
Chapter five: Damn everyone

Irene felt uncomfortable and woke up to Viola hanging over her.

" What?" Irene asked still sleepy.

"I'm getting adopted tomorrow," Viola said with pride.

"Good for you, now if you'll excuse me," Irene said and used her bed sheet to cover herself up.

"No need to be bitter, it isn't my fault you're unwanted" Viola said mockingly.

Irene looked at Viola uninterested in what Viola was trying to do. She used her bed sheet to cover herself up, when she heard the door closed she knew Viola was out of the room.

She stood up and entered the bathroom, she stripped herself of all her clothing and went under the shower. The cold water came in contact with her skin and sent chills down her spine but she could be careless.

She came out of the shower, dried herself up, and but on an oversized shirt with worn-out jeans, she left her hair to dry naturally.

She headed for the kitchen, for some reason she woke up late and it was past breakfast time. She went over to the leftover, cold porridge.

She dug into the food, not paying attention to the taste. She was about to take another bite when a caretaker walked in.

"What are you doing here? take this to the managing director" the caretaker said and walked out not waiting for Irene's reply, but what was there to say.

Irene walked towards the tray and placed the coffee on it before walking out of the kitchen.


Managing director office

"I've you done what I asked?" the managing director asked to miss Mata while keeping a pendant in a safe.

"Yes, Irene's name has been removed from the list of unadopted children," miss Mata said, dropping a file on the table.

"You may leave" the managing director dismissed miss Mata and laid back on his chair.

Miss Mata opened the door and saw Irene was about to knock, she gave way for Irene to enter the office before leaving.

Irene walked into the office and dropped the tray on the office, she turned around and was about to leave

"Evelyn is not here so I'll advise you to be on your best behavior, she's no longer here to take the blame for you, you're not a child anymore so don't play pranks I heard what happened to Viola last night, it shouldn't be repeated, " the managing director said with a meaningful voice.

"Understood," Irene said and walked out of the office, she was in no mood to eat leftovers so she proceed to do her chores.

Done with her chores she went to her room ignoring everyone that called her, 'damn them all, damn everyone she cursed.

She took a bag from the top shelf, took a few clothes, and put them in the bag.

"What are you doing?" Viola asked suspiciously

"When would you learn to mind your business?" Irene asked back.

Viola walked toward Irene with steady steps but Irene choose to ignore her. Viola grabbed a handful of Irene's hair and dragged it with all the strength she could muster.

"I haven't forgotten what you did to me," Viola said and brought out a knife she took from the kitchen, she rubbed the knife against Irene's chick before placing it on her hair, Irene had long red hair and Viola hated it, so what better way to get back at her than to cut the hair. Just when Viola was about to cut Irene's hair, Irene held the knife with her bare hand, her blood dripping down but her grip was firm and tight. Viola was astonished and tried dragging the knife but Irene won't budge.

"Hi...how come" Viola tried saying with wide eyes when a firm grip Held her hand.

Irene held Viola's hands and twisted it and Viola let out a scream, how was she at the receiving end of pain "Never in your life try what you just did" Irene said stressing the word 'never' and let go of Viola.

"Get out," Irene said face deprived of emotions.


"I said get out" Irene shouted and Viola hissed

"You'll regret this" Viola said and stumbled out of the room.

Irene looked at her bleeding hand and a smile formed on her lip, if Evelyn was here she would have scolded her. She walked to a drawer and brought out a first aid kit and treated herself, she tied a bandage on it and lay on her bed. "You'll regret this" what Viola said came to mind but she let out a little chuckle 'it would be too late for that she thought and closed her eyes into darkness.

Irene work up with a slight headache, she steady herself on the floor and left the room, she did all her chores and headed for the kitchen to eat the leftovers as it was past launch, when she was done she head for the managing director office. she took outside the office door when she was sure he was in the office, she went to a wall and laid on it closed her eyes and listen to her heartbeat.

She opened her eyes when the managing director lock his office and kept the keys in his pocket that was her signal, she left the wall and walked in fast steps.

She bumped into him and fell, she raised her head and looked up at him.

"My mistake, it won't happen again," she said but he ignored her and walked away.

"Cause I won't be here" she completed her statement and stood up, the managing director keys dangling in her hand, she kept them and walked back to her room. Viola was there too but they both ignored each other, Irene lay on her00

p eyes closed but she was not sleeping, she was well aware of what was happening. Irene heard the conversation between Miss Mata and the managing director and the wonderful plan they had for her but she has her plan and that was to listen to Evelyn and leave this forsaken orphanage

Thanks for reading

ruby_rb07creators' thoughts