
Ella's Diary

Ella realizes that love has no price tag and that true happiness lies in being true to oneself and embracing the unexpected. Will Ella and Alexander overcome the obstacles that come with their different backgrounds and find everlasting love? As Ella's Diary unfolds, the characters grapple with their pasts and discover that love knows no boundaries.

Blessing_Orji_7520 · LGBT+
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

The interview 

She rushed downstairs to grab her early morning coffee. The thought of interviewing one of the richest billionaires in the city gave her shivers as she sipped her coffee. 

She hurried to the bathhouse to get ready. Soon she was out. She put on her red office wear, hung her black Louis Vuitton bag and zoomed to the office. 

She waited for five minutes. Five minutes of intense silence, but nothing good was coming out of it. 

The whole interview was not going as planned. She fought her mind to understand what the problem was all about.

Every single question she threw at him seemed so heavy and pathetic. He was resilient and looked so ignorant with those big gazes. 

"Mr. Alex. Could you mind giving us detailed information". Ella inquired. 

Still, he said nothing. Could he be deaf or dumb? It would be rude to ask him that. 

Ella sighed in disappointment. She reached for the glass of lemonade on her table and offered it to him. 

He glanced at her and the glass in her hand. "No, thanks" Alex rejected. 

Ella was dumbfounded. He can speak. She smiled and slanted back on her chair. 

Since he can talk, she wouldn't mind waiting for him to speak up. 

He cleared his throat and took out a card from his coat pocket and placed it in front of her. 

"I know that this interview means a lot to your company but I am sorry I can't give you detailed information about myself," Alex said as he rose from his chair. 

He was about to leave but Ella called out to him from behind. "But why, Mr. Alex" Ella appeals to him. 

Alex inhaled deeply and walked closer to her. "Miss Ella, the reasons are too personal to be disclosed. You can come to my office personally if you care to know so much. But as for the media I can't let them know about it". He stood his ground. 

Ella was so confused. She has been having interviews with so many billionaires. And they are all interested in giving out personal information to the media. But Alex was different.

He was so tight and secretive about his background. 

Ella tried to hide her fury. She calmly sat down and looked into his charming brown eyes. He was so eager to leave. 

Ella never wanted to stop him but she was worried that her company might suffer a loss if there was no article of him to present at the press conference. 

He is a renowned billionaire. With many companies around the city. It was with great effort that an interview with him was fixed. 

So she had to ensure a good result. She had to talk sweetly her way through. 

She smiled warmly at him with her white gap teeth "Mr. Alex. So what should I tell my manager". 

"You are free to make up any story. When you come to my office with the card then I can compensate you" He replied boldly. 

Ella felt belittled by his statement. She reasoned why every billionaire makes money their entire topic. 

"I am not interested in your money. The press conference is next week and my company is relying so much on it. How will I explain to the manager" Ella argued. 

Alex cracked up at her reason. He looked at her intensively and said firmly "Am sorry Ella, I can't tell you about me. I don't think it will be intriguing to your company. And I will advise you to stop asking about my past" He said as he walked out of the office. 

Ella gripped in rage. She felt embarrassed. She was so worried about what to tell the manager. 

She looked at the card he dropped on the table and thought of going to meet him personally to find out more about his past which he is keeping as a secret. 


"I can't believe this," Katrina teased her. 

"Neither can I" Ella added. 

Katrina brought Ella to the bar after a long day at work. 

Ella couldn't seem to stop talking about what happened at the office with Alexander. Katrina had to make her drink to keep quiet but that made it worse. She couldn't stop talking and now she can't stop drinking. 

Ella gave the bartender a signal to serve her more drinks. She felt like drinking her embarrassment away. 

"Kat, It was so embarrassing. I felt I was a beggar, as though I yawned so much to know about him. If not for my company I wouldn't have cared so much. And he just walked out of the office without saying anything" Ella said, opening another bottle of wine. 

Katrina banged her bottle and wondered "What if his past is something dangerous. And he's trying to hide it from the world so he wouldn't get arrested for it". 

Ella glanced at Katrina while her bottle was still hanging after hearing her statement. 

She giggled " What are you saying, he loo

ked so sad and worried. It was as if I had reminded him of his memories".