

Hami: noun[c]. Mage. Protector. The title given to those who are able to control their Riaf, the core of all living things, and use it to move the elements at their disposal. Khaled Ben Sakir is a 'restricted' with a bad temper. He's not good enough to be a Hami but too dangerous to leave without a Riaf education. He yearns to prove himself, but hard work might not be enough.

RandomLurker · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Worldly Wisdom Part 1

A satisfied smile lingered on Master Alaric's face, the young man embarrassment at his failed attempt was endearing. It spoke of his burgeoning creativity and the eagerness to push boundaries that Alaric always championed. With a sigh of contentment, he gestured towards a heavy oak door at the back of the chamber. 

"Now, on to something entirely different, Khaled," he announced, his voice still echoing with amusement. "It's time for your next class." 

Khaled's eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't realized how late it had gotten, lost as he was in the intricacies of Riaf manipulation with Master Alaric. The mention of World Geography, however, filled him with a different kind of excitement. 

Khaled pushed open the ornately carved wooden doors of the World Geography and Survival Skills classroom, his heart pounding with anticipation.The air, thick with the scent of aged parchment and leather-bound tomes. the majority opted to meet only the minimal requirements, recognizing the essential nature of the class but prioritizing other pursuits. This particular session, however, held a unique allure, drawing in those who sought to glean wisdom from the renowned explorer and survivalist, Professor Elara. 

Stepping into the room, Khaled found himself among a select few individuals. Yet, despite the smaller gathering, the atmosphere was charged with an undercurrent of expectation. Each student present understood the importance of mastering survival skills in a world teeming with peril, a sentiment echoed by their enigmatic instructor. 

Professor Elara commanded attention as she stood at the head of the classroom, her presence exuding an air of quiet authority. Years spent navigating treacherous landscapes had etched themselves onto her face. Her short, iron-gray hair, pulled back in a tight braid that wouldn't dare come undone facing a sandstorm, framed eyes that mirrored weathered leather. They held within them the wisdom gleaned from countless expeditions, each twinkle a story waiting to be told. A worn leather satchel, its bulging pockets hinting at the tools that had seen her through life-threatening situations, hung from her lean frame. 

"Welcome, students," Professor Elara's voice resonated through the room, surprisingly robust for her slender frame. The hush that fell over the classroom was palpable as every eye locked onto the esteemed explorer. "Today, we embark on a voyage not of physical distance, but of knowledge. We delve into the very essence of our world, its diverse landscapes, the people who inhabit them, and the dangers that lurk in the shadows, waiting to ensnare the unprepared. 

Here, in this classroom, attendance was not a mandatory chore. Unlike the Anasir classes where Professors grilled students on the intricacies of elemental manipulation, or Magister Batta booming voice filled the halls with incantations, this class operated differently. In the grand scheme of the illustrious Academy, where Riaf pulsated through its very walls, survival skills were deemed a secondary concern. After all, why hone your ability to discern edible plants from their poisonous doppelgangers when you could conjure a nourishing meal with a flick of your wrist? However, Professor Elara, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, once quipped, "A well-hydrated Hami is a spell-casting Hami." 

Survival, as she saw it, wasn't just about navigating a treacherous environment. It was about understanding the world around you. It was about anticipating danger, adapting to unforeseen circumstances, and knowing just enough about the flora and fauna of a particular region to avoid a potentially fatal encounter. In this academy teeming with flashy magic displays, Professor Elara preached the importance of the mundane, the practical. 

With a practiced flourish, She unfurled a large, aged map, its surface creased with the memories of countless expeditions. A collective gasp rippled through the room as the map, far more intricate than any they had encountered before, unveiled a world of boundless complexity and intrigue. 

"Our world," Professor Elara began, her voice weaving a mesmerizing tapestry of words, "is a realm of profound diversity, shaped by the interplay of Five distinct Zones, each harboring its own unique challenges and wonders. 

She traced a finger along the map, its path tracing the contours of a vast expanse of Greenery. "First, there's Watan, the Land of Hamis. Here, beneath the canopy of towering trees and amidst rolling hills, bustling cities and tranquil villages thrive amidst nature's bounty. Their ingenuity in architecture and Riaf Spells is renowned throughout the land." this is where we currently are. 

Her finger, adorned with a silver ring etched with arcane symbols, traced a path North across the worn map. It lingered for a moment on a region dominated by jagged black shapes that seemed to pierce the sky. 

"This is were, Dawla, the Country of Progress Stands," she announced 

"Unlike Watan, where magic courses through our very essence," Elara continued, her gaze sweeping over the map, "Dawla embraces a different path. Here, towering metallic structures scrape the clouds – floating cities powered by Riaf, a volatile energy source revered with cautious reverence." 

As her finger moved, the map seemed to come alive with the depiction of Sprawling sky-cities, their platforms adorned with gears, wires, and intricate clockwork mechanisms, defied gravity. Below, on the ground, lumbered metallic giants – mechanical golems with glowing eyes and whirring gears. 

"the citizen here are known as the Riafborn, and they are ingenious inventors," Elara explained. "Their creations, a fusion of magic and technology, are both awe-inspiring and unnerving." 

Nadia, a bright-eyed student with a talent for Water magic, leaned forward. "Professor, how does Dawla utilize Riaf differently from us?" 

Elara's smile turned a touch grim. "In Watan, Riaf is a precious resource, used for the most powerful enchantments and spells. Its raw volatility demands respect. Dawla, however, harnesses it to fuel their creations." 

Omar a hulking student known for his proficiency in earth magic. "Doesint that make their magic weaker?" 

"Not necessarily," Elara replied. "While our spells might be more potent, Dawla's approach has its advantages. Their mechanical golems,tools or Weaponry, powered by Riaf, can be controlled by anyone. In Watan, only trained Hamis can wield magic effectively – which means roughly forty percent of our population. The rest are non-combatants. In Dawla, every citizen could potentially become a soldier." 

Murmurs of apprehension filled the room. The idea of a nation where anyone could unleash the destructive power of Riaf was unsettling. 

"This difference in philosophy – our focus on controlled magic versus Dawla's reliance on Riaf-powered technology – has always created a delicate tension between our nations," Elara said. "There have been…skirmishes in the past. But a fragile peace has held." 

A beat of silence followed. The students exchanged wary glances. The wonders of Dawla, the marvels of Riaf technology, were overshadowed by the potential for devastation. 

"However," Elara concluded, her voice brimming with an unwavering confidence in her students, "that's where you come in. You are the guardians of Watan, the wielders of the arcane. It is your responsibility to maintain the balance, to understand Dawla's innovations, and to always be prepared to defend our way of life." 

Professor Elara's keen eyes missed nothing. A hint of a smile played on her lips as she noted the students' reactions. This first lesson, beyond the basic geography, was about perception. It was about understanding the world beyond their lush greenery, and the different ways magic manifested in other cultures. 

Dear Readers,

I'm really sorry for the delay on this chapter update. This week at work has been absolutely hectic, and I haven't had the chance to sit down and write as much as I'd planned.

I know you're looking forward to the next installment, and I wouldn't want to break my promise on the update schedule. While I haven't been able to churn out multiple chapters this week, I'm committed to keeping the 3-day update quota.

The good news is, I'll be posting another chapter tomorrow!

I hope you're excited for the next chapter!

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