

.Evandale Ellis, The rare beautiful girl whom everyone desires. The ocean eyes of hers captivates anyone who makes eye contact with her. She is a confident being who hates being a werewolf.Arwen Gray,her now pretending fiancee still loves her. He is obsessed with her. He will not let anyone take her away from him. So,when a bewitching mysterious werewolf named Lorenzo Venus comes in their life,what will happen in each of their lives? What storms will destroy each other? Will they fall in love? Will they despise each other?

o_12 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Crowning part-two

Evandale Ellis Pov-

Don't worry,honey pie. The crowns are supposed to be there. You will pick up the crowns and hand it to the present alphas of each packs.And they will place the crown on each of the future alphas. Don't be nervous. Also you will see the crowning of your brother up close. Autumn will love seeing you there infront of him. Love you . Now, go and be the queen you are!" Dad said as we reached the stage. I nodded and released dad's hand. As I walked up to the stairs,I suddenly felt sso nervous. I was excited too. But as there were none on the stage yet, I felt seriously nervous. Why is nobody on thee stage yet? Hurry up and come to the stage. I stood at the corner beside the table so that all the attention will not be on me. But who am I kidding? All the eyes were on me.

I stood there awkward looking infront of me, not at the others but the red sexy wall. As I kept looking anywhere but the other's eyes ,the present alphas of each pack got on the stage making me sigh in relief. Every alpha greeted me with a friendly smile and each hugged me making me feel at ease. I hugged back and greeted them with a soft smile. After our greetings, each of them stood infront of each crown. Unlike me they stood there like a confident person. And even made small talks with each other. I observed them,more like checked out them. They are most probably my dad's age but they all are so pretty and gorgeous. I can not help but check them out. Not my fault. Why were all the wolves here so hot? While I checked them out secretly, the future alphas came in and knelt infront of their pack's present alpha. In the background ,someone was reciting something like a poem. My brother saw me from hiss position and gave me his brightest smile. I grinned looking at him.

I did not look at Arwen. I couldd feel his eyes on me. You mister, I am not going to ruin my mood seeing you glaaring at me so keep hoping that I will look at you.

"Evandale,would you hand me the crown please?" The shadow pack's alpha asked me softly with a smile. Snapping out of my trance,I nodded and picked up the shadow pack's crown and handed it to the alpha. He thanked me and recited something while he placed the crown on Darvin's head.

The second the crown touched Darvin's head, a light spread out. Well,more like a glow. It was so beautiful. It lasted for a few seconds and Darvin got up with the biggest grin. The current alpha of Shadow pack hugged him patting his back. Darvin then stood beside the present alpha mouthing "you look gorgeous" to me. I smiled and thanked him.

The thing about this lighty thing is that these will come out from the worthy alphas only,the moment the crown touches the head of the reciever. If the crown touches and there is no light coming out from you, you are not worthy. Mom told me while getting me ready.

The same thing happened with the other alphas and they stood up with the biggest grin.Even Aztec who looked like cared for noothing had the most adorable grin. All of their light were differnet,the feeling was differnet. Everyone was crowned except my brother Autumn, Arwen and Lorenzo.

As the Wind Winder Pack's alpha placed the crown on Autumn, a beautiful light spread out. It felt so warm. Autumn stood up with the cutest grin and hugged our current alpha a little bit too tight. I chuckled. "Evans, I did it." Autumn mouthed to me. I smiled and mouthed back,"I am proud of you."

Now, it is time for Arwen to be crowned. As I looked at him, we made eye contact. What? Is he gonna keep staring at me the whole time? Night walker's Alpha placed the crown on Arwen's head and a dark blue light spread out just like the others but a bit different. He smiled and got up. Unlike others, there was no big grin. He hugged the alpha and stood beside me. I moved to the last person quickly because I know Arwen was saying something to me.

I am happy to be present at this ceremony. I am happy even without the crown on my head. Arwen is a jerk and I will not listen to hurtful words to break my confidence.

I picked up thee last crown and handed it to Moon Stone's Alpha. As he was placing it on Lorenzo's head, Lorenzo stared at me with no smile or whatsover. As the crown touched his hair, a dark red light spread out through the room. It was very different from the others. The color,the aura, everything. It was like a red blood moon. He stood up with a smirk and hugged the alpha of Moon Stone who smiled proudly.

Lorenzo stood beside me. He did not look at me. "I thought you were taking photos of me?" Lorenzo whispered beside me. I glanced at him. That cute little smirk present there on his face. "Je suis une personne ocuppee."I whispered back. That cute little smirk now replaced with a confused smile.

"I am sorry,What? Did you just speak in another language or is it just me hearing things?" He asked.

"A vous de me dire." I said aagain in french. Did I forget to say I am a genius in French?

"Angel. You are not failing to surprise me every single time. Since I do not know what you are saying,I will just take that you are saying You want me." He said now again back with his smirk.I scoffed.

" I want to give you something,angel." Lorenzo whispered slowly as the recitation of something got louder. "What is it?" I asked in my whisper voice which sounds like a horse crying. "Oh now you are speaking English?" He said with a cheeky smile. I mirrored his smile.

"Come to the garden after this." He whispered again. I nodded.

After the coronation ceremony-

Lorenzo Venus Pov-

I walked with the crown on my head towards the fountain where Evandale was standing gloriously. She looked so amazing. Red is her color. I can see it and feel it. The aura around her looked more powerful than ever. Her red lips made her soft rosy skin brighter Her long chocolate cherry hair that she let down from her previously done bun made her too much bewitching. The red dress wrapped around her was just made for her. Anyone will say it. She looked powerful. I smiled. She really is a falen angel.

"Hi,"I greeted.

"Hey,"She greeted back.

"What did you want to say? Can you make it quick? My family is waiting for me." She said looking behind me. I nodded. "It will take a second."I said.

"A second is finished. Tata." She said grinning at me.

"Haha.Very funny." I said with sarcasm filled in my voice. She chuckled. I removed the crown from the head and kept it in my hands for some seconds before placing it on a very confused Evandale.

"What are you doin-?" Before she could finish the sentence, a golden light blew out from her. I backed away surprised. Her light was not ordinary. Butterflies was flying. There were flowers in the vision and the glow was so powerful but warm like a hug. Suddenly, she started to drift away upwards. Her light glowing brighter by the second. It is beautiful but what the hell is happening? I just wanted to give the crown to her as a gift. I am sso confused but this lookss so powerful. I need to call someone who knows what is happening before this gets out of my hand.

Quickly, I went inside the place and called her parents as they were thee first ones in my sight . They ran with me to the garden even when I did not explain anything. When we reached the garden, Evandale's light were so bright that none of us could go near her.

"What did you do to my busy bee,you Rascal?" Her mom asked. Worry written all over her face.

"Mrs.Ellis,I am as confuused as you are. Please do not put any blame on me. I just gave her the crown." I said putting my hands up in defense.

"You idiot,H-"

"Now is not the time to argue,honey.We need to get her back to the ground. I also don't know what is happening to my baby but we need more help. Ask the present alphas to come here. Do not call others. Run now." Her dad said holding my shouldders tightly. I nodded and ran towards the main place again.

Some time later-

The present ten alphas,me,Evandale's parents stood infront of Evandale heelplessly as her light turned brighter. No one knew the definite reason why this was happening. Previously,many have gave their crowns to others but never eer has this happened.

"Someone needs to grab her." One of the alpha said. I need to do it as I am partially the culprit according to her mom I guess.

"I will do it." I said and walked towards her without listening anything from the others. I can not see anything. I walked straight trusting my instincts . As I kept waking straight, a pair of legs touched my face. She was this much up? I grabbed her feet and dragged her down with all my power. She was unconcious. I removed the crown from her head and placed it on the ground beside her lying body. The lights were gone now. I adjusted my eyes to the now dark night.

"She turned into a wolf just before the lights were gone." One of us said. I looked at Evandale who was transformed ino her wolf form. She was breathing heavily. Her eyes closed. I poked her trying to wake her up.

"Busy bee,my baby. Honey, what has happened to my baby?" Her mom asked softly touching Evandale.

"Honey, she is gonna be okay I know. Honey pie is gonna be okay.Let's get her home,hm?" Her dad said touching Evandale'ss forehead.

"Thank you everyone fo the help. We will be going home now. Please excuse us." Her dad said. "I am going with you too if that iiss okay with you,Mister and Mrs.Ellis."I asked. They looked at each other an nodded at my direcction. Immediately,I transsformed myself into my wolf form. Evandale's parent both ddid the same. The Wind winder's alpha helped Evandale get on her dad's back.

"Take care of her. Hope she wakes up soon." He said patting Mr. Ellis's back.

We ran towards their home in the dark night through the deep forest.