
Elite Assassin's Special Love

Betrayed by her secretary and losing her ability to walk a year ago, Fu Mingxia decided it is the time to put a stop to her misery life. Then came into her life two fluffy babies, whose presence giving her infinite strength to fight her war and also taught her the wonderful feelings to be a mother. On one fateful night, her peaceful life was interrupted by the sudden intrusion of an assassin which his aim was to eliminate her, but undignifiedly fallen into her backyard. Not like it was the first time it ever happened. "Do you want to continue sprawling on the ground? Or should I tossed you out?" Fu Mingxia manoeuvre her electrical wheelchair and stopped around three meters from his position. The man sprang up from the ground and back-flicked his hidden curved dagger toward her before his eyes shook when he unintentionally glanced at her face. "It's you...how--" But she skillfully dodged and soon he felt his foot numbed. As he looked down, he saw a tiny dart pricked his calf. "You..!" .. After his first failed attempt to assassinate her, the man kept coming into her backyard. His persistence finally captured her attention. Not in the romantic way anyway. "What're you doing here again?" "I love you." "Do someone as busy as you love to play around like this, Master Shen?" .. Fu Mingxia's retreating back after revealing the huge secret and conspiracy in front of a mass of people without looking back at him made Hao Shen realised his chance to be with her was diminished. But he refused to give up. So he make some shameless moves just to show her and everyone, she is his special love. The love that he swore to protect till eternity. What is the secret? Could his shamelessness thawed her cold heart? ***Cover photo from Pinterest edited by me. Credit to the owner.

aurora_moon90 · Urban
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Partner In Crime

"Please continue. Don't be shy or scared. I'm just going to watch, nothing else. So don't mind me. Carry on." The woman lazily yet seductively sauntered into the hotel VIP room and casually took a seat on one of the armchair near the bed. She propped her chin on her right knuckle while bouncing a USB flash drive in her left palm.

"Oh, come on. It's not like everyday I'll bestow upon you my sacred presence," she flashed the man a sickly sweet smile which made goosebumps erupted on his whole naked body underneath the blanket.

"You should feel honoured as it's not my habit to watch live p*rn, especially done by three men in a time." She eying the other two men's face and naked body before she nodded thrice and shrugged. "You do have a good taste in male escorts, although they are inferior compared to Hao Shen and his best friends."

"H..Hao Sh..Shen?" The man stuttered.

"Oh? You don't know him? The sole heir of the Hao Group..?" She skeptically eying him.

"I..I did." The man answered. 'But I bet he'll be furious if he ever heard he was being compared with some male prostitutes. His eyes might popped out in shocked. And he might be vomiting blood or his internal organs in order to suppress his rage.'

"He's a kind of escort too..pleasuring women here and there. The difference was he's the one paying them for his services." She clarified her sentence from before. "Right~~ Who knows there might be some cougars paying for his services too. There's a possibility, right?"

The man on the bed shuddered in fear before he signaled his paid partners to go away, which they begrudgingly obliged.

"Don't go yet. Just wear your brief and wash your hands properly. I won't be long." She signaled the stoic Fu Chu to observe the men washing their hands. A minute later, they came back and Fu Chu nodded at her once.

"Come here." She curled her forefinger inwardly at them and grinning when the escorts came to her. "Such a good boy. Stand behind me." She flicked her wrist. "Massage my shoulders properly. If I'm satisfied enough, I'll give you both some rewards."

The men delightedly agreed and started massaging her. "You're a gorgeous woman, Miss. You have a sexy collarbone."

"You have a luscious and fragrant hair too. To top it off, it's long and silky too," the second man compliment as he tenderly touch her high ponytail.

"Are you perhaps a supermodel, Miss? You got a voluptuous body that other women dying to have." The first man singing her praise again.

"Or an angel from heaven." The second man continued.

Meanwhile the man on the bed that scrambled to clothed himself unceremoniously stumbled down the tall bed when he heard both men praises. 'She's really a stunning woman, alright. But to exalt her as an angel...' He shuddered. 'She's the devil. Heck..even the devil might be scared of her. He'll never wants that angelic looking woman to be in Hell with him, otherwise he'll lose his position to her. Not even as his partner in crime.'

"Are you done condemning me in your mind? I don't have much time for your self entertainment." The man clambered out from the twisted blanket and cautiously walking towards her after he zipped up his pants.

"My, my..look at you. Entertaining yourself with some male escorts while your wife and child waiting for you at home. Such scumbag you are. Just stand there. You stink!"

Fu Chu walked forward and passed a brown envelope at the man but he just staring at it without a word. Fu Mingxia cleared her throat and slightly move her head and shooting him a look to quickly open the envelope.

What the man saw almost made his legs turned jelly out of fear. "I'm..I'm really sorry, Miss..I mean President. I was clouded by my greeds." He plonk on the floor and kowtowed several times.

Fu Mingxia laughed at his frightened expression before she abruptly ceased her laughter. "I'll let it passed as your payment for the favour that I want you to commit. No..not favour but demand."

"W..what demand? I'll complied to your instructions." The man felt relief washed over his whole being and almost worshipping the devil woman as an angel. Almost. There's still some fear and uneasiness lingering in his heart.

"I want you to do just that..but transfer the money into an account that I will email you later. Also..seduce Wang Tai's personal assistant and made him as your mole to spy on everything that bastard do in and out of the company."

"CEO Wang's PA? But..."

"Ah! He's just the same as you. Almost the same. You're bisexual but he is a pure man lover. His girlfriend is just a cover up, as he terribly needed the job but the qualification for the position required a man that has a girlfriend." She casually inspecting her manicured fingernails.

"Tsk...that bastard's wife thought she was smart to ward off her potential rivals, not knowing she unintentionally invited a hidden rival for herself. Fortunately for her, that bastard did not fancy a man. So you have your chance. His PA is a dashing young man. Don't you feel grateful?" She flicked the small strands of hair that fall over her masked eyes and peeked at the dumbfounded man.

"Neither I care how you plan to seduce him nor I want to know either you'll be the dominant or submissive party. You had got enough of MY capital..so use it wisely to commence your plans. And you did not need my ideas how to ensnare and cajole him, right? Just an advice..tempted him with a proposal that he'll be attracted. He's an ambitious person. I only want the details of that bastard, maybe his bi*ch wife too." She thanked the two escorts and rose up from her seat while Fu Chu hand a ward of big notes to the men.

"Don't try to act smart with me. I had bugged all your accounts and your phones. And I don't mind to broadcasting your indecent deeds to the whole world if you dare to secretly slight me when I had been magnanimous enough to let you live without losing even a small toenail. Get the ball rolling in a month."

She ambled to the door. "I believed this conversation ended here, gentlemen." She flicked her wrist backwards and a dart travel in the air before it piercing on the floor between the two escorts. Their face pale instantly.

"Oh! You both can spread my words before about that man, Hao Shen and his friends. It's a glory for you both."