

"yo buddy how was your day, did you eat, did you play, did you went outside in a date here, shut up! Why are you angry my dear emalai ,am your dear AI robort who support you and courage you , did u kiss in date, I said shut up! Bam! Closing the door in a very frustrated mood, I hate this AI robort mainly this kind of Robert. Although, Some are nice.

I think the time has come I should prepare myself and be ready go for school or else the AI machine is not going to leave me until I decide to go to school, what a rule made by my commuties.

Emalai went to the school from the back side of the door as she knew that the girly talkative robort will not gave her a way to go at school as they have to listened there talk To the end and answers, the skys are always so hard like a part of machines , I Have dream many times,Nowadays, a girl and a boy that look very much similar to me but I think dream is a dream but what is dream, why was I saying that word!? Guess sometimes we say something we don't know ourself.

"Perfect time, yes!", I have reach to the school with a perfect mood here but not there, emalai sat down in her own seat at class, "good morning mam", everyone gets up and sat down while teacher gave them a each chocolate but why am I only the one with a brown chocolate where as everyone is having a grey type chocolate it looks like stone hehe I guess I deserve this because am different from others, I have feelings but they don't have, they have intelligent Brain or not, haha, but I don't have . Although I do think deep sometimes or everytime.