I’m in a world where anything can happen, smart no but I know canon. Cover art is not mine and all the characters belong to there respective owners.
"It is said, human beings are born with different capacities, if they are free, they are not equal, and if they are equal, they are not free".
It is humans need to stand over others that keeps them in, this perpetual cycle, what is the meaning of being equal, what is the true idea of being free, so many questions.
End quote.
On a large island right outside of Tokyo, a school was placed ran by the government, to nurture and help the young people. The young people who would later support this country. Having a 100% employment rate. Even thought it sounds great there was more that meets the eye about it.
At the entrance of the school a figure stood.
6'3 , had really long red hair, tired and a loose ponytail, a black head band that covered his forehead, a black Bead like hair tie a black wooden hair pin that went through it, black Z shaped tattoos coming from his eyebrow.
"Advanced Nurturing High School" given a side grin that looked down right evil.
If you haven't guessed, I'm that handsome drink of water, I was given a chance to come to a new world, it just so happens to be class room of the elite and to top it off I'm the mc older brother. Yet not by blood by the hell we were put through, even if I had been put through more, I still treat him as best I could.
Looking at the bus that stopped right behind me.
*tap *tap
Kiyotaka "renji, try to control yourself, is there a reason you didn't come with me?" Kiyotaka who had just gotten off the bus.
"I understand, does it make a difference though, I had wanted to see Tokyo one more time." giving a side look, as my eyes turned cold, nothing like the teen 5 seconds ago.
Kiyotaka "I'm just reminding you, nothing more, something of a headache happened on the bus." returning my gaze.
*tap *tap
Suzune "hey you?!" A long black haired girl called out from infront of us.
Kiyotaka "hmmmm" looking up to the girl, on the steps.
Suzune "I saw you staring at me on the bus earlier" with a questioning voice.
Kiyotaka "sorry, I noticed you didn't want to give up your sit for the lady either, I thought you were the same as me, choosing to stay out of it." With out much care.
Suzune "I'm nothing like you, In my case stayed seated out of matter of principal.." flicking her hair.
'Another main character, Suzune Horikita annoying, yet still has her standing with her family, feeling the need to show she is better' thinking to myself.
"Then that makes you worse then him ha....believing it below your standing to do anything" walking up the stairs pass her, holding my carry bag over my shoulder.
Suzune "why should I..." giving me a side look at my back.
"I don't care anymore, defending yourself about it will only make you sound more condescending" interrupting her, waving her off.
Suzune "like I need to explain myself to others, especially those who lack understanding of how Society works, goodbye" walking away.
"Haha yet, refuse to lower yourself, Society has nothing to do with your individual action, excuses are always so great" laughing at her as I walk forward.
Suzune "...." continuing to walk.
Kiyotaka "a headache, just as I said" walking behind me.
"Good to see, you'll act as usual I guess" a grin coming to my face, my dead eyes never being noticed.
Kiyotaka "just want to, do what I want" being his real self with me.
"He will try and do something". Walking passed some cute trouble making girls.
Kiyotaka "I know, but it won't change anything". Looking at a few students talking in a group outside.
"Your right, yet I will act accordingly" noticing the Exchange between, two students that looked to be from different years.
Kiyotaka "interesting" noticing my gaze.
Walking I stop for a second.
"Wait I'll use the bathroom, there lack of care for being Present in class before the teacher, doesn't make sense for this so called nurturing school" going into the rest room, hoping my little brother, could put meaning behind my words together later.
Coming out seeing kiyotaka, leaning against a wall.
"Where to now?" Acting dumb.
Kiyotaka " third auditorium, for introduction into the school" coming beside me.
"A drag, well fill me in after it's over, I'll probably be sleep" gesturing to him that I will follow.
Kiyotaka "...." walking to said auditorium.
Walking in seeing a wave of new comers/first years, who talked and got to know each other. If they only knew, it is not your other classes you just need to worry about, it's the knife from your back, you never see coming. Coming to the section our class would be seated.
Walking to a sit, I see joker like kids taking up, moving to sit.
Random guy "this seat is taken" looking up at me.
"No right now it's not" placing my hand on his shoulder.
Random guy "I said it's taken" putting his hand on it.
Leaning down to his ear, putting a little force into my grip.
"Move now, before I break your fucking arm" with a gentle smile.
Random guy "cool man I understand, let's go guys" wanting to call out in pain, telling his friends to leave with him.
Kiyotaka "still the same I see"taking the now free seat next to me.
"I did nothing" pulling my head band down around my eyes, and my arms behind my head and took a nap.
Kiyotaka taps me as soon as it ends, getting up as I see suzune get up from the seat infront of us.
Walking through the hallway and coming to class 1-D.
"Give me a few" walking to the Bathroom.
Coming out I walk back to the bathroom and walking to the classroom. Entering I see kiyotaka, sitting at the second from last row at the back. Seeing everyone stopped there conversations, looking at me tall long red hair, handsome and my eyes, that I finally opened all the way....