

what would be your reaction if you fall in novels that you love more than you life , an interesting novel that you love more and more as you read but there is an twist that novel is not so happy for you to be some thing to be excited upon as it is full of bad thing taht your parents may advised to not do like violence, killing,etc

Check_Mate_7597 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"Akira! Akira! "voice of my mom now was echoing in my mind, the image of them was now fill in my mind which made me at home.

"Akira wake up" mom said with warm voice. I slowly open my eyes,when my eyes was on set on my mom, The tear run from my eye and I hug her.

honest it feel like It was an bad dream, and now I am in reality where I have everything I wanted especially my parent but still the guilt remain in my self cause I know it was not an dream where I lost my parents because of my stupidity, but I happy to be with them even if it is an dream.

I go with mom downstairs for lunch as always today is day when my father is making lunch.

we all seat at the dinner table and start eating our lunch. I was happy after a very long time. I turn on the tv and as my father requested and open a news channel.



today are we going to interview the topper of Akira high school Hinata sato and hiroto ito of akira high school.


this trigger my memory and the scene of novel that I am big fan of "elite group" but that moment I realised something that now I am in novel that I love so much which help me a lot in regaining myself after my parent dead.

although it was not an good news for me as this novel is full violence, killing, and game which are deadly.

for now my only mission is survive and to protect what I lose before this falling into novel fantasy part but I think it will required me a little time to adopt to this situation.

this story is not fanfiction but it is something inspired by other novels like a classroom of elite. I am also big fan of it

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