

Hami: noun[c]. Mage. Protector. The title given to those who are able to control their Riaf, the core of all living things, and use it to move the elements at their disposal. Khaled Ben Sakir is a 'restricted' with a bad temper. He's not good enough to be a Hami but too dangerous to leave without a Riaf education. He yearns to prove himself, but hard work might not be enough.

RandomLurker · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Within the Training Dome

The dismissal bell clanged through the halls, a jarring contrast to the turmoil in Khaled's gut. Today, and thankfully tomorrow, were free periods – a strategic pause before the looming Tag Team Exam. Yet, for Khaled, the reprieve felt hollow. The recent disagreement with Samad and Jahith still cast a long shadow, their fractured trust a constant ache.

He navigated the throng of students, his gaze scanning for his teammates. They were nowhere to be seen. Unlike him, Samad and Jahith had Rafik class, a crucial lesson in manipulating Riaf energy – the very foundation of their magic.

Frustration bubbled within him. He'd specifically planned this meeting after their classes, hoping to use the afternoon for team bonding – a friendly sparring session or a shared meal to ease the tension. Now, he was left waiting, the silence thickening with every passing minute.

He toyed with the idea of disappearing to the training grounds, seeking solace in solo practice. But the knowledge that their team's success depended on communication, on a united front, kept him rooted to the spot.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the hallway doors whooshed open, revealing Samad and Jahith. Samad, usually a beacon of boisterous energy, seemed subdued. Jahith, the ever-present strategist, maintained his usual stoic demeanor.

Their arrival did little to dispel the tension. It hung thick in the air, a barrier Khaled yearned to break.

"Hey, Khaled," Samad greeted, a strained smile plastered on his face. "Sorry we're late. Rafik class ran a bit long today."

"No problem," Khaled muttered, his voice laced with a hint of disappointment.

Jahith, wasting no time, cut through the awkwardness. "Listen, the afternoon's slipping away. How about we solidify a meeting time for tomorrow? We can strategize for the Tag Team Exam in the Training Dome."

A flicker of relief washed over Khaled. While not ideal, it was a start. He needed to bridge the gap, to rebuild trust, but forcing the issue wouldn't help.

"Training Dome sounds good," he agreed, a hint of his usual resolve returning to his voice. "How about after breakfast?"

Samad let out a huff of air. "Early, but doable. Meet you there at eight sharp?"

Khaled nodded, a tentative truce forming. "Eight it is."

With that, the three teammates parted ways, the weight of the exam and their unspoken conflict a heavy burden on their shoulders. The free period stretched before them, not a time for individual growth, but a chance to mend the fractures within their team. As Khaled walked towards his dormitory, a sliver of hope flickered in his heart. Tomorrow, they would face not just the challenges of the Training Dome, but the even greater challenge of rebuilding their bond.

Stepping away from Samad and Jahith, a knot of tension tightened in Khaled's gut. Tomorrow, they would strategize, but today, he craved the familiar solace of solo practice. He headed towards the Training Dome, the massive structure that loomed over the eastern side of the Hami Academy campus.

From a distance, the Hami Academy Training Dome resembled a sleeping giant. Crouching on the eastern edge of the campus, it was a massive, hemisphere-shaped structure built from a dark, volcanic stone that gleamed faintly in the afternoon sun. The smooth, seamless surface was broken only by a network of faintly glowing lines tracing intricate patterns across its surface. These lines weren't mere decoration; they housed powerful enchantments designed to channel and contain the magical energies unleashed within.

As he approached the colossal dome, the scale became truly awe-inspiring. The entrance, a pair of massive iron-wood doors reinforced with swirling silver sigils, dwarfed even the tallest students. Flanking the entrance were two statues of legendary mages, their weathered faces etched with the wisdom of countless battles against the encroaching El Majhoul* Monsters.

Stepping through the heavy doors, a hush fell over Khaled. The bustling energy of the academy courtyard gave way to a sense of focused calm. Sunlight streamed through high windows made of enchanted crystal, bathing the vast interior in a soft, diffused light. The dome's inner surface was no longer smooth. Instead, it was segmented into a honeycomb of hexagonal sections, each outlined by a shimmering line of magical energy. These were the training segments, each one capable of morphing to create a variety of training environments with the touch of an activation disc.

Looking up, you'd see a complex network of beams and pulleys crisscrossing the vast space. Suspended from these were intricate contraptions resembling oversized terrariums. These were the environmental training modules, capable of simulating everything from scorching deserts to dense, monster-infested forests.

The central hub of the training dome was a raised platform at the back. From here, a network of walkways snaked around the perimeter, allowing access to the various training segments. In the center of the platform stood a grand control booth, a sturdy wooden structure adorned with shelves overflowing with thick spellbooks and vials filled with shimmering powders. Here, Sandra, the Training Dome Administrator, kept watch, her appearance was a stark contrast to the imposing structure she oversaw. With her floppy straw hat and oversized glasses perpetually perched on her nose, she exuded a gentle, almost shy demeanor. One could easily mistake her for a simple scribe, not the guardian of a training ground for budding mages.

But appearances were deceiving. Sandra was a Sehir Master Warlock. While her primary expertise lay in enchanting areas with intricate spells, she also possessed a powerful secondary talent for Water magic. This granted her the ability to heal minor wounds with ease, making her the perfect first line of defense for any training-related mishaps.

"Good afternoon, Sandra," he called out.

A smile bloomed on Sandra's face as she recognized Khaled. "Khaled! Here to sharpen your skills before the Tag Team Exam?" she asked, her voice as soft as the breeze rustling through the trees.

Khaled offered a small smile in return. "Something like that, Sandra. Any free individual segments available?"

"Always a pleasure to see you dedicated to your training." She gestured to the worn leather-bound book in front of her.

The air hummed with a faint electric energy, a testament to the countless spells woven within the dome's walls. The occasional crackle of magical energy and the distant thump of training exercises provided the soundtrack to this dedicated space of honing skills and preparing for the challenges that lay beyond the academy walls.

The leather-bound book, had its pages filled with meticulous writing. Scanning the entries with a practiced eye, she tapped her finger on a specific line. " Let me see, Segment A has been reserved by you for this week. What element will you be working with today? "

Khaled rubbed the back of his neck, a hint of apprehension creeping into his voice. "Earth, actually." Sandra's eyebrows rose slightly in surprise. Khaled, she knew, didn't have a natural affinity for any element. Each week, he'd choose a different element, but this was the first time that he changed the element in the middle of his weekly training regime which shouldve been Wind.

"A change of pace, I see," Sandra remarked, her voice curious. "What brings you to Earth magic today?"

"Just testing out some spell combinations for the Tag Team Exam," Khaled replied vaguely. He didn't want to reveal his true reason - a lingering suspicion that focusing on a mimicing the earth element with Irsal Spells might help him manage his limited Riaf reserves more efficiently. As rocks and Stones Are a stapel in every Battle Field.