
Elite Assassin's Special Love

Betrayed by her secretary and losing her ability to walk a year ago, Fu Mingxia decided it is the time to put a stop to her misery life. Then came into her life two fluffy babies, whose presence giving her infinite strength to fight her war and also taught her the wonderful feelings to be a mother. On one fateful night, her peaceful life was interrupted by the sudden intrusion of an assassin which his aim was to eliminate her, but undignifiedly fallen into her backyard. Not like it was the first time it ever happened. "Do you want to continue sprawling on the ground? Or should I tossed you out?" Fu Mingxia manoeuvre her electrical wheelchair and stopped around three meters from his position. The man sprang up from the ground and back-flicked his hidden curved dagger toward her before his eyes shook when he unintentionally glanced at her face. "It's you...how--" But she skillfully dodged and soon he felt his foot numbed. As he looked down, he saw a tiny dart pricked his calf. "You..!" .. After his first failed attempt to assassinate her, the man kept coming into her backyard. His persistence finally captured her attention. Not in the romantic way anyway. "What're you doing here again?" "I love you." "Do someone as busy as you love to play around like this, Master Shen?" .. Fu Mingxia's retreating back after revealing the huge secret and conspiracy in front of a mass of people without looking back at him made Hao Shen realised his chance to be with her was diminished. But he refused to give up. So he make some shameless moves just to show her and everyone, she is his special love. The love that he swore to protect till eternity. What is the secret? Could his shamelessness thawed her cold heart? ***Cover photo from Pinterest edited by me. Credit to the owner.

aurora_moon90 · Urban
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


"So you only caught just a glimpse of the person's leg before he went into his car?" Qing Fai frowned and his hand paused in mid air for a second before he picked a garlic and pepper shrimp and shoved it into his mouth.

Hao Shen nodded and gulped down his food. "There's a higher possibility it's a man, probably that man or other man. I don't know."

"How do you know?"

"That person wore an Oxford shoes." Hao Shen sipped on his water.

"..." Qing Fai gave him 'are you kidding me' look. "There's an Oxford shoes for women too, you know."

"True but I seldom saw a woman wore an Oxford shoes."

"True. But there's still some who did."

"That's why I told you I'm not sure if that person was him or not. Could be his best friend, which was Ying's best friend too. But that haughty woman loves to wear heels. Speaking of that woman, did any information about her surfaced?"

"No. Nothing. It's seemed she never exists in the first place." Qing Fai put down his chopsticks and sipped on his water to wash down the food. "Are you sure you got the right name?"

"That was the name that Ying told me six years ago, when I went for her first launch event. Where could she been right now after suddenly disappeared a day after Ying Ying was found dead five years ago."

"There're countless people in the whole world have the same name as her. Ming Xia. It's a common name." Qing Fai commented and shrugged.



"Is there's a possibility there're both a same person?" Hao Shen pondered out loud when he heard Qing Fai commented on his sister's best friend's name. A frown marring his attractive face.


"Ying's boyfriend and her best friend. Xia Min. Ming Xia. Or is it just a pure coincidence?"

Qing Fai widened his eyes and some chewed rice grains fell into his rice bowl from his gaping mouth, clearly very shocked by Hao Shen's unanticipated assumption.

"Shut your mouth." Hao Shen eying him in disdain and put his chopsticks down, losing his appetite by Qing Fai's yucky behaviour.

Qing Fai instantly closed his mouth and gulped down his food without further chewing. "Hey, it's quite possible. Ming Xia. Xia Min. Why don't we caught up on this sooner?" He slammed his empty glass on the table after chugging down all the water.

Hao Shen nodded as he pondering about both person. "Could be. Maybe not. They had different attitudes. Afterall, Xia Min clearly a man. I heard his voice once. And Ming Xia obviously a woman. A stunning one at that, with seductive and melodious voice."

"There's a voice changing device in this world. Maybe all along Xia Min is a woman. But wait..you seemed to know Ming Xia personally."

Hao Shen cleared his throat. "No. Never mind. We'll get to know if they're the same person tomorrow night. I had arranged an appointment with Xia Min in Bliss. Voices might could be changed but outer appearance couldn't."

"Really? He replied to your invitation? It's unfair. He rejected mine." Qing Fai sulked.

"He did not gave me any reply. But I'm quite sure he'll come." Hao Shen stood up and picked his suit jacket.

Qing Fai quickly followed after him, afraid his friend will leave him behind again like before. They strode towards Hao Shen's car and he immediately slides into his seat before Hao Shen did.

Hao Shen chuckled by his childishness and recalled back the incident over a couple of hour ago.


"Hey, hey..Shen.. How could you?" He could hear the anxiousness in Qing Fai's voice after he answered his call.

"It's your own fault."

"Shen..Shen...it will take my assistant an hour to get here. You could not possibly leave your best friend here, in this scary place right?" Qing Fai's voice quiver in fear when the wind blew, making the nearby tall bamboos sways and producing some spooky sounds.

"I just did. Take care." Hao Shen cut the call much to Qing Fai's distress.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" Qing Fai screamed and leaped in fright by the sound of cackles from behind him. He stood rooted in his place, contemplating either to turn his head around or directly ran away from the spine-chilling atmosphere.

In his hesitation, he could felt someone approaching him from behind and his hair raised when he saw the daunting long shadow on the asphalt. His eyes darting left and right in anxiety. Beads of perspiration formed on his forehead and he could felt himself almost pee in his pants.


"Shennnnn!!!!!!!" He hollered and dash forward after roughly pushing the hand that clutching his shoulder. "Shennnn!!! There's a ghost here..help me!!!"

After running for about fifty meter, Qing Fai stopped to catch on his breath and hesitantly looking behind him, only to find Hao Shen crouching down on the road, clutching his stomach and snickering at him. He furiously stormed back and cursing loudly at him. "Fu*k you, Shen!" He hurled his jacket at him.

"I don't know you're this coward, Fai. Sissy Fai."


"Hey, what're you dilly dallying there?"

"I just recalled the sissy Fai before."

"Fu*k you!"

Hao Shen chuckled as he ignited his car and sped off to drop his coward friend home before he arrived at his own penthouse.

Some water droplets dripped from his shoulder length hair and trickled down his well proportioned naked body as he casted his towel aside and leisurely adorning his silk robe. Letting the black robe hanging loosely on his body, he grabbed his phone and made his way towards his bed.

He sat on it, scrolling on his phone before he suddenly paused, as he recalled his presumption before. "Xia Min. Ming Xia. Ming Xia. Xia Min. Ming Xia. Ming Xia..Ming Xia.."

Soon, his mind was full of Ming Xia's voluptuous body and droopy eyes on that night of passion, where they both succumbed into their desires of each other.