

.Evandale Ellis, The rare beautiful girl whom everyone desires. The ocean eyes of hers captivates anyone who makes eye contact with her. She is a confident being who hates being a werewolf.Arwen Gray,her now pretending fiancee still loves her. He is obsessed with her. He will not let anyone take her away from him. So,when a bewitching mysterious werewolf named Lorenzo Venus comes in their life,what will happen in each of their lives? What storms will destroy each other? Will they fall in love? Will they despise each other?

o_12 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Sweet heart,Glares

Evandale Ellis Pov-

I am hugging Lorenzo's waist like a deer holding on to its life. Because Lorenzo here is matching his speed with a cheetah or I don't know something very fast. I can hear his chuckles breaking through the heavy cold air.

"Venus,I am gonna kill you once you get off.You stupid stupid man!"I shouted.

"I don't think you will be able to do that angel! It is better to stop dreaming that."Lorenzo shouted back. I scoffed hearing him and he increased his speed more. I should have just walked.

"I thought you said you needed a walk? Not a ride." I shouted again.

"Well, I imagined that you will be hugging my waist so tightly.That's why I threw out the idea of walking." He shouted. His voice filled with sarcasm. He never speaks a normal sentence or anything,does he?

"You need a class where they teach you to speak without using sarcasm." I shouted for the third time.

"You better sign me up for that class,angel. I will be looking forward to it." He shouted. His voice again filled with sarcasm. I rolled my eyes at him and leaned on his back hugging him more tightly. I closed my eyes and tried to enjoy the cold breeze. It really was hot inside the house. I feel somehow at peace. The breeze is cold but today the eather feels comforting. I feel sleepy again.

"Comfy,angel? Need a comforter over your body?" Lorenzo asked.

"Way to ruin the comfy phase.Stop talking and concentrate,Venus." I stated smiling.

After a long ten minutes of me trying to hold on to Lorenzo and not falling off the bike, we reached the place where I asked my friends to meet. Basically,it is an old abandoned swimming pool without any water. We hangout here sometimes. Well,I do not come often because I don't want to deal with Arwen's stupidity. But I come here sometimes,otherwise I would have gone crazy.

"So,angel?"Lorenzo called walking with me.

"Hm?" I asked.

"Care to tell me about this amazing place? Why did I not know about such wonderful place?" He asked looking around. I glanced at him and grinned. His eyes weretwinkiling literally as he checked out the place.

"Wait till you see the creepy house behind the jungle." I said looking at him curious about his expressions. If back then his eyes were twinkling,his eyes are definitely gliterring right now. Such a cutie!

"I am officially hanging out with you from now on,sweet heart." Lorenzo said making my heart skip a beat hearing the new nickname. He is so sweet.

Arwen never called me with any nicknames other than Evans or Baby sometimes. He was a sweet guy but he always seemed controlling. Basically, he was not so sweet to me but with other girls. He was definitely not flirty with me and always seemed like he wanted to pick a fight with me. And now he wants a second chance. What a weirdo!Also he cheated and dare to ask me for a chance.And I even wanted to give some thought. Even stupidity has its own limit. Also I am obviously not comparing Arwen and Lorenzo right now. This is so rude of me.

"Let's sit down until they arrive. It seems we have come earlier than we thought. Well it is your fault for not walking." I said sitting down on the ground. Lorenzo mirroring my actions.

"Babe, you needed a ride not a walk. And I simply took you on the ride." Lorenzo said looking at me with his pretty pretty eyes.

"Settle down with one nick name,bro. One nick name at a time." I said looking away.

"Sure,bro." He said. His voice filled with obvious sarcasm. I stopped myself from grinning hearing his nickname for me. Why am I liking every name for me coming out of his mouth? Is it because his voice is pretty? His pretty voice does make my stomach filled with butterflies. I need to stop zoning out. '

"EVAN!OH MY ELLIS!"A voice shouted. Recognizing the voice, I stood up and ran towards Iris. He is already running towards me. He picked me up hugging tightly. I hugged him back with all the force.

"I missed you so much. Honestly. I had to survive two weeks with the lovebirds without you. I was so worried about you. How could you sleep for weeks? But look at you, you are glowing with all the rest. Okay I will stop talking, please tell me all the details if you are comfortable,hm?" Iris said without taking a breathe.

"Iris, I missed you so much too. Even though it felt like a day to me hehe. But I missed you for sure. Put me down now." I said tapping on his shoulders. He put me down on my feet and hugged me again.

"I love you Evan. I really do. So, do not go scaring me off like that ever again. Understand?" He said pecking my forehead beforebreaking the hug.

"I love you too,Iris. I am truly sorry for scaring you like that. "I said holding his hand.

"Mmm,Evan am I dreaming or there is really a beautiful hot guy sitting down there?" Iris asked walking towards Lorenzo.

"Not dreaming I can assure you. He is a new acquintance of mine who insisted to come here." I said smiling.

"Why does he look like he wants to kill me?" Iris whispered before sitting down beside Lorenzo.

"Sweet heart,is this your friend?" Lorenzo asked glaring at Iris. Oddly,he emphasized hard on that word friend.

"Yeah. He is my best friend Iris Ezra. Iris,Meet Lorenzo Venus an acquintance of mine." I said feeling awkward as they both now sending each other glares. I feel a little confused here now.

"NIce to meet you,Iris." Lorenzo said with a forced smile.

"Can you explain why you are calling Evandale,sweet heart?" Iris asked not bothering to say a 'nice to meet you too' . Did he not say Lorenzo is a beautiful guy some minutes or seconds ago?

"I do not think that is any of your buisness to know." Lorenzo said making his voice sound a weird deep.

"I think you do not know how friends work then." Iris replied making his voice sound weird too.

I feel so confused with their behaviours right now. Do guys act like this when they meet strangers or anything? I need my other two friends right ow with me. Where are you lovebirds?