
Child Found

A hooded woman's footsteps softly crunch through the snow as she searches for something hidden beneath it. As she continued walking, she heard a soft wail. First, she ignores it still intending to find the ingredient she needed. Then Esther turns her head as she hears the wail again. Esther walks toward the wolf den where the baby lay hidden.

As she neared it, she began to crouch after seeing a sizeable white-coated wolf nestling a crying baby in a more secure location so that it could go hunting. Esther saw this and was very surprised the wolf had not tried to eat the baby, especially after it started wailing. As the wolf left into the woods, Ester walked to the still crying baby and picked him up to cuddle him. Ester quickly began walking back the way she came toward the village where she and her family stayed.

Esther stopped when she felt she was far enough from the cave. Esther took off her hood and began to pant exhausted. Her blonde hair and blue eyes seemed to shine in the morning sun as she looked intently into the eyes of the baby that had stopped crying. To her surprise, his eyes were a beautiful platinum color. Ester looked closely at the baby and could tell something was extraordinary about him. his skin seemed to have a mysterious glow, and he radiated an ancient aura but her trepidations dissipated as he smiled at her. Esther's heart melted as she looked at the beautiful baby's smile.

Esther Took the baby in her arms, and she told him as she held the baby close, "Don't worry, Esther will take care of you."

Esther, once again at a quickened pace, begins to walk to her village but decides not to go home. Not long after she arrives at the house of a friend she has known for years.

Esther cries out, "Alva." The door to one of the most substantial village huts opens, and a woman comes out. Alva had a similar frame to Esther standing at 5 feet 8 inches, but that is where the similarity ended. Alva had raven black hair and beautiful exotic features that had attracted many suitors to her, but she still ended up marrying the Village Chief.

"what is it, my dear Esther," Alva said in a curious tone. Esther walked up to her and hugged her with one hand before showing her the baby in her other. Esther explained how she had found the baby in the woods, and Alva became interested.

Alva much to her delight, said, "I will take this child and raise it as my own Esther. You need not worry."

Esther breathed a sigh of relief while she would like to keep this beautiful child for her self she didn't dare. She had seen how Mikael was a hard man and did not have any place in his heart to love other men's children, and so there was no telling how he would handle such a child.

Esther told Alva in a happy tone, "I owe you one, Alva."

Alva remembered that Esther was the one that had stood up for her when she had arrived at this village. When she had appeared out of what seemed like thin air, many in the village questioned if she was a demon of some sort. If Esther had not spoken out for her, then they would have likely killed her. Alva told her that they were now even.

Esther left Alva and young Elias returning home to the Mikaelson's hut where Mikael asked her in a slightly rough voice, " did you find the ingredient." Esther quickly replied that she had met a wolf along the way and so had to head back.

comment with any constructive feedback and feel free to give me power stones if you like the book so far

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