliber he is the best for me? You just want to make my life miserable!"

"You choose, marry him or be stripped off with all that you have and the position the you are in. I can promise to make your life miserable just like what you're accusing me right now."

Carwyn glared at the fat ugly omega, before answering his father. "You just said marry him right? If this marriage doesn't work in a year time I'll be divorcing him."

The old man just shuckled. "Oh boy, I hope you don't eat your words. I can already see it. The future. Spencer my boy, what do you want for a siblings?"

Carwyn felt the cold wind to his spine as his father speak the most cringing words he never thought to hear. But he saw how his son's eyes glistened.

"Anything is fine with me as long as they are healthy!" The boy quickly respond. But the excitement suddenly got replaced with disappointment. "But it is impossible. As long as mother is with me I'm already contented."

"Don't worry my boy. We will be hearing babies cries soon." The man laughed.

Carwyn almost puked at the thought, but the omega remained silent. "There will be no wedding. I don't want to waste my time on things like that!"

"Soon there will be, but for now I'll be fine with you registering your marriage tomorrow. Then you'll move in with them after the registration."

"What?!" Carwyn asked in disbelief.

"You'll live with them, Spencer has been telling me stories how greate was his time with his mother in their little home. I think your relationship will grow closer if you three stayed in the space where you all can see each other everyday. Of course you'll still need to come to the company but not in your car." The man said calmly.

Carwyn was lost for words. "Are you punishing me father?"

"Yes, you neglected my grandson and didn't put an effort in finding him. Do you think I didn't know? This beautiful young man took care and love him more than his own parent does. This is just a small price to pay. Live with them for a year. If you can and not change your mind then you are free to divorce him a year after your marriage registration."

Carwyn wished it was just a nightmare he needs to wake up from but morning came and he just found himself signing the marriage contract and moving his stuff in a small room they call house. His bathroom is much bigger than the place they call home.

"Where is my room?" Carwyn asked.

"The living room is also the bedroom. Me and my son sleeps here." The omega answered. After that the omega left telling him he still needs to work and soon after his son left for school.

Since Carwyn was left all alone, he done some shopping and ordered various of things he thought what that little house needed. But to his surprise the ugly sadist omega didn't like it.

"What's all these?" The omega asked him.

"Furniture, are you blind?" He can see the frustration to his eyes, and hear the murmur from his mouth saying "give me strength not to kill him."

"See, I know you are poor but this house needs furniture for it to be liveable!" Carwyn swore he saw the omega's eyes turned red before he saw the hundred thousand dollars vase fly towards him.

"Take all these back to where you got this from before I send them all flying to your face!" Carwyn never made a phone call that fast in his life than he did that day. He swore he saw his life flashing in front of him.

That night for the first time in his life he slept on the floor covere by a thin comforter together with his son in the middle and his wife on the other side. Carwyn couldn't sleep because of the hard floor that night. It was a mistake but he can't just let all his hard work go to waste. He promised himself he will reach the top. He will be the person people will envy and wish to be. So he closed his eyes and let sleep take over him.

Morning came and he was woke up by the gentle tap on his shoulder. "Hey, breakfast is ready. What do you want to drink?"

He immediately slapped the hand that's on his shoulder. "Don't touch me!"

He saw the omega raised both his hand in the air. "No need to be so harsh, I'm just being kind offering you breakfast."

He glared at the man and got up. He walk towards the little table and saw the fried egg and hot dogs and a cup of coffee to his side of the table. "You call this breakfast? And what's this? This is not even real coffee!"

The omega withou words took the plate on his side and the cup of coffee. He ate it all in front of him and drunk the coffee in one go as if it was not even hot.

"Anything else? If nothing, then you may go." The omega turn to his son and sweetly gave him a peck on the head and told him. "I'll be off now to work son. Do your best at school ok?"

"Hey!" Carwyn called but the Omega didn't even bothered looking at him. "I said hey!" Still the Omega didn't spare him a glance. Then an idea crossed his mind. "Babe." He heard utensils clattering.

"What did you just say?" He heard him say. Carwyn had a playful smirk to his face as he stand up and walk towards him.

With his soft and husky voice he leaned near to the Omega's face and almost like whispers he repeat . "I said, Babe." Then he pushed the Omega's face away from him with his palm. "Do you think, I'll kiss you?" He said as he laughed. "You look hilarious." He continued as he laugh.

If looks could kill Carwyn would probably be dead by now. But the omega just quietly turned his back and put on his body bag. "Wait! Take me with you!" Carwyn immediately stopped him. The omega glared at him. "I don't know how to get to work. I don't have a car remember?"

"Just book a cab." The omega said.

"I don't know either." Carwyn simplye replied.

"Give me your phone!" The omega booked him the ride that he needed before handing him his phone back. "My name is Niel, don't call me babe."

"Well, Babe suits you. And since we are married I think it is the perfect endearment." Carwyn said trying to annoy the Omega but in reality he just doesn't have any interest in learning his wife's name. He thought he will divorce him soon so why even bother knowing.