
Eliotrope in Danmachi (English)

Liam finds himself in Danmachi with a different body and is full of doubts about his future, but he has a clear goal. Explore the dungeon and the many wonders it has to offer, along with the dangers that abound on each floor. Join Liam on his adventures in the world of Danmachi. -The story will have a slow development, so don't expect the MC to have a skill geared towards getting Falna. -Furthermore, the story will begin many years before canon. Royal Road

ZackRPG · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Adam and Eve

"Clack…! Clack…!"

The sound of the hammer hitting the anvil, the heat covering my entire body, my tense muscles, and the beads of sweat dripping down my body before slowly evaporating as they hit the ground.

No matter what happens I keep hammering even though my body refuses to keep moving.

I activated my ability and it entered the exalted state, causing me to ignore all other distracting sensations and just focus on continuing to hammer.

When I finally felt like it was enough, I picked up a pair of tongs that were only a few feet away on a table so I could grab the knife.

When I grabbed the half-forged knife using the tongs, I put it in a small metal bucket that contained water and was located on the same table as the tongs, I saw how the water began to evaporate when it came into contact with the knife, but I just ignored that and picked up some very dark purple stones that were next to the bucket.

I put them next to the half-made knife and they started to get sucked into a said knife.

After waiting a while I took it out again and put it on top of the anvil, I picked up a chisel and a smaller hammer with which I began to carve some symbols in the middle of the knife so that it had a better aesthetic.

When finished, place the knife back in the bucket of water. But this time I put kobold nails that were also sucked into the knife.

When it finally cooled down completely I put it aside along with another similar knife.

Seeing the two knives together filled me with great satisfaction, and before noticing it, I noticed that my eyelids were very heavy.

I felt someone grab me by the shoulders and heard a voice say. "You did well, rest" Although I heard it in a very low tone I could understand what he said before completely closing my eyes.

When I wake up I scratch my eyes a little confused and I look at the room in which I am. Seeing that I was in an unknown place, fear invaded me for having been kidnapped, but I remembered that I can use portals and I relaxed a bit before remembering the last thing I did.

"Hey, are you feeling better yet?" I turned my head and saw Fresk sitting in a chair that was leaning against a wall.

"What happened?" I asked with a little doubt and he answered me with a slightly annoyed look.

"You fainted from overexertion, you should be more careful next time you do this kind of crazy thing" his expression changed slowly before he smiled and said

"But I must admit that what you did was amazing!"

I put on a confused look at the reaction he made.

"You should know that it's usually difficult to add special properties to weapons. Especially if you're not a level 2 with the Blacksmith development skill, which is pretty amazing. If you wanted to join our Goibniu Family our god would welcome you with the open arms"

"Thank you very much for the offer, but I'm not going to abandon my family" He sighed when he heard my answer and said "You're missing out. Although it's a shame you don't want to join"

I started to get out of bed and when I put my feet on the floor and tried to stand up, I tripped and smashed my face against the floor" And I saw how Fresk started laughing out loud at my miserable situation.

"Puff! You should be more careful" he said after laughing for a moment.

I started to get up off the ground with what little strength I had left.

By the way. Where are we?" I asked because I couldn't help but be curious about this room.

"This is my room"

"Eh?!" I exclaimed a little confused, this place was very normal apart from a metal figure that looked like a woman with a patch over one of her eyes on top of one of the tables, the rest of the room had the walls painted in a light green color, I saw some wooden chairs and tables, a table that had several drawers next to a cabinet.

I thought him room was full of knives hung on the walls and armor on the tables, but it's more normal than I thought.

"Why are you so surprised?" He said with a bit of doubt, but I just answered him "Nothing" with a bit of nervousness.

"By the way, where are my knives?" I asked him why he already wanted to see them, the excitement that invades me just thinking about using them in the dungeon makes my body shake.

"They are in the second drawer on the right" He pointed me to the table that was next to the closet.

I walked full of excitement and expectations to the table and when I opened the drawer he said. I could see two similar knives, but with many differences at the same time.

They have half of the leaf reddish in color, while the other half was a silvery color. In addition to some parts carved with lines and curves that make them look very good.

Although I could notice something strange and it was the handle, he still hadn't put any type of handle on the knives I looked in the direction of Freks with doubt and when he saw my expression he said

"Why are you looking at me like that? You should be thankful that your teacher helped you with the final touches" With a little indignation.

"That's not the problem"

"So what is the problem?" he asked me raising an eyebrow

"How much is the cost of the materials?" The knives were made with Blood Onix and a type of metal. The only thing that did not belong to me was the mineral and the metal.

The rest of the knives were sacrifices that I made as I forged them, in the first one I used a lot of goblin fangs, while in the second Iisused a lot of kobold nails.

Just thinking about it makes me want to cry, I felt like my knives were forged for liquid money, and just thinking about the mineral costs makes my heart ache a little.

"Puff!" I saw how he started laughing when he understood what I meant, and after calming down he said "You don't have to worry about that, consider it as an extra payment for helping me these two weeks"

"Besides, I think you should do something more important"

"What thing?"

"Of course, I'm talking about naming them" he replied as he pointed to the knives.

"They're the first good weapons you make, besides all that third-class sword and knife crap you usually make." I felt a little hurt by what he said.

I looked at the knives for a moment and I already knew what to name them.

"I'll call Adam and Eve," I said with some emotion, I'm very good at putting names.

"Puff! Your naming sense is ridiculous. No one has ever made me laugh so many times in a single day, so I'm grateful to you for this." I felt like he was mocking my face, but I didn't know why.

Well, it's not that it matters much, I thought before taking a deep sigh and leaving the room, when I left I saw a corridor that led to other doors to the left, and to the right, there was another door.

I left through the door on the right and entered another corridor, only this one was more familiar to me because it is the one that connects the forge room with the workshop shop.

Walk alongside Fresk to the exit.

"It was a pleasure being under your care" I expressed my most sincere thanks, but he simply gave me a disgusted look.

"Don't get sentimental. You can come back anytime you want, I'll just rent you the workshop so don't think you can use it for free" Tsk, I clucked a little annoyed.

"Well, I hope to see you soon," I said before walking away and going back to the Abeona family. Today was a tiring day and I just want to sleep tomorrow I will try my new beautiful knives.