
Eliana Hunt

In a town shrouded in darkness, a sinister cult known as the Chosen holds the lives of its inhabitants in their hands. Unbeknownst to the unsuspecting community, they serve as sacrificial pawns to appease the enigmatic Ancient Ones. Tasked with unveiling this malevolent conspiracy, Eliana Hunt, an agent of a covert government agency, embarks on a perilous journey that forces her to make difficult choices. As she delves deeper into the web of deceit, Eliana must confront her own friendships and principles, all in a race against time to dismantle the Chosen and prevent an ancient relic from unleashing cataclysmic chaos upon the world. Will she be able to save her town, or will the darkness prevail?

JellyFlayvr · Teen
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


Autumn had cast its enchanting spell upon Otokis County, painting the picturesque hills and valleys with a tapestry of vibrant colors. The landscape was ablaze with fiery leaves, as if nature itself had adorned the countryside with a touch of golden glitter. The streets became pathways of yellow and red, guiding the way through this scenic wonderland. On this particular Sunday morning, a gentle breeze carried the promise of a perfect day. The sun radiated its warm embrace upon the meadows where contented cows grazed, while a symphony of bird songs filled the air as chickadees, finches, and jays prepared for their migratory journeys.

Yet, amidst this idyllic scene, a sinister presence lingered.

A secluded farmhouse stood as a chilling testament to the horrors that had unfolded within its walls. The air was heavy with the acrid scent of blood, saturating the atmosphere with its gruesome essence. The lifeless bodies of seven family members—the parents, two children, a baby, and the grandparents—lay motionless, their eyes frozen in a haunting expression of shock. Each victim bore a stab wound to the chest, while a distinct mark marred their pale necks, evidence of a cruel and merciless fate.

As the life drained from their bodies, a figure emerged from the scene of carnage, a calm and calculated presence. In their hand, they held an artifact, its ethereal glow growing brighter with each step taken away from the gruesome tableau.