
Elisa'a: The new world

When Daniel was diagnosed with MS, he and his father, James, were devastated. Multiple sclerosis at his age? When Daniel's body is about to give out and his mental fortitude reaches its ends, he wakes up in another world. Given a fresh start in life, Daniel decides to take this chance seriously, jumping into the adventures of Elisa'a, the new world. Mastering the challenges on the way to the top, he notices a few irregularities, soon changing his focus completely. Suddenly, his new world is endangered and Daniel's life is in turmoil once again.

Leo_von_Skabenau · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

#12 Dark clouds

James was beside himself with rage! He kicked his chair through the room, threw around and tore apart paper sheets, that were lying on his table and roared in frustration.

The last few days had been hectic for him. It had only been three days since Daniel had been transferred into the game and he would've loved to watch him do his first steps and explore, but society didn't leave him be. Why couldn't they just hold their feet for a little bit longer?

James hadn't mentioned the issues he had been having with the public to Daniel, but soon he would have to. People were furious about the acts he and the scientists had been committing. Some were confused about the new technology and its ethical circumstances, some were interested in joining the game themselves and thought it was an outrage that they weren't presented with the opportunity, but the biggest issue had been the giant companies seeing profits flushed down the drain. So much commotion in only a few days had led the government to intervene.

The discussions of how to move on were still ongoing, but it was not looking good for him. The magnates of the gaming world had their hands in the discussion and were very unhappy with their current circumstances and the new game that was grabbing all the public attention, so apparently they had decided to influence the political decision in their favour.

James was unsure what to do. He couldn't give the game into the hands of those profit sharks. They would hold the whole world of Elisa'a in their hands, sucking it like vampires! Nobody could know what would happen to Daniel and Elisa. His son and his wife! No way James could not let that happen!

Well, she wasn't exactly his wife, but so much about her reminded him of the real person…

By now she had already earned a spot in his heart. The cooperative work, her happy attitude and the love she showed for the world and for Daniel.

He couldn't lose her again!

However, his lawyer had already confirmed his worries and the situation looked dire. He had one last chance, but he had been hesitant to take it. After all, he would be playing right into their cards…

Behind the curtains of the court, a few hours ago, James had been offered a chance to come up with a fair way to determine a solution that would suffice for all parties. In this case, the magnates and himself.

A fair way… It was funny to hear that word since they were the ones not being fair!

And now he had to come up with an idea?

'Probably because they wouldn't' James thought. He sank into his chair, pulling his knees up to his chin. The world was being cruel again, just like it had been when Daniel and his wife had been diagnosed with MS. James sighed, as he felt his frustration fade, distress taking its place.

At least he had been offered an opportunity. 'This will most likely be my only chance to turn the tables… That's some sort of generosity I guess?'

The contradiction of advancements in technology and general benefits humans had created for themselves, to the total loss of solidarity towards one, was a total mystery to James. How did it come to this? Empathic and supporting beings had become a rarity. Nowadays, everyone was looking out for themselves. Even the scientists, that had been helpful at the beginning, were nowhere to be seen now that he needed them and their support.

James believed it had all begun with the establishment of capitalism, the social system that would ruin them all to profit the few, running on the belief that everyone could be part of the few. The thought saddened him.

"Such a smart species, but so simple-minded…" James sighed.

He leaned back and stared at the ceiling, trying to think of ways to escape his predicament.

The most basic approach would be a conclusion based on chances. He didn't want to gamble though. Too much to lose and too little to gain.

No, he needed to rig the system in his favour. And how could he do that? By setting the rules. That, however, was only possible in-game. In this world, he had no power. That was a fact.

"Alright, so it needs to be in-game…" James mumbled in thought.

How about a contest? Of course, nowadays sports weren't based on fairness anymore, but back then they had been. When nobody had had any idea of how to push the sportsmen even further. When the results had reflected hard work and effort, instead of the number of surgeries one had paid for.

'Honestly, that's not such a bad idea… nobody knows how the game is going to turn out! It's a living world after all. So, suppose I held a contest, when would be the best point in time?

I also still need to find a way to rig the game in my favour…'

It was going to be another long night for James.


"Good evening, James!" A well-dressed man greeted him. He wore a suit and sat in a black leathered vintage lounge chair, legs crossed, his hands upheld in a greeting fashion. Everything about him made James shiver. He extruded a cold aura, from his blue eyes to his perfectly polished leather shoes. He was a businessman through and through.

"Good evening, Mr. Pans" James greeted him back and sat down in the chair on the other side of the office table, which separated both parties and put down his briefcase.

Mr. Pans had been the person that had extended him the offer of the magnates. He was most likely a trusted assistant of one of them and had introduced himself as the representative of the "gaming magnate collective" or short GMC.

Apparently, they had decided to combine their forces until the matters of acquiring the game had been settled. Everything else would probably be discussed behind closed doors.

"Well then, let's get right to the main point" Mr. Pans started off the meeting, sitting up straight, forming his hands into a diamond shape. "Did you think about our offer?"

'He feels confident. That's good. It could be to my advantage...' James deduced from his posture. 'He might have come unprepared!'

"Indeed, I did.

I have decided that I will take your offer and have prepared terms that give each participating party an equal chance to fight for their interests". James opened his briefcase.

Ten glistening USB sticks lay inside. He pushed it over the table.

"I've decided that the final decision over my game will be made over a fair contest between gamers" James declared, looking Pans straight in the eyes.

"You will have to get into a bit more detail than that, James. After all, how am I supposed to grasp your intent and the validity of your idea without proper information?" Mr. Pans remarked. He grinned, satisfied with the results he had achieved already.

"Just let me finish.

The USB sticks you see before you each offer a connecting link to the system of Elisa'a. Every party that's interested in acquiring Elisa'a will select one candidate that will join the game with the link. The choice of how the candidates will enter, by transfer or VR set, lies with the participants and the candidates themselves.

All candidates will start at level zero and work their way up. The rules are simple: Cheating or buying advantages is prohibited, just like communication with the outside world. In 5 years, when the players have had time to prepare, the players will get together and the winner of the tournament gets the key to Elisa and can do whatever they want. I've remodelled the current system and am prepared to upload it as soon as I leave this room.

A simple contest of strength based on the results over time".

"And why do you think we would accept those conditions of yours?" Mr. Pans asked curiously, his eyes glaring. He didn't look satisfied with the conditions. "How can we make sure that you won't cheat?"

"Because if you don't, you won't get another chance to bring my game into your possession.

You have to understand that I am not obligated to give you my world. I could simply erase it, hide it, or upload it to the public. You would never be able to find, acquire or use it. Regarding your accusation, you will just have to trust me. You will understand that I will not lay open the code behind the Elisa'a. Accept it or not, you don't have another choice!

Now, I've done my part, Mr. Pans. Please inform your clients to prepare. The update will happen tomorrow morning. You have time until then to inform me of your choice of candidates. Until then." James stood up and left the room, leaving behind a speechless Mr. Pans.

'I'm sorry Daniel. I know this is a lot of pressure, but I know you can do it! You have to! Your and the fate of your mother lies in your hands!'

James had chewed it through over and over, but this was the only solution he had found.

Of course, it would be tough. The selected candidates would most likely be seasoned veterans. The only advantage he and Daniel had were the fact that they didn't know the game and its specific characteristics. However, they too could only utilize the tools they had. Without communication, money and cheats only the skill remained.

But they had a chance. When Daniel had been small, he had already competed on the leaderboards with the best of the best and what the GMC didn't know, was the hidden fact that guides existed. That would change now though. At least for fresh starters.

"Please Daniel, all my hopes lie on you. I've done all I can to give you an advantage! It's your turn to utilize it!"

Hey guys, I decided to add another twist to the story, to make Daniel's journey even more exciting and get your blood boiling. I hope you like it!

Feel free to comment with your opinion :) See you soon!

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