
Chapter 34

In a second, he jumped up and opened the door.

Elias was drenched from head to toe, chilled to the bone, and looking at him from under his black locks.

“You fell in love with me for real?” he whispered, so softly that Thomas wouldn’t have even caught it if he hadn’t been reading his lips.

A second after, Thomas’s arms were around Elias’s slim body, his face sank against his neck, his mouth kissing his wet skin, his lips lifted in a little smile.

He pulled Elias into the house and slammed the door, and then took his face in his hands and looked Elias in the eyes.

“Yes, I have fallen in love with you. And please, stop running away from me.”

Elias was so fragile in that moment. Wet as a drowned rat, his eyes wide open, blinking away the rain. He was so exposed, just as he had been earlier under the rain.

Thomas realized that, in that moment, he could have saved or broken him with a few simple words.

“B-but…” Elias protested.