
Elusion or Illusion?

A perpetrator, betrayer, most importantly a liar….. What circumstances would make a person lie? Would they ever feel remorse? Would a small lie ultimately be the cause of one’s trauma and possibly even death? Nisa Novak, a woman who tries to elude her past. Lies were something she would say on a daily basis with no guilt, as the world she deemed, 'deserved it'. Amidst all this, comes a variable she had never thought would; an innocent soul. Unexpected events, cause her to ultimately find a lie that would cause her downfall. Stuck between truth and lies she can no longer discern, she chooses the easiest way to save herself, ignorance. This is the villain’s side of the story instead of the victim’s. Her only key to salvation probably lies in the 2040's technology. "Everything is gonna be okay." "Will it ever be?" Or was it all just an Illusion?

Duo_Dynamics · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


I figured I couldn't open that door. Not with my level of physique. I couldn't say the same with my powers though.

I walked back a distance, figuring the distance I would require to open the door humanely enough. As I spread out my hands toward the ground, eyes glowing the same emerald green, roots uprooted from the ground below-this time two from either side so I'd get a better grip on the doorknob. The door opened towards its extremes to the exterior and I felt a fresh gush of air barging into the lifeless room I was in.

The humongous lawn stood in front of me, the greenery bringing me back to life-joy I hadn't experienced since my time in the house. It felt home. Perhaps my element. What felt even more magical was the next second, the trees and grass swayed in a motion as though reciprocating my feelings towards them. The weather and the surroundings were perfect until reality hit me-to be more precise the sun rays hit me in the face.

I pulled the hoodie instantly over my head, shoving my hands in the pockets. After walking across the lawn, the fountains, the trees I found myself in front of the main gate.

My heart stopped for a minute as I saw the two enormous gates but there stood the smaller-much more accessible gate next to it, Before I could reach a distance nearing the entrance.the security guard stopped me.

"Where are you going ?"

"None of your business"

"Unfortunately I am a security guard for a reason"

"Look my guy, I am never coming back to this place… so just let me go"

"Miss, you can't just…" I had enough, I tied him to the gate and went out. Sorry. I desperately needed to get out of this place.

I asked the system to locate Arthur Novak. I was surprised to see so many red dots on the map it showed me. I guess- Many people have a name like that? It annoyed the crap out of me, but I had to do it anyway.


It quickly located him in some huge building. I believe that's his office then. I walked down the street. The world seemed pretty normal except for flashes and booms happening quite casually here and there. Ah well, I guess it's just one of those days when you see things. I came across cave-like structures built at random places with a mist covering it's entrance. They had several colours and I think they should be what they call-dungeons. I ignored it and walked past it.I soon reached what seemed like a corporate office as high as the clouds.

What's with this man and heights?

Good Lord. Once again?

Believe me I didn't want a public display of my wild powers either. But there's just too much security at every mile I walk.

A security guard stopped me with a train of the same words as the previous one. I could have done the same thing but right now I'm in front of a place with a considerable number of people and socialising ain't my thing. Ah well.I have other ways, I sneaked behind the other building with a huge wall next to it.From the looks of it,it seemed newly constructed. No exit,no entrance.Perfect.

That didn't matter anyway. I just didn't want people. The beanstalk from 'Jack and the beanstalk' is gonna help me reach the horrid giant in the clouds. (Don't judge my sense of humour).

I raised a beanstalk to the top and lemme tell you the view was scenic. After what I presumed to be five minutes… I was at the top. The beanstalk arched toward the building so I could jump onto the terrace. As I landed on the terrace, the public covering the view from below at the best angle possible I walked towards the door. I could already picture tomorrow's headlines. I went to open the door, as expected it was locked.

Maybe my brain relished the idea of breaking open huge doors, and allow me to explain that it was all pure adrenaline. So yes. Before I could call for anybody or knock on the door, I was in; maybe not in the kindest way possible. I walked down the stairs and reached the elevator. 100th floor. Gosh This is actually 100 floors tall. What a way to waste money!

The doors opened into an empty lobby.Does everything that old man owns look so lifeless? I followed the directions passing by the reception, towards a polished sandalwood door toward the end of the lobby;I found his name imprinted onto the door. I opened the door; the room seemed pretty similar to his study (at home) except more professional now.

"Who-"He sat behind a desk working on his desktop; his eyes still glued to the screen."-is it?"

I pushed back my hoodie, ruffling my hair from all the heat I'd gathered on the way. The cool air from the AC felt amazing while he stared at me; annoyed look on his face placing a hand on his forehead.

"I told you, didn't I? I'd hunt you down no matter what" I helped myself to one of the sofas in the room. I sat there cross legged, my hands resting on the hand rest.

"How did you find this place?" He stood up and walked over to sit in front of me on the sofa.

"Why do you keep asking irrelevant questions?"

"You behave like a hooligan"

"Well, it runs in the DNA. Is that my fault as well?"

"You- You're impossible to talk with"

" Where's my stuff? I am not leaving without it. Do I have to be more specific?"

"They're ready."

"Great! You better not have tampered with it."

He placed a house card in front of me, a credit and debit card with a small chit bearing the passwords. A sense of accomplishment calmed me down but still for safety purposes I asked the system to scan for a tracker. Thankfully nothing was there. I grabbed the things and was ready to leave the room when he spoke once again.

"How long are you planning to freeload? You should join the guild to make your own money"

"You have the money to feed those pigs at home"

"They…. They are not capable. You know it as well"

"How shameless! You are trying to recruit me in your guild, when you've treated me like shit these past years. I am impressed with how you can delude yourself like this, what makes you think I'd join, huh?"

"You're my daughter and you'll be far more privileged here in my guild."

"True, but you are missing a few very important details. First, I hate having the title of being your daughter. Second, I'm pretty privileged myself- being the wielder of the rare earth element. People implore for having such beings round them. I don't need you. I'll make money myself, but currently I need to make use of you if you comprehend what I mean?"

Was I too harsh?

"So there's no way I can make it up to you?" Woah! How the tables have turned, He changes his attitude the speed of a chameleon.

"Maybe? Or maybe not? I don't know old man. But currently you have no chance, you've crossed the line again and again. I don't know what you could possibly do to get past that. Don't you dare force anything on me, all of this is making me wonder whether all of this is fake. You change so fast."

"I just- I don't know what to do with my messed up life. You remind me how much you resemble your mom"

This guy! I get that my mom must've earthed him when he was a chaos, but now's not the time for him to display his long-lost affections. Aish! So when someone curses at him….. he's like 'Ohh! Nobody has treated me this way before. She's so cool. I am intrigued!' He's a masochist. Why mom-just why him? I thought as I stared at the ceiling. I looked at his face again and realised the reason why. His face.

"Wow! You are down right hard for mom. I have a feeling she didn't own a cutesy personality… did she curse you or hit you when you both first met?"

"You're creeping me out kid! How do you know all this stuff? But she was really cute and gorgeous."

"Ugh! Gross… I'm glad I'm moving out"

I said with a disgusted look and once again walked towards the elevator. He chuckled and slipped in with me. I clicked the button for the terrace floor. He seemed surprised and looked at me with a question mark on his face. I ignored as usual. We reached the top and went up the stairs towards the door . I glanced at the broken door that was thrown at the side. He sighed.

The huge beanstalk was waiting for me.

"So that's how you came past all those guards" He had an impressed look on his face. By that time, I had hopped on the beanstalk. but as I was descending I noticed the crowd at the bottom. No way am I landing there, I bent the beanstalk towards a secluded place. I landed at an old construction site.

I quickly rushed out of the site and suddenly realised I had forgotten to ask where the house was situated. Ugh! I am such an idiot. Hmm.. after wondering for a few minutes I remembered there was another way. I scanned the card. to locate the place. Ah right! I finally remembered what this system is like-it's a hologram. All this time, I was wondering the right word for it. Thus, I followed the directions.

While following the directions, I passed by stores and realised I had a lot to buy. So instead of following the directions, I visited stores.pure joy of a girl if I'm being stereotypical haha. Buying anything and everything you want with no care for its price. I bought cosmetics, tons of sunscreen, clothes, masks and sunglasses. The most important thing - a new phone and a sim. My hands were starting to get heavy but oh well… My plants can help me.

The final place on my agenda was the grocery store. I need food. For some reason, I felt that I knew how to cook. I went and bought spaghetti, all different types of pasta, veggies, meat, eggs…. Bla bla… you know the basic groceries. It was around 9:00 pm now. I was walking down the street to call a taxi, when I noticed quite a lot of people were staring at me. I mean I know I am beautiful, but this is just too much… they were just being rude now. I started feeling conscious, my hoodie was down so I quickly started pulling it up again.

As I walked down the path,more people stared at me.Is albino that rare?. Oh maybe it's because of my plants. Tsk, the bags are just way too heavy. I can't carry them on my own. I am regret now, I should have controlled myself. Finally I reached the end of the street and noticed a showroom where televisions were being sold.

No way, No way!

Why in the world is this happening to me?


Cousin 1: What's wrong hun?

Cousin 2: She must have seen you're her parent

Cousin 1: Excuse me, she would implore have beings like me to be related to her!

Cousin 2: Yeah, I see that -_-

2 picking up the interstellar call and dialing Nisa.

Cousin 2: I am so sorry for your gain

Nisa: I j-j-just f-found out!!?

Duo_Dynamicscreators' thoughts