

"has a man heart ever stopped beating" he asked her. "Yes in the time of death" she quickly responded. "Then I say to you that even in death my heart will still beat and only for you Ellester, only you" and he embraced her like as if the time of death was fast approaching.

Pho3nix_4 · History
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Chapter 1: Ellester

Note: Every country, State, incident, name and any other thing in the whole of the novel is purely fictional and made up by me.

In a land faraway, four kingdoms were created by the people, the Notham bridge kingdom, the Kingsland kingdom, castle clash kingdom and the ghost land kingdom.

Each kingdom has a story behind its name, the power belonged to the people so they said until they took the power from them and they became lowly creature that bends to the wish of the people they crowned kings.

I was born in 1964 and I became 19 in 1983 which is the year we are in, given birth to in the smallest kingdom the ghost kingdom, while those born in the Notham bridge kingdom are classified the richest.

Through out years people have told stories , the reason that our kingdom is called the ghost land is because the ghost comes to dine and wine on the nightmares of the people and on their souls which is pure bull crap.

In the four kingdoms the notham bridge king is known as the king of kings, because he is higher than the other kings in terms of wealth, power and fame, I can't say I have seen the king of Notham bridge but from what has been said about him , he is exceptional handsome and if you were to compare all the males in the four kingdoms, they still won't reach his standards. My dad always says never to look

down at are the people you know you are higher than , my father is wise and I love papa so dearly, after the death of mama, papa was there for me even if he was not rich I never lacked anything, he thought me morals, etiquettes I can say that I blossomed with love.

The people looked down upon us and for that we had to distance ourselves, til the time that tragedy struck and papa died of a deadly disease which was later confirmed by the town's medicine man, don't worry it's not contagious. I always urged papa to go to the town medicine man but papa refused and said nothing was wrong with him.

I had to leave ghost land because people started calling me a witch and that I killed my mom and father, and it became difficult knowing you can't sleep at night because of the stones that they threw at your window and these were the people that were ignorant of the way me and papa lived our life's.

I didn't know where to go , so I left to the kingdom I know I could get more money, the Kingdom of Notham bridge it is a beautiful place but very expensive to live in, thankfully I still had money from papa and mama's savings, it's much more than I expected, so I found an inn and stayed there and started looking for a job.

Days passed and mornings came and left giving space to the night and night left giving space to the morning for days the process continued until the Lord finally answered my prayers and I found a job as a waiter in an expensive diner.

I just have to pass the interview with the owner and I am in a nervous state of mind, I walked to the address i saw on the leaflet and to my surprise it was not that far from the inn I stayed. I got there and walked in.

"Welcome to Agnes diner, how may I help you?"the woman behind the counter asked.

"Uhm.. I am here for the waitress interview"I said tugging a strand of hair from my face behind the back of my ear.

"Please sit, wait here let me get her"she told me before leaving. Few minutes later a middle aged woman came from behind the counter .

"Hello ma'am I am here for the waitress interview"I repeated what I said to the lady before.

"And you are?" She asked for an introduction, silly me.

"Ellester Nicoleton"she nodded

"You are hired" she offered me her hand for a hand shake.

"Wait..what just like that?"I asked looking shocked.

"Do you not want the job or not?"she returned my question with a question

"Oh yes I do, thank you ma'am"

"Oh please call me Agnes and change into the proper clothes would ya, work starts now" And she left.

Who would have thought that I would have a job in Notham bridge, and I guess I start today, oh wow I am feeling so euphoric, I just can't believe it. Time passes and I was still complementing myself for a job well done,I better get to work before I get fired on the first day.

I changed into the uniform and it suits me, hugged every curve in my body and Made my black skin shine out, my hair was naturally black and curly matches my brown eyes if I must say.

I came out of the changing room and Agnes introduce me to everyone.

"This is Johnson king, the cook" she pointed to a man in his early 20's brown hair, light skin, skinny quite handsome.

"This Annabelle Dante a waitress, just like you" she moved to the next person a girl the same age as me blonde hair, blue eyes, nice body but flat chested and I could see that my breast caught her attention.

"Diane Willson the secretary" she introduced the girl behind the counter, a red haired in her early 30's , beautiful and elegant.

"Everyone this is ellester" she introduced me Next.

"Nice to meet everyone" I nodded in acknowledgement and they did the same.

"Well everyone king Erickson will be hair for his sister birthday, so we need to decorate it and make it wonderful, so he comes again"she clapped her hands and retreated to the back door.

"Why can't he just do it in his Castle?" I asked.

"Curious thing you are or is it your first time coming here ellester?" Johnson asked, what is it with everyone answering your questions with a question that's so annoying.

"Yeah both sir" a respectful tone can be heard in my voice

"Cut the crap and just call me Johnson and to answer your questions, his sister likes going out on her birthday and they come here every year then maybe later it can then be celebrated in the king's castle" John said.

"Oh okay" it made sense.

"Well let's get to work then" Diane spoke this time.

We spent half the time decorating and when we finished we waited for the King. After a few minutes a girl walked in looking all dolled up with a really nice gown and petite waist black hair, green eyes, after that a man walked in and I could hear the angels sing as he walked in, tall, well defined jaw line, unlike his sister he had the mixture of blue and green eyes, fully plumed lips and hair dark as midnight and I swear that I felt like drooling if I wasn't already.

Diane had to pinch me for me to snap out of my thoughts and regain consciousness, we bowed our head and they took their sits and the place was as quite as a desert, wow! When did everybody leave or was it like this already j hadn't noticed.

As the waitresses both Annabelle and I were assigned to the king's table, technically speaking the only table occupied right now, I would ask for their order and Annabelle would serve the food. Easy peasy right?.

"Good day his majesty and happy birthday princess Amber, please may I take your order now" I bowed.

"yes, I would like a perfectly cooked stake and fresh salad with a red wine, thank you" she simply said.

"And to his majesty what can I get you" I turned my attention to every girls dream.

"I would take a medium rare stake" even his voice is so dreamy.

"Any drinks with that sir?" I asked.

"Yes get me a white wine" he said, he didn't even glance at me, and with that I went to give the orders to John and to my surprise it was already ready.

"How?" I asked him.

" Well I have been hear for two years and they have been ordering the same thing, even Agnes said so" John explained

"Oh okay " it made more sense now.

Annabelle came out to take the orders and you could see that her dress was not the same again, oh lord bless thy eyes. As she walked you could see the colour of her laced pant and back side,I didn't even want to pay attention to it anymore so I went away.

It was my turn to take away the plates and take the orders for dessert, I walked to the place they were and before packing I asked of they wanted anything else.

"Any orders for dessert to the royal family" I brought out my pen and waited to write it down.

"Can I have a chocolate cake with a bucket chocolate ice cream" the princess has a sweet tooth.

"Don't take to much sugar amber" the king said to her.

"But Arthur today is my birthday and I am 18 for goodness sake" she pouted.

"Sure, whatever and get me Agnes"he ordered and I bowed and left.

I went to call Agnes and she asked what they wanted and I told her and she went out to see the king with what the princess has ordered, and I just stood by the counter while they talked. I wasn't able to hear anything but after they talked with Agnes the princess gave her a kiss on the cheek and waved me good bye and they left in their carriage.

"Gather around people" Agnes shouted, we quickly rushed to meet her.

"We will be catering at the king's party in the castle 3 days from tomorrow" she Said and my mind went blank.

This will be a series so enjoy the ride and cheer me up!!!!

Pho3nix_4creators' thoughts