
Ella's Diary

Ella realizes that love has no price tag and that true happiness lies in being true to oneself and embracing the unexpected. Will Ella and Alexander overcome the obstacles that come with their different backgrounds and find everlasting love? As Ella's Diary unfolds, the characters grapple with their pasts and discover that love knows no boundaries.

Blessing_Orji_7520 · LGBT+
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Dear Diary

Ella was so disappointed at Alexander's judgment. He thinks that Ella was responsible for the incident. Ella gathered enough courage and responded boldly. 

"If you think I'm behind all these. Then so be it". She said as she rushed upstairs furiously. 

Alexander looked at Katrina who folded her hands and couldn't wait to see him leave. Immediately after he left she ran after Ella to console her. 

Ella sat in despair on the floor with her hands covering her face as she wept. "What wrong did I do trying to find out his past?" she asked, weeping. 

Katrina sat down slowly beside her and rubbed her shoulder "Ella, you need to go and prove him wrong. Moreover, not all girls are interested in money" Kat said as she tried to convince her. 

Katrina got a beep from her phone "Ella I have to leave now. Am going to meet someone urgently. Please take care of yourself". She hurriedly went out of the room. 

Ella lifted her cushion and took out her Diary which was given to her by her mom on her fifth birthday. She placed it on her lap and opened it slowly. 

Ella's Diary has been a place where she pours out her grievances, she writes down her happy and sad memories. The diary belonged to her mother and she passed it to her as a gift. Ever since her mom died the diary has served as a remembrance and also a companion. 

She held her black pen and flipped to a fresh page. She wrote as tears stirred up in her eyes. 

 ** Dear Diary, you keep reminding me that I should push through life even when things seem difficult. I should stand for what is right even when it seems hard. Today I've been faced with a tough decision and with the fear of making a mistake. I stole to protect the truth. It might seem right but it is wrong. The truth is always the way out, it doesn't need a lie to be the fact. I will protect the truth even when I am being judged because I think that is the right thing to do. Alex may not see it from my perspective, and he might not see Sandra for who she is but at least I do. And for humanity, I wouldn't like her to destroy his life and get me involved. I must fight for what I think is right and I will do it the right way. 

She closed her Diary and gently placed it under her cushion. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. 


The next morning she sluggishly stood from the bed and walked to her washroom. She rubbed her eyes vigorously, stretching her body so much that she almost fell flat on the floor. She washed her face and looked at the mirror. She was reminded of everything that happened between her and Alex. She slowly walked back to her room and took her phone to check the time. 

It was 7:05. Her eyes cleared immediately and she rushed to get ready for work. 

She reached the office and kept looking around suspiciously. She kept wondering if her manager had realized that the article was missing. She eavesdropped on everyone's conversation to find out what was happening. 

"Miss Ella" Her assistant called out. Her heart sank into her stomach as she saw her hurrying towards her. 

She agitated "Fina, what's wrong? Why are you in a hurry? ". She stared directly at her face, she couldn't wait for her to speak. 

"Miss, the manager wants to see you urgently," Fina responded. 

Ella's eyes were wide open and she yelled out "What! I mean why?". 

"I don't know Ma. But she sent for you". Her assistant added. Ella nodded in accordance. 

A lot of questions hovered around her mind. After all, she is a little thief. She was getting herself ready to reply to any questions the manager might ask. Poor Ella. 

She stood at the manager's office and knocked calmly. She opened the door and walked in slowly. The manager gave her a welcoming smile, it gave her a sense of ease and she sat down. She wasn't still sure why she was called but her mind told her she was not in danger. 

"Miss Ella, don't be afraid. I called you to let you know that the press conference will be tomorrow. I don't want to delay it any further" The manager said as she searched her table for the article. 

Ella was so ashamed. She thought to herself to stick to what is right. "Ma, please I took… I mean I stole the article yesterday". 

The manager glanced at her confusingly. "Ella, I don't get you, explain". 

Ella narrated the whole situation to her and her intention to save Alexander's reputation.

Her eyebrows were raised at the warm touch of her manager's palm. She sadly withheld her emotions.

"I understand you Ella, you know you have been working for me for a while now and I know you wouldn't do anything without a valid reason. so I will leave you to do what you think is right". The manager sweetly encouraged her as she left her alone in the office. 

The words from her manager gave her some more strength. She walked out of the office smiling lavishly. 

Her joy lasted only for a few minutes until she bumped into Sandra who was exiting the elevator. Her broad smile closed up as Sandra stood right in front of her. She could only think of pouring out all her frustration on her. 

"How can a beautiful classy lady like you be so mean? Ella asked, staring intensely at her. Although there was so much fury in Ella's voice Sandra stood arrogantly. She wasn't remorseful of her actions instead she laughed uncontrollably. 

"What do you think, Miss Ella? I would watch you take my man. Insolence". This was not their first meeting but this time something was cooking up. Ella marvelled at her disgusting thoughts. 

"For your information, I am not like you who goes after men for their money. And Alexander is a nice man to have a disgrace of a woman like you around him. He deserves better and I will make sure of that". She said with assurance and then entered the elevator. 

Sandra couldn't take her eyes off her till the door was shut. She stood groaning in anger. Every single word rang in her ears. She thought Ella was still standing there. Now she was more determined to remove Ella from anything that had to do with Alexander Grant. 

Constant visits of Sandra to the company gave Ella chills. She wondered what she was up to. The conference was tomorrow she had a lot to think of other than worrying about Sandra. 

On entering her office she recalled the manager informing her to invite Alexander Grand to tomorrow's Conference, after all, he is the special guest for tomorrow. His article will be published tomorrow in the media.

With resistance, she took her phone to call Alexander. 

"Hello," she echoed back at the base voice. 

She kept quiet and listened. She expects him to speak up. The last yelling he gave her was still fresh in her memory. 

There was no sound coming from her phone. She brought it to her face. "fu*k! He disconnected the call. She chuckled at her phone and threw it on the table. 

"Mr billionaire, what does he even think of himself? I won't call him again. If the manager asks I will tell her he hung up on me. I promise to teach him a lesson. Rude man". 

Her eyes were turned back to the phone when she thought maybe he wasn't sure of who was calling him after all, it was an unknown number.