
Star Rage

A star falls into the Darkenverse and heads for the Earth dimension, reaching the surface, it breaks into pieces and fall into the various galaxies of the dimension. Seven pieces fall on Earth onto the seven continents. Immediately the pieces hit the ground, trees shoot out of them with golden flowers. The trees summon seven human beings to come and be their guardians, due to the trees' ability of of giving out powers to random people annually, the guardians build schools they called Star Arts Academy round them where they taught students martial arts and gave them powers after graduation.

In the Star Arts Academy of Africa,this year is a bit special since there is a lot of famous kids coming to the school. Tobias arrived at the school with all his luggage and wanted help with it but no one agreed to help him. TOBIAS- uhm, I could need a little help here please, guys? anyone?[everyone just passed as if he did not exist. He sees Ivy glancing through a martial arts handbook] could you help me out miss? IVY- I don't have time for any distractions. I am here to get the power I need to defend my town from our evil mayor, I cannot get involved in any emotional damages. TOBIAS- but I am not loooking for a partner-- well I would want one if I'd get[Ivy stares] not that way, I mean, I need help with my fighting skills[Ivy still stares angrily]. I just need help with my bags, please? IVY- why didn't you say so? Let me help you with those[she takes two bags as Tobias picks up the three left, picks them in his hands and balances one on his head]. So where are you from? TOBIAS- I am from Ablekuma in the Eastern Region of the country, well it is a small town but full of good people and beautiful memories. IVY- so what brings you here to Star Arts? TOBIAS- well the obvious reason, I am here to fight for the weak and oppressed in my town but, I doubt that can ever happen. I am the first to enroll here from my town you know? What about you? IVY- uhm, i am not the first to enroll here from my ntown, a man named Stallon K got here years ago and fortunately for him, he graduated and got his powers, but unfortunately for my people and I, he became our mayor. He uses his powers to lock my people up for no reason. His power is prison lock, so he locks up stuff and creates barriers around my town to protect us from evil power practitioners while we should be protected fom he himself. TOBIAS- wow, then you really ought to graduate then. I also do but I don't have any protection that much to do or any grand plan nor reason, but I do know something will turn up.[they walk through the hallway and meet Adnan, one of the famous students at school, talking to some feminine students who listens as he brags to them. ADNAN- the Nuh family as you all know has been the pride of Star Arts here for centuries. I still remember how the principal begged my father for me to enroll here you know. IVY- just a bag of crap, nothing more--- ADNAN- hello Ivy, I see you are still in good shape all this time IVY- I believe I should think your head still hurts from that knockout last semester right? I am so sorry ADNAN- well it was a bad one but what can I say, you can only expect bad things from a cheat, rotten little girl, who does not even have parents IVY-[angrily] say one more thing about my family and another knockout will lead you straight to the gates of death! ADNAN- alright, alright and who do we have here behind you?Your boyfriend? TOBIAS- oh sorry, I'm Tobias Ofori and just a friend to her, nothing more ADNAN- well then free advice, keep out of her reach in sleep or get a knockout as she sleepwalks[they all laugh at Ivy and Tobias then leave]. Keep out of your reach when you sleep or knockout? What was that all about Ivy? IVY- do not pay heed to his words, he is just bluffing. I think I got your room covered, follow me[she leads him to a room with two other guys already in]. Hello guys, guess who showed up today, he just arrived this morning. TOBIAS- uhm, the name is Tobias Ofori ASPAS- I'm Aspas Kunaman and this is Williams Rox but we all call him Will. We're friends of Ivy. IVY- hope you guys take good care of him, Tobby, uhm is it okay if I called you that? I feel Tobias is too long TOBIAS- anything goes with me IVY- nice one, so I have to get back to my room see you around boys[she leaves the room] WILL- you know she likes you right? TOBIAS- what are you talking about? WILL- well she does not open up to a lot of people. Although she may look all jumpy like a kangaroo sometimes, joyous in other events, she is still a sad flower deep within ASPAS- free advice, stay away from the popular kids here and you will be just great, progress will come your way gradually.[the next day dawns and all are asked to meet the principal in the gathering hall for a welcome address. Tobias wakes up late. TOBIAS- where is everyone movig to? ASPAS- we have been asked to see the principal in the gathering ha;;. He plans on telling us some few facts-- WILL- oh please, it's just going to be talk, talk all day and after that, class begins.[Ivy walks in and asks them to hurry up] IVY- what are you still doing in here? we are already late! WILL- we're coming Ivy [they walk to the gathering hall and once there, they join their colleagues at their prospective seats. Adnan arrives with his four friends:two males and female twins. The group sits right infront and Adnan makes an eye con tact with Tobias who smiles but Ivy pushes him with her shoulders to stop. The principal comes in and the students rise to welcome him STUDENTS- welcome master PRINCIPAL- you are also welcome to Star Arts Academy. HERE, you are given the opportunity to keep and protect what you have. Your life is filled with defence against all evil and most of all, yourselves. Remember that you are yourself's greatest enemy and you can change the future. Learn new fighting skills, improve upon your stability, finese and get your power at the end. All the same, welcome to Star Arts Academy.[the students applaud and cheer]. Classes begin now, you may leave for your lessons.[they leave but Adnan and his friends wait for Ivy and her friends at the entrance, the two groups are now alone] IVY- I thought you had left already with your pigs ADNAN- oh baby girl, you cannot get rid of me that easy. I am a tough guy you know? IVY- i'ts quite unfortunate that after it all, you are going to go down at the finals. Just wait for a minute and I will show you true martial arts boy. ADNAN- you could not even scratch me even if I allowed you to do so. IVY- I'm talking more than scratches RACHEL- would you two ever stop fighting and evolve as students? IVY- Rachel, when did you arrive? RACHEL- I had a late flight so I delayed but I am here, and to think I thought of meeting you two happily bonding but I sadly see you fighting again IVY- do not bother about this, you know Adnan and his silly manners. Now come on, let's talk about your journey. [lessons begin and their teachers enter the classrooms. PROFESSOR- Training begins now, form two queues to the corners of the room. We start the defence class, begin! [meanwhile, Tobias misses his class and walks away through the empty halls where he hears voices of music[humming] in the walls. He touches the wall and moves through it to the other side. He appears in a garden where he sees fountains, waterfalls, flowers of different kinds and at the center stood a giant tree with golden flowers and sparkling green leaves along with a glowing stem and vibrating roots emitting the beautiful melody he heard once outside. He sees a man appear at the entrance on the walls where a cave opening was, the man was the principal TOBIAS-[to himself] what is the principal doing here?More like what am I doing here? PRINCIPAL-[to the tree] glow all you can now for once I get the power of absorbance, you will turn into just a pile of wood, nothing more. Tindan will be free at last to take her place as the rightful ruler of the entire Darkenverse, oh sorry, I meant conqueror while I reign as her second in command.[Tobias is shocked at these words and hides further in a bush nearby then listens in silence] the day of allegiance will soon be upon us and it is now your millenium to give out the power of absorbance. I just want to know the student you chose to give the power to, but free advice, keep your days of youth close, for as the aging starts, death by the pool is innevitable[gives an evil laugh and leaves. Tobias comes out of hiding] TOBIAS- what was all that about? I have to find my way out of here[he leaves for class, finding it this time and it's already recess] WILL-[to Tobias] where have you been all this while? IVY- yeah where have you been? TOBIAS- I just had the weirdest experience ever, I lost my way coming to the lessons-- RACHEL- oh so that's the reason you came late, you could always get a map to follow round here. TOBIAS- no, not the lost part, I mean it it is but I just saw what I think is the star tree, here at Star Arts IVY- what? but only the principal is allowed-- how did you see it? TOBIAS- I did see it and the principal was there too, he was saying weird stuff about the tree that it was going to lose its glow and turn to a pile of wood and the release of Tindan or someone of that sort ASPAS- wait, the tree to lose its glow? That means the tree will lose its powers and if it does, won't all magic leave Earth? What if it happens before our finals, meaning we won't have a feel of our very own powers! IVY- Aspas, pull yourself together! Tobias, are you sure about this? TOBIAS- yes of course, it is true. RACHEL- I think I know how to do this, everyone do follow me[they follow her to the library] IVY- Rachel, I'm sorry, but I don't think it is time for research RACHEL- first thing, every time is research time, now, we go into the mystic section[a dwarf appears behind them] SEEKER- what is it you wish to know? RACHEL- this obviously must have a beginning and its related to the stars. We wish to know about the origins of the star trees IVY- origins? we need something present present, not history RACHEL-[to Ivy] sometimes, some answers are in the loop of the past, more of into stars.[to the seeker] show me SEEKER- as you wish[the dwarf snaps its fingers and a ball of light surrounds them, they are taken back in time right before the star fall. They watch as a star break out of a chain of stars and falls down straight for the Earth dimension into the Earth realm, they see the star divide into seven pieces shooting out trees] IVY- what is this? Everyone on the globe is aware of this fact, we need more than this to understand the problem. RACHEL- uhm seeker, take us back before the star fall IVY- still not going to be relevant[ the seeker sends them back in time to the age of the very begining.] SEEKER- at a time where the first gods lived and ruled over their dimensions, darkness reared it's head towards the worlds, the gods could not fight them individually, so they linked the dimensions forming the Darkenverse, the grand spiral. They created a sphere round it to protect the worlds but the shield was not strong enough to stop the darkness. And they took the ultimate sacrifice, to lose their godly forms and attain the form of stars, forever blocking evil from gaining entry. Time passed and as they grew weak and fell, other gods replaced them and this has been the cycle for years. TOBIAS- amazing but seeker, where from the prisoner Tindan? SEEKER- Tindan was an elder star as such but missed the direct worship of her subjects so she left her post by the wall and took back her godly form. She returned to her dimension and found it weakened and relaxed, evil thoughts came to her since she knew all the other worlds were same and as her fellow stars secured them on the outside, she conquered on the inside. The gods at that time were weak and for that, many perished at her hands. The elder gods left their posts and came to fight her, she claimed most of their lives but finally, was captured and placed in Limbo[prison of stars] a place outside the borders of the Darkenverse, where she was bounded by chains in a castle and dark creatures tortured her day in day out. The elder gods went back to their posts and the Darkenverse was free once more. RACHEL? but what I don't understand is if she is that bad, why would the principal want to free her from her prison? ASPAS- more like, why would he want to get involved in all this? IVY- I don't believe he can even free her if he wanted, I mean Seeker, how can Tindan be freed? SEEKER- Limbo was created by the joint effort of the elder stars and it takes just one of them or their power to break the prison and set her lose. TOBIAS- so that's why the tree is going to lose its powers. Only a star or its power can break the prison and free Tindan, the tree here is a star or it contains power of a star. The tree's power can be used to free her WILL- but the tree wouldn't do that right? RACHEL- even if it would, it would not be of free will IVY- I get it now, the principal wants to suck the trees powers into himself and go free Tindan ASPAS- the tree gives off powers so its own powers could be too much, how will the principal contain that sort of power? TOBIAS- he added there would be a day of allegiance where the millenium power of absorbance is given to a student or something. RACHEL- now I get it, on the day of allegiance we have our graduation each year, the tree gives of regular powers as it always does. The star trees have a specific power they rarely give out and it is the power of absorbance. Once harnessed, one can absorb and use any power at free will making it a big catch, but it is given out in just each millenium. Besides the trees run shifts on it as in, this millenium, this tree gives out, then the next millenium, that tree gives out. It must be Africa's turn this year. WILL- that is big! ASPAS- but he already has a power so he can't get his hands on it but a student in this year's graduating class will IVY- he's planning on finding that special student and teaming up with him or her TOBIAS- which must never happen! uhh, how do we do this again? RACHEL- its simple like a pilolo game, find the chosen student before he does ASPAS- okay excuse me but, could you tell me how to find a chosen student who has not yet been chosen? IVY- I do not know but we must find a way to end this evil scheme of the principal SEEKER- I'm I allowed to say something, masters? TOBIAS- oh go on, there's no need for you to call us masters SEEKER- I have been bound to serve at this library for life thereby meaning the whole school at large. I believe our life is written in our destinies and if we are able to see our destinies, we can see our lives. You can know the chosen student but only in one way, a dangerous path is what awaits you if you take this path WILL- If there was a way to find the chosen student, why is it that the principal has to wait after the day of allegiance? SEEKER- as I said, this path is a dangerous one and only one of pure heart shall succeed. M any have gone down this path, none returned till today WILL- and how sure are you that we are of pure hearts? SEEKER- even if evil feels its counter presence, how much more won't good ASPAS- I must say, it sounds like a nice plan since he won't expect it SEEKER- one of you would have to journey into the realm of the tree and find the tree's guardian IVY- but isn't the principal the tree's guardian? SEEKER- no he is not, he is just another graduate who took care of the school, as the guardian went into the realm of the tree for meditation. Since the council did not want anyone going round spelling rumours, they picked a new one to take care of the school. ASPAS- a bad choice that was WILL- so which one of us will go to the world of the tree and meet the guardian? ASPAS- well certainly not me, I am too smallish for sauch a cause RACHEL- I have got to keep an eye on my defensive skills so I cannot go TOBIAS- I am new and inexperienced in any sort of fighting skills. Besides, you all know I cannot go IVY- fine, I will go then. You all had me in mind from the beginning. Seeker, how do I get into the realm of the tree? SEEKER- all I know is "seek the way through the hole, find it if you must, raise your eye on the horizon and with a feel of hope, you shall be called", now that is all I know about the tree's entry. WILL- just perfect!, now we don't have to worry about just covering up for Ivy, but figure out the answer to a riddle as well. RACHEL- seek the way through the hole, raise your eye on the horizon and with a feel of hope, you shall be called. Is there a hole or button on the tree seeker? SEEKER- not that I know of but, yes there is a button RACHEL- If it is horizon, then that means a ray of sunlight must strike the tree at exactly noon, but a feel of hope is the part I don't understand. Anyway, Ivy must be by the tree exactly at noon and press the button on the tree when the ray of sunlight strikes the tree WILL- but at noon is the general inspection phase, Ivy cannot be absent then TOBIAS- she could, only if we can keep the ray on the tree longer RACHEL- amazing, I think we got ourselves a plan. It is nearly recess halt so we should go back. Thank you seeker, oh, and this should remain between us okay? SEEKER- this seeker is sealed RACHEL- thank you seeker, have a nice day.[they leave the library for class but unfortunately, one of the twins in Adnan's group overhears them. She goes back to Adnan to tell him, thinking he would be impressed but he looked indifferent. They all went to class. Exactly at noon, all students reported to the gathering hall for inspection to begin. Ivy was found missing by Williams WILL- she is gone guys RACHEL- that's even better[Ivy goes to the tree, waits for the ray to stike it and presses the button, she enters the realm of the tree. She appears at a place where she encounters her replica standing before her] PRISCILLA- welcome, Ivy IVY- what? how come you look exactly like me? PRISCILLA- more like you, look like me. But well, the name is Priscilla but you can call me the lucky star. Afterall, I am beautiful and glow like a star. A lot of people want me but I just need one person to love me. Since you don't love me, I cannot let you pass. IVY- what if I showed you kindness? PRISCILLA- what sort of kindness are we talking about here? IVY- whatever you want PRISCILLA- just answer a riddle and that is all, you can leave IVY- as if it's my first, go on then I'm ready PRISCILLA- ready or not, here it goes, "gaze upon the sands of a desert full of drops of water yet bitter but sweet, sour goes up and up and yet the desert breathes" What is the meaning of this riddle? You have just one attempt to this riddle IVY- that's a simple one. It talks about a life which was at first great, full of drops of water, but has had change of events, yet bitter but sweet, and---[sadly undertone] just like how my life has been. After my parent's death, the properties did come to me but it is not home without them PRISCILLA- congratulations Ivy, you passed the test, you are allowed to go forth and find the guardian of the tree up in that cave[she points her finger at a cave and vanishes. Ivy goes up to the cave and sees its beauty, filled with stars and so much light plus radiations GUARDIAN- welcome, Ivy IVY- uhm, greetings, master GUARDIANS- you did quite well back there with the riddle you know IVY- thank you master GUARDIAN- but I must say, there is one more riddle up ahead IVY- I guess I have turned to a riddle cracker then GUARDIAN- "whom you seek is by destiny, the beat of your heart is linked to this destiny, it goes up and down till it becomes reality" I hope you can find out who the chosen student is since all our lives depend on it. IVY- I will do so master, I will not let you down sir GUARDIAN- go forth and be blessed [Ivy vanishes and reappears in the gathering hall, she moves to the library and find her friends] WILLIAMS- well, how'd go? RACHEL- did you find the student? IVY- all I got was another riddle which is supposed to have the answer ASPAS- how are we supposed to that? TOBIAS- we have to find the chosen student at any cost. The fate of the world is depending on us. Ivy, what is the riddle? IVY- he said,"whom you seek is by destiny, the beat of your heart is linked to this destiny, it goes up and down till it comes to reality" It is not having a direct meaning ASPAS- that's what make riddles hard RACHEL- how do we save the world without solving this riddle? Besides we have a lesson right now which we have to attend WILLIAMS- we will discuss this further after class [they leave for class under the canopy of trees for trials, they spot the principal walking with Adnan to his office]. IVY- I have a bad feeling about those two ADNAN- two shady minds working together, not just you sis, not just you ASPAS- we all know Adnan is crazy but I don't think he will be willing to get involved in this psychotic masacre IVY- that boy, can do anything Aspas, he is that type. WILLIAMS- if he is going to be a threat, I believe we should keep a close eye on him and that group of his as well. RACHEL- calm down everyone, let us all focus on our training for now, getting our powers and graduating should be our aim for now. Our cities are counting on us, but should in case anything happens, we will be ready.[they turn to watch the trial fights, night time approaches and the moon reveals itself from the clouds. Ivy comes out of the library with two books in hand and stressed. She walks through the way and bumps into Adnan. ADNAN- I see you are still trying to perfect your skills Ivy IVY-[ exhales] yes of course, you can't tell when you need them, and especially with how evil doers are rising these days, planning and plotting to unleash evil unto the world ADNAN- and yet, why is it that we always find a way of meeting? IVY- use your words well, we don't find a way, it just happens but I'm still awaiting our final meeting, which will surely be your end ADNAN- I'm still counting on it, it will be glorious that day IVY- Indeed, but for now we have to make sure we note the sides we take, one side will surely fall with all its members, as the other, will thrive ADNAN- we'll see about that [the two leave for their destinations. The principal goes to the tree and strikes it with so much power. The tree glows harder and begins to bear golden fruits. Once all the fruits were beared, the principal smiled] PRINCIPAL- welcome, day of allegiance [he goes back to his office and enters a hidden chamber where he goes before a mirror] It is done, mistress[a lady appears in the mirror] TINDAN- well done, my loyal servant. Now my hour of freedom is close, I can feel it already within. I shall conquer the entire Darkenvwerse and you my loyal servant, shall reign by my side. I do suppose, there are no challenges with the plan? PRINCIPAL- just the chosen student that I'm having trouble finding but Adnan with his group will find me that student, the tree will blossom early this year and its power will soon be used to free you, mistress. TINDAN- superb! you are the best of your kind you know, I just can't wait. But are you sur you can trust this influencer? PRINCIPAL- he is Adnan Nuh TINDAN- oh, from the Nuh family I see. Looks like everything is under control. Do everything you can and get me out of this prison as fast as you can PRINCIPAL- but of course, mistress[they both laugh, the next day, he calls for a gathering and all is present.] Greetings to you all. I do not know whether to say this is fortunate or unfortunate, the star tree has shown signs of an early blossom this year, meaning, we will have an early blossom, and be prepared to receive your powers any moment from now. Powers given out to students have always be on a peculiar channel, but with this year's early blossom, there is a chance of slight or major issues arising, so do come to my office so I record your powers once you receive them. Thank you, those of us strong, shall forever be strong, and for the weak, we shall protect them always. You are dismissed.[everyone leaves] RACHEL- an early blossom? Something must be wrong, the star tree blooms in August each year and its now February, so what could be forcing it to bloom so early? IVY- more like who is forcing the star tree? It is the principal I suspect. He obviously has something to do with it. WILLIAMS- this is not happening, he wants to free Tindan and this early? No wonder he wants us to come record our powers in his office just to find the chosen student. TOBIAS- with the statement the principal gave, the star tree will give out powers any moment from now, we have to keep an eye on all the students and get the chosen student before he finds him or her. IVY- Aspas, do you think you can spy on Adnan and his friends? ASPAS- you know stealth mode is the middle name, so no problem with that IVY- good the rest of us, prepare for battle. I have a feeling, it will be upon us soon[they leave, after one week of following Adnan, Aspas overhears him chat with his friends] ADNAN- now listen, the principal sped up the star tree on purpose so there is an early blossom. The chosen student is still out there not yet found, so keep your eyes out. He or she must comply to work with us by will or force. Very soon friends, the Darkenverse will be ours to command BECKY- that would be in a very long time since we are in the third rank here ADNAN- but we could be first you know, all we have to do is to find the chosen student and take the power of absorbance, we imprison the principal in Limbo, summon an army of demons and conquer the worlds one by one. CASTRO- that's amazing, but betraying the principal, quite deadly ELITE- when will the power give out happen? ADNAN- it will occur any day within next week, so look out for any signs of the chosen one CASTRO- but on a more serious note, your thinking is grand ADNAN- of course it's all bloodline fixed. My family has it in our genetic coding, very rare [evening approaches and the teams meets up in the library] IVY- how did it go? ASPAS- I fortunately got into Adnan's group talking and this is what they said,"the principal caused the tree to bloom early this year on purpose and he's asked them to take a look out for the chosen student. But they have different plans of their own, they're planning to take the power of absorbance for themselves, suck the tree dry, summon an army of demons and conquer the worlds one by one. RACHEL- that is outrageous ASPAS- shear evil IVY- now that is what he is capable of Aspas RACHEL- don't you think it is about time we got help from others? TOBIAS- this is too sensitive a matter to get more peopl involved. There is a lot of evil intact and we would not want it to inluence others. WILLIAMS- let us solve this in a simple manner, we get the chosen one on our side, send the principal, Adnan with his team to prison ASPAS- Limbo? IVY- if possible, yes RACHEL- if we are to send them to Limbo, we will need help from a guardian TOBIAS- which other guardian can be of help to us? IVY- we could call on Lady Priscentia of Europe's Star Arts Academy. Rachel can handle that for us while I give us our battle lessons. The fate of the entire Darkenverse is now on our shoulders, we fail, it dies.[they start training and finally the day arrives, the tree glowed harder this time and a power wave was released throughout the school. All final years got their powers. The principal stood in his window and saw how students were excited with their powers and had started using them.] PRINCIPAL-[to himself] finally, it is here. Let the power flow RACHEL- [rushing to her friends in the hallway] It is done, I got my powers, they are water, you? IVY- I got flames WILLIAMS- suite you perfectly with that temper. I had earth, more of rocks ASPAS- you're looking at the lord of the air, alright TOBIAS- Its all beautiful, I wish I had but nevertheless, I will support you in anyway I can IVY- we have to find the chosen one, look for anyone with extraordinary powers and a bit freaked out about them, go TOBIAS- you do that while I go guard the tree just in case of anything[they go to search for the chosen one as Adnan and his friends do same but both teams fail. Adnan reports to the principal] PRINCIPAL- with or without the chosen one or the tree's power I will free my mistress. Come let's depart for Limbo[he leaves with Adnan to the woods out of campus by the falls, he raises up two tall piulars and opens a gateway portal and the two enter and appear in an empty white place with just a white castle with no exits ] In there she is[ The two men channel their powers and try to break her free] put your back into it Adnan TINDAN- do not waste your power and energy, only the chosen one can execute my freedom ADNAN- and to think we were helping her out, such a bluff[whips rise from the ground and bounds him, strangling his body and he screams in pain] TINDAN- mind your words boy, I am imprisoned not weak, never take this moment for my weakness. You are spared this time[lets him go and he coughs blood. The two leave the realm] PRINCIPAL- get your friends to guard the gateway while you find the chosen one in the school, I'll be in my office waiting for feedback from you. ADNAN- yes principal[the two are spotted by Ivy from afar] IVY- where did those two come from? I must find out[she retraces their steps to the falls in the woods where she sees the gateway opened] you have got to be kidding me[mkoments later, Adnan's friends reach her location and take their positions to guard the gateway. Adnan fails his search and goes to the principal's office] ADNAN- I am sorry sir, but I could not find the chosen one. PRINCIPAL- how come this is happening? ADNAN- I think we should use our powers to free Tindan PRINCIPAL- even if we were supposed to team up with your friends and use all our powers, it would not work, unless we could find another way of absorbing the tree's power ADNAN- which i do not suppose there is, if only we got a device of extraction or something-- PRINCIPAL- as a matter of fact, there is, a gem which has the ability of absorbance and transfer of power just as the absorbance power itself. Leave for the gateway, I'll join you with the tree's power in my possesion ADNAN-[in his head] in your dreams sir, it belongs to me.[out loud] certainly sir[he leaves. The principal goes into the library where the dwarf appeared before him. Tobias was also around in secret] SEEKER- welcome principal, what brings you here at this hour? PRINCIPAL- I owe you no explanations dwarf, and how dare you even question my actions and movements! Open up the ristricted section for me dwarf! SEEKER- as the name implies, restricted, I cannot open it up to you without knowing your reason for going in there PRINCIPAL- how dare you insolent creature! utter another word and I shall strike you where you stand! SEEKER- I am but a servant, yet when evil rises, opposition reveals and strength is renewed PRINCIPAL- seeker![he strikes the dwarf dead] that will teach you to keep your mouth shut, dwarf[he moves into the restricted section and takes the gem into his hands as Tobias goes to the dwarf's body which turns to dust and he sheds tears. The principal moves to the tree's chamber and Tobias follows him secretly. He attaches the gem to the tree and begin to suck the tree's power, Tobias jumped out of hiding and attacks the principal who pins him down on the ground with magic after a fight] you fool! What were you thinking? By the way, you have good fighting skills but just no power to support you. Well, I still have to teach you one more lesson.[he struck Tobias with his magic who screamed in pain but suddenly stops as he levitates up in mid-air. He releases a power wave which strikes the principal to the ground along with the gem pulled off the tree] You are the chosen one[he fires at Tobias and vanishes with the gem, Tobias moves close to the tree, touches the dying tree and restored its life. He vanishes and appears by the gateway where he sees his friends battling Adnan and his friends. The principal enters the portal and Tobias follows in to see the principal set the gem in mid-air and transfer the trapped powers to the castle] TOBIAS- end now or perish with your evil, sir PRINCIPAL-[turning to Tobias] I have decided and made up my mind already. And if you were wise enough, you would join me on this TOBIAS- thank you, but I will pass. Prepare to be expelled, principal! PRINCIPAL- guess what, I resign[they draw their powers and battle it out in combat, the gemtears down the castle bit by bit. Finally, Tobias pins him down]whatever you do, it has began and is nearly done [the castle tamples down and Tindan comes out with her hands in the air excitedly] TINDAN- finally, I am free at last! Darkenverse, your ruler comes forth. Morgana![a portal opens with a dragon flying out of it, the beast lays before Tindan's feet as she climbs on it] I'd love to stay, but I got worlds to conquer[ she sets the beast in the air as they fly away, Tobias strikes the gem and splits her han ds sending a power wave catching both Tindan and the principal trapping them into the gem with the dragon locked up. Tobias grabs the gem and walks out through the portal and begins trapping Adnan's friends into it. Adnan opens a portal where demons fly in, the first one posseses Adnan and takes him up into the air and away. The demons charge on Tobias and he traps them in the gem as his friends try to close the portal and finally they succeed. The whole team comes together with the gem in Tobias' hands WILLIAMS- so you were the chosen one TOBIAS- I guess so IVY- how did you get the gem? I mean when did you plan all this? TOBIAS- none of this was planned, it all just happened ASPAS- what about the principal and Tindan? TOBIAS- in here, the whole evil team is here just without Adnan[a portal opens and Lady Priscentia walks out to them] LADY PRISCENTIA- don't worry, he will come around. You have really saved us all, this is what Star Arts always want to achieve RACHEL- guys, the guardian of Europe's Star Arts Academy, Lady Priscentia Eradesa ASPAS- at least the school is safe now LADY PRISCENTIA- the council of guardians will elect a new guardian soon, but how would you want your name to be put up for the position? Don't worry, you've done a lot in a day, so another day. Thank you on behalf of the Darkenverse and hope you will be there for us always.[they cheer as Lady Priscentia vanishes] IVY- I guess you are a hero then[they kiss] THE END