
Ellaine's Diary

Ellaine has diary where her secrets are written. She writes on her diary every day all about the things that happen to her at school, she also writes messages that she will say to her crush. Ellaine is nerd so the only thing she can depend on is her diary.

Weis_Blayre · Teen
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12 Chs

August 4, 2018, MONDAY

Dear Diary,

That was the best birthday ever!! My dearest diary, oh how much I wish for you to just be a human right now so I don't need to write everything here, so I will just tell you all the things I want to say. Anyways, today I'm not very happy cause, There was this two girls who started bullying me since I got together with James. Their names were: Jesicca and Jessa. Well today me and James were walking to school while holding each others hands then we bumped into them. They stared at James like they're eyes are popping out then they looked at me disgusted. James noticed it and he hid me behind his back then sai this to my bullies; "Don't you two dare to touch my girl, whenever I hear everything you do to my girl you two can get out of my school!!". Then the two girls ran away and i looked at James confused. I asked if he's the owner of the school then he just nodded his head and ofcourse I was mad because he kept it a secret to me. After that I threw his hands and walked to school myself. Then at lunch I ate with my friends then I went to the restroom and I bumped to Jessica and Jessa. They invited me to the rooftop to apologize to me then I went to the rooftop with them because they said that they're too shy to apologize in public. When we're already at the rooftop Jessa locked the door, while Jessica grabbed my hair and she said; "so you really think that we we're really apologizing to you!! Hah!! No way!!!" Then he poured warm water to me then she said that I should be thanking her for not pouring me hot boiling water. They left me there in the rooftop crying and they also locked the door so I couldn't get out. I stayed there until 6 pm and I missed all my remaining classes, how will I supposeed to explain to teacher why was I absent for the classes. Then James arrived and opened the door, then he hugged me tight. "Sorry!!! For not telling you but please don't put yourself to danger and please don't be stay away from me!" he said. "Ok I promise but promise me too that you will never keep any secrets from me" I said. Well my dearest diary I will write the next part tomorrow cause I'm getting sleepy from writing. Well my dearest diary, sorry For sleeping too early I know that's it's only 9 Pm but I need to rest cause I caught a cold because of that bullying . So I will not go to school tomorrow, I guess I will get scolded by the teachers really good. Well bye bye my dearest diary.

Im sorry my dearest readers!! I've caught a cold and wasn't able to touch my phone. Don't worry from now on Iw ill update once or twice a day. PLEASE don't stop supporting me.???

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