

The worst threat Jarvis came across on his way towards the top of the hill was actually a talking pineapple with a knife. The pineapple threatened Jarvis to a death battle in a language only talking pineapples understand. Jarvis isnt a talking pineapple and mistook the words as threatening screaming gibberish.

The pineapple said: "I challenge you, oh great white clothed giant, to a battle to the death! A right my ancestors have bestowed upon me in the name of the pineapple god of fruits! TO THE DEATH!!!" Of course Jarvis understood nothing of what the angry pineapple said and after calming himself down. The pineapple swung its knife and weakly threw it at Jarvis but to no avail.

After it was safe to do so, Jarvis picked up the helpless pineapple on one hand and the knife with another. "HARK! I've been bested!" Said the pineapple, "Slay me for it is my end! Bury me in sticks and leaves and ignite my body so my spirit ascends onto Valhalla!" Jarvis proceeds to cut the pineapple in pieces and eat it.

Jarvis is not a big fan of the acidic taste of the pineapple but a snack is a snack and he has no other source of food. Jarvis wrapped the rest of the uneaten pineapple with leaves from a nearby tree. The trees here have big leaves to soak up the bright star and it makes for great wraps to protect the freshness of the food. But Jarvis doesnt know that and figures big leaves make for good wraps.

Jarvis noticed a cave with a sign that reads 'KEEP OUT! Drappy's hideout.' Jarvis steered clear of it as he doesnt want any trouble and his curiosity was in somewhere else. Maybe another day he thinks that he will explore that cave. Jarvis hiked all the way to the top of the hills and saw the vastness of the land. The Sol was setting as the sky changed from a vibrant azure blue to a warm blazing orange. The mountains he saw near the begining were now multiple shades of royal eminence which makes the distant mountains look like ancient kings on the horizon.

Tor's Forest reflected a variety of colors from a golden amber to a bright scarlet as well as an enormous tree right in the middle of the forest, reminding Jarvis that early autumn is coming if not already here. Jarvis saw the field of tall grass behind him as the western winds pushed the waves of the ocean of grass. The sounds of life and wind ambients the world. Jarvis enjoyed the moment before heading into the village.

He saw that it wasnt a village but a town. Maybe the sign was outdated. Jarvis hiked down from the tall hills and followed the path to Tor Town as the Sol sets and the dark violet skies engulf the orange hues before reaching the beautiful purple night skies with stars, planets and other unidentifiable things surrounding the heavens.

Jarvis reached Tor Town right as the sol disappeared from the sky. Some of the stars were covered by the light pollution of lanterns lighting up the nighttime town. There he saw other humans. Many didnt seem to noticed the lab coat wearing new face as many were tired and were heading home to their beds. There was an inn that Jarvis could enter but realizing he has no sort of currency, Jarvis decided to trade the pineapple leftovers and the knife to a nighttime seller for a worn blanket.

It took alot of haggling and a bit of pity to buy a worn out blanket but hey, it was something. So Jarvis went to an alleyway and rested behind a building. The night sky was a pretty sight and the warmth of the worn blanket helped Jarvis fall asleep. Jarvis would've fell asleep well if it wasnt for a noise. The noise of rumbling trash and animals yelling. Jarvis wouldve fell asleep through the noises if it wasnt for a loud whining of an animal in pain. Hesitant and reluctant to wake up, Jarvis looks around for the cause of the crying.

An injured... animal, Jarvis has never seen anything like it, was being chased and attacked by a group of small red and black colored racoonbears. Racoonbears are trash eating animals with the masks and body structure of a racoon, but the face and strength of a small cub. They can grow as big as the average dog but despite their strength, are rather timid creatures unless provoked or really hungry. They have been known to hunt game as big as themselves but steers clear of humans unless say a child falls in their hungry den. That being said, there hasnt been any recorded cases of racoonbears attacking humans for the past hundred years.

But none of that matters at the moment. A pack of racoonbears are attacking an injured... animal thing! Jarvis got up to chase away the racoonbears with his walking stick. Upon closer inspection, Jarvis still doesnt know what animal this injured thing is. Its mouth looks like a vase, a suction cup where you cant see the light inside. Its white ice skin reflects the moonslight. It has several nubs it uses to walk by rotating along the skin. I cant describe how it doesnt twists its skin nor why it bleeds blue. The thing has 2 arms covering it's injuries and an angry noseless face. It has 2 spikes on the side of its head thats probably it's ears. It's black eyes stared angrily at it's savior, thinking if its just another animal trying to eat it.

Jarvis tears a piece of his worn blacket to wrap around the injuries and to cover its cold body. Jarvis has just enough blanket for himself but he keeps an arm out, holding his stick in case the pack of racoonbears comes back. The little injured being was feisty to sleep alongside Jarvis but keeps enough distance near him in case something happens. And so, Jarvis gained a strange new acquaintance under the night sky.