
Chapter seven: Escape.

Authors warning: Minimal mature content

She stood before the managing director's door, insert the key, and opened the door, she pushed the door open quietly and walked towards the safe.

She stood there looking at the safe before opening it.

It made a 'click' sound and it opened.

She stood there looking at the heart-shaped pendant, the moonlight reflecting in it and the gold was sparkling.

Her hands were shaking but she got a grip on herself and reached out to take the pendant and kept it in the bag and exited the office, she went to the window and looked at the ladder she placed there after preparing dinner before climbing down.

Irene stood in front of the orphanage building, this was the place all the major events in her life happened. Strangely she felt no remorse leaving this place, Evenly was her home, not this building, without Evelyn this place was just hell on earth for her and it would only become worst.

Irene widened her eyes when she saw the orphanage gate guard heading her way, she quickly hid behind a tree anticipating what would happen if she gets caught.

The gate guard passed her and she was speechless, was he...is he sleeping, so the orphanage gate guard is a sleepwalker? what competent workers this orphanage has.

She laid low on the grass and crawled her way to the corner end of the orphanage wall to avoid being seen. She moved some stuff and a hole came to view.

Evelyn created the hole when Irene she wanted to see the outside world as a birthday gift and ever since then they usually sneak out.

She went through the hole pulling her bag with her, she closed the hole and stood up taking the view in front of her.

She looked around wondering which route to take, after walking for some distance she stumbled on three men.

"Excuse me, I.." Irene's sentence was caught off when one man held her arm.

"Hey beautiful," one man said smiling his rotten teeth at her, his gaze undressing her. Irene quickly jerked her arm away from the man's hold. 

"No need to be frightened my dear, we promise to be nice," another man said walking towards her and licking his lips.

She took some steps backward to get away from the men with the way there were behaving she knew there were drunk on something and their intentions were clear. Another held her arm and she struggled to set herself free but to no avail.

"No need to be startled, we don't bite so you don't need to be scared," the man holding her said and lunch his lips on her neck sucking and biting it, another man stood in front of her and ripped some part of her dress, his lips landed on her chest and he sucked on them like some delicacy.

Irene looked at the man in front of her and used her knee to hit his balls, that action caused a slap on her chick and tore her lips.

One dragged Irene's hair to get better access to her neck and another holding her hand above her head and was licking them.

Irene struggled to get herself free from their hold. She very well knows what there were doing to her, she might be an orphan who was brought up in an orphanage but education is very important and strict and she plans to continue her education in any mean possible.

She kneed the man groaned again, the man holding her hands left a slap on her face and her hand s was free. She gathered all her strength and pushed the men away and made a run for it before she bumped into Mr's black leather jacket.


Back to the present. 

In the restaurant.

Irene looked out the window for some time before she finished the remaining coffee and stood up from the table, she asked for directions to the restroom.

"Rush" she on the tap, packed a handful of water, and washed her face. Irene looked at her reflection in the mirror ' what would she do now, she's out of the orphanage which she doesn't regret, but how does she find Evelyn'.

She kept on splashing water on her face, trying to calm herself down and watch away the touch of those disgusting drunk men.

her was wet and water was dripping down her face, the wound was treated and her ripped clothes were changed. She took a towel and tried herself before leaving the restroom.

Walking back to her table she heard the conversation between the woman who was at the register and a man at a conner

"Why isn't she here?" the man asked agitated

"She canceled last minute" the woman replied hesitantly.

"How can she do that, we need someone to fill her place, we have a lot of customers and you alone can't do the work," the man said and left the corner, he stopped when he saw he saw Irene standing at there, he walked passed her.

Irene walked in " I can fill in for the person" Irene said and the woman looked at her skeptically.

"You need someone to work with and I need the job" Irene added and the woman agreed, she lead Irene to the kitchen to join the rest of the crew

Her work was pretty simple, it was just to get the customers order and serve them, well anything Is better than wandering around in the street and besides she needs the money, what those men did to her was still fresh in her memory and she felt no regret what happened to them, they deserve it and worst, but the guy on black leather jacket, how did he do that and why did he save her, the only person that had every saved her was Evelyn so why would a complete stranger risk his life for her.
