
Elite Assassin's Special Love

Betrayed by her secretary and losing her ability to walk a year ago, Fu Mingxia decided it is the time to put a stop to her misery life. Then came into her life two fluffy babies, whose presence giving her infinite strength to fight her war and also taught her the wonderful feelings to be a mother. On one fateful night, her peaceful life was interrupted by the sudden intrusion of an assassin which his aim was to eliminate her, but undignifiedly fallen into her backyard. Not like it was the first time it ever happened. "Do you want to continue sprawling on the ground? Or should I tossed you out?" Fu Mingxia manoeuvre her electrical wheelchair and stopped around three meters from his position. The man sprang up from the ground and back-flicked his hidden curved dagger toward her before his eyes shook when he unintentionally glanced at her face. "It's you...how--" But she skillfully dodged and soon he felt his foot numbed. As he looked down, he saw a tiny dart pricked his calf. "You..!" .. After his first failed attempt to assassinate her, the man kept coming into her backyard. His persistence finally captured her attention. Not in the romantic way anyway. "What're you doing here again?" "I love you." "Do someone as busy as you love to play around like this, Master Shen?" .. Fu Mingxia's retreating back after revealing the huge secret and conspiracy in front of a mass of people without looking back at him made Hao Shen realised his chance to be with her was diminished. But he refused to give up. So he make some shameless moves just to show her and everyone, she is his special love. The love that he swore to protect till eternity. What is the secret? Could his shamelessness thawed her cold heart? ***Cover photo from Pinterest edited by me. Credit to the owner.

aurora_moon90 · Urban
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Embarrassing Moments

A roar of deep loud hearty laughters reverberated around Jinhai's private lounge on the top floor of the private club. A man sat on the leather couch with folded arms had a deep frown marred on his forehead as he was deep in his thoughts while his best friends break up in laughters while rolling on the carpeted floor. It's been half an hour.

"Can both of you stop it?" Hao Shen irritatedly snapped at them, feeling annoyed by their continuous bray.

"Oh my God! That's really, really hilarious," Qing Fai guffawed. "Wish I was there witnessing it with my own eyes."

"Yup. That was epic. Who could guessed the almighty Hao Shen will be in this embarrassing predicament?" Yang Jinhai cackled again when he recalled back the previous incident.

"Shut up! I'll fu*k her senseless if I ever cross her again in the future. How dare she?!"

"Right~~ That's ONLY IF you can meet her again and she succumbed to your seduction. But unfortunately for you, she did not even bat an eyelid even she knew your name and status when she already saw your unrestrained manner before that. She hates playboy."

"How do you know her? And tell me her name," Hao Shen demand.

"Well~~ She's my ex-girlfriend five years ago."

"Girlfriend?!" Hao Shen unconsciously feeling possessive towards the woman as he glared at Jinhai.

"Wo..wo..wo...it's five years ago." Jinhai quickly stated before he will unknowingly lost his finger by the madman.

"How far?"

"Well~~ We're a couple at that time, so..." he shrugged. "But we broke up only after few months in relationship when she found out I was screwing her classmate."

Hao Shen clenched his jaws when he imagined her slender legs cradling Jinhai's waist while they are doing it. But he knew he cannot change the past. "Tell me her name."

"I can't. She'll kill me later."

"Woohooo..she sounds dangerous," Qing Fai commented.

"She's the danger itself. Believe me, you wouldn't want to make her as your enemy."

"Really? More dangerous than him?" Qing Fai skeptically pointed at Hao Shen.

"If you said he's the devil, then she's the she-devil. Maybe more monster than him as she is a woman," Jinhai mumbled as he involuntarily shivered when he remembered how the woman threatened him back then.

"What did she do to you?" Hao Shen asked when he saw Jinhai cupping his crotch with pale face.


"I'll gladly disable your co*k."

"Fu*k! What did 'he' do to you?"

"Tell me."

Jinhai begrudgingly moved to sit on the far couch. "She threatened to mutilated my manhood with a scorching hot skewer in her hand after she kicked out her classmate naked from my tent. It's just two millimeters away from my balls. Sh*t! I still can recalled the heat from the skewer at that time."

Hao Shen and Qing Fai were dumbfounded by his narration as they shuddered too when they imagined Jinhai's situation.

"Th..that's cruel!" Qing Fai horrorly remarked.

"She's so intriguing. I'll find her myself and when I do, I'll ensure she did not escape my clutches."

"You're crazy. Just leave her alone."

"Nah! I never felt this interested in a woman before. I like this new challenge."

"Good luck then." Jinhai prayed for his best friend's fate. 'He didn't know what kind of dangerous water he will traverse.'

"But seriously...she really did not fear you when she dared to slit your pants. What if she unintentionally slash your precious di*k? Oh my God! That'll make tomorrow headlines. 'Heir of Hao Group got ED after his manhood being slit by a mysterious woman.' That'll be epic," Qing Fai chortling but soon stopped when he heard Hao Shen's words. "I can easily make you ED so you can come out in tomorrow headlines too."

"Hey, when I come to think about it, she must be powerful too but why don't I saw or heard about any powerful heiress in the Imperial?"

"She's a secretive person and did not like to appear in public. That's why not many people knew about her. I also just knew she had been in the country for four years already when I got her call before."

Hao Shen pondered everything about the mysterious woman as he smirked inwardly. 'This gonna be fun. It'll be more fun when she scream my name when I fu*k her senseless as she dared to toy with my beast.'

Oh boy! He really overestimated himself.


In the car.

"Miss, is it alright for you to offend that powerful man?" Fu Da can't helped but feeling worried about his boss.

"Don't worry. It'll take him forever to find me. And if he do, I won't make it easy for him to catch me. Have more faith in me, Fu Da. I'm not a weakling."

"Yes, Miss. I'm sorry."

"Later, I'll email you some names and I want you to dig everything about them and screen the information according to their power and weaknesses."

"Yes, Miss."

"Remember, it's confidential. Not even your child should know about this."

"Yes, Miss. I'll be cautious."

"Good. Call Fu Ai and ask her to made me a bowl of rice vermicelli soup with prawn dumplings and vegetables. Put more beansprouts inside." Fu Mingxia fetched a throw blanket from the compartment and spread it across her laps. "I want to nap for a while. Wake me up when we arrived later," she added.

"Yes, Miss."

Fu Da disconnected the call after he relayed their boss's order to Fu Ai. When he glanced at his boss, he could see her head lolled to the side. 'She's still a child. It's a pity she lose her parents and became a crippled too. If only I was there with them..they might be alive right now and she won't be in this helpless state. And I'm still unable to investigate further about my benefactors' tragedy. Forgive me for my incompetence.'

He wiped his tears and composed himself before he parked and alighted from the car. "Miss, we had arrived." He knocked on the window twice and got a knock back as a response she was awake.

Fu Mingxia slowly disembarked from the car and carefully walked into her house. "Be careful on the road. Don't zoned out during your driving."

Fu Da was startled by her remarks as he watched her retreating figure. He thought she was asleep in the car. And to think that he silently cried in the car without knowing she was awake all along was kind of embarrassing for him.

He shook his head before he unlocked his own car and drove off towards his house.