

.Evandale Ellis, The rare beautiful girl whom everyone desires. The ocean eyes of hers captivates anyone who makes eye contact with her. She is a confident being who hates being a werewolf.Arwen Gray,her now pretending fiancee still loves her. He is obsessed with her. He will not let anyone take her away from him. So,when a bewitching mysterious werewolf named Lorenzo Venus comes in their life,what will happen in each of their lives? What storms will destroy each other? Will they fall in love? Will they despise each other?

o_12 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Friends teasing-part two

Evandale Ellis Pov-

I reached the restaurant with Lorenzo safely. The whole ride again was me hugging Lorenzo's sculptured waist tightly. I am a scaredy cat,no wolf I know.

As we get inside the restaurant to find the others,I felt like something bad was about to happen. I felt sick as if I could feel what was going to happen.

"Angel,you okay?" Lorenzo asked touching my shoulder. I looked at him and gave him an assuring smile that I am okay. I don't know if he can break the meaning whether or not it is an I am okay smile but it is.

"Are you constipated?" Lorenzo asked with his playful grin. This guy!

"Stop grinning. I will punch your teeth out of your face."I said glaring at him.

"You mean my mouth."He saidd grinning more wide.

"Stop talking. I am having a headache."I said pinching my brows.

"Your friends are over there. I see them.Let's head over to them." He said holding my hand. This guy really should stop touching or holding me wheneveer he wants.

"Thank you for your kind information. i can walk on my own. Release my hand." I said pulling my hand away from his.

"I thought you said you are having a headache?"Lorenzo asked focusing his eyes on me.

"Having a headache does not mean I can not walk on my own.Just stop annoying me bro and the pain will be gone." I said away from him towards the others. He followed me silently. Did I hurt his feelings? Aish. I really am hurting people with my words now a days. I should just stop talking. But what is this bad feeling from earlier?

"Evans!You promised to sit beside me!I saved you a seat." Iris said jumping out of his seat. Smiling weakly,I sat beside him. I really feel sick. Should I just go home?

"Hey,you good ?" Iris asked softly.

"I am good. No worries. "I said leaning my head on Iris's shoulder. He patted my hair softly.

"So,what are we all eating? Me and David are having the happy meal for sure. "Hazel said hugging David.

"We are having that from you guys and I am gonna have a hamburger with some drinks I think. Evans and Lorenzo what are you both gonna have?" Iris asked.

"I am just thinking of having a large nutella shake.Nothing more." I said slowly.

"A happy meal will be fine for me too. Also I will have a large coke."Lorenzo said. His expression neutral. I mean his face not showing too much playfulness that normally is visible.

"I am going to order then. " David said getting up.

"So,Lorenzo which school you are in?We have never seen you in our school that I can say for sure." Hazel said poking on Iris's stomach.

"I am in another school. All boys school that is Robert Junior High which is a few minutes away from Eldon." Lorenzo said leaning on his hand.

"Must be great for you having all the men around you."I said looking at him.

"Nope. Men around me are annoying including me."Lorenzo said staring at me.

"Hey, I did not mean you are annoying. I just said stop annoying me."I said softly to him.

"Well,angel it's not just you. I also think I am annoying. And stop annoying you?That I will not stop. So rest assured. I am just taking a break since you do not look so well." Lorenzo whispered smirking at me. The playful voice is back. I rolled my eyes at him. Here I felt guilty for telling to stop annoying me. Why did I even feel bad for telling him off? I am going crazy.

Some time later-

While everyone is eating, I cannot even take a sip of my drink. I feel sick. I feel like my whole body is turning upside down. Aside from that,I can feel eyes on me. Someone is watching me. That bad feeling from earlier is more intense right now. I should go home.

"Guys, can we go home?I am not feeling good."I barely whispered.

"It was not wise of us to bring you out of the house. You look really sick. Let's get you home Evans."Hazel said looking at me worried. I want to assure her that I am not feeling that bad but I can barely lift my head right now let alone give her a smilee. I feel so weak.

"Angel,I am gonna pick you up right now. Is that okay?"Lorenzo said touching my hand softly. His hand is so cold. Why?

"You are burning!I am picking you up."Lorenzo said picking me up as if I weighted nothing. I did not reject him and snuggled my face closer to his neck. Everyone started walking towards the exit. Suddenly, the lights inside thee restaurant kept blinking on and off. Lorenzo stopped walking. The others mirroring his actions.

"What is happening?"Iris asked. His voice filled with worry.

"It must be some circuit problems. Let'ss get going."David said.

"But why are the chairs vibrating like a phone? Is it an earthquake?"Hazel asked. Worry filling her voice.

"More reason to get out of here right now."David said pushing everyone towards the exit.

"Guys,we need to run. No you need to run with Evandale."Lorenzo said coldly. His voice deeper than ever.

"Why?What's wrong?"Hazel asked afraid.

"Just run and get the hell outta here.Keep Evandale close to you."Lorenzo said putting me down. Iris picked me up softly and hurried towards the exit. Why is there nobody besides us here? Why did Lorenzo sounded so cold?

Suddenly, a voice spoke up in my head."Found you!"It is not my voice. My headache went worse than before.The voice kept shouting the same words again and again in my head making me scream in pain.

"Evans,what's wrong?Love we are getting you home.Hold on."Iris said softly. Tears flowing through my eyes due to the pain. The voice was so harsh. The voice feels like a knife poking on every inch in my body. I need to lie down somewhere.

"IRIS PUT ME DOWN PLEASE!"I screamed in pain. Iris put me down instantly. I fell down on the floor. i grabbed my head in pain.

"Evans tell us what's wrong? We are here to help. Oh my God!What is happening here? Why are those guys coming towards us?"Hazel asked. I started to puch on my head.I need to stop this pain. My whole body feels like it is gonna fall apart. I cannot open my eyes. I can not hear other's voices anymore right now. The pain is so intense. I am feeling numb.

"Pleases stop.S-stop this pain!"I pleaded crying.

"Never have I thought the blessed will beg me. How interesting!"That cold voice in my head said laughing.The pain increased more. I screamed in agony. "Please just stop!"I pleaded again.

"Does that mean I can take you?"The voice asked chuckling.

"W-what?"I asked crying.

"You said you want the pain to stop. If you want the pain to stop,you need to give something to me."The voice said laughing. I bit my lips in pain.

"What do you want?" I asked almost whispering.

"You."The voice stated.

"What do you mean?"I asked.

"I want you. It is so simple. Which part of that word do you not understand?"He asked.

"I don't understand why do you want me."I whispered touching my eyes.

"You don't need to understand. Just give yourself to me and it will be okay. As easy as that. "The voice said idly.I did not say anything.

"I apologize. Maybe I asked you in a rush. I will give you some time to consider the offer. Think carefully okay. It was nice talking to you, Evandale Ellis.Don't forget me.I am Elijah.Bye bye."The voice said fading away slowly making the pain go away. I blinked my eyes open.David,Iris was looking at something behind me scared. Hazel was hugging me tightly and crying. I looked at the floor and the whole floor is covered with blood. Is it my blood? I stared at the blood horified.

Fur touched my skin from behind making me look behind. Lorenzo . He is in his wolf form. Nine to ten wolves were lying in blood behind him. What the hell happened here?Lorenzo transformed into his human self and touched my face softly.

"Are you okay?I thought I told you all to get away from here."Lorenzo said holding my hand.

"Can someone explain to me what the hell just happened here?"Iris asked shouting.

"Yes.We need an eexplaination Lorenzo. What on earth happened a few mintes ago?" David asked pulling Hazel to his embrace. Hazel is crying and shaking so bad. Even I am scared,Hazel must be terrified.

"Guys,I do not think me nor Lorenzo knows anything regarding this. Let's get out of here first and go to my house. Mom and Dad may know something about this. "I said calmly. I am surprised hearing my own calm voice. I am way too scared.

"Then let's just get outta here first.It is so creepy in here."Iris said pulling me up softly.

"Angel,I-"Lorenzo tried to say something but I cut him him off saying,"Let's talk later,hm?"He nodded softly.

The ride towards home felt so cold. I hugged Lorrenzo tightly throught the ride. I felt like if I let go of him the voice from before will come back again.