

Elemon. creatures with lower intellect, but possess elemental power far superior to any beings of the world. Alas can only become a cultivation tool for other beings. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note that the following synopsis is entirely made out of *SPOILERS* as these are dialogues that will happen in the novel. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " I don't care what anyone thinks anymore." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Time to pay for your sins!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! WHY IS IT YOU? WHY MUST IT END LIKE THIS? WHY DID YOU FORCE ME TO DO THIS TO YOU?" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " I'm sorry. But were people from different worlds. If there's a next life, I hope we can be together." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Even if I die today. I will. BRING. YOU. WITH. ME!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "My little friend, I'm sorry. I have caused you a lot of suffering. But you won't have to be restricted by me anymore. Goodbye." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " I'm *sob*sob*. I'm your *sob* *cough*. *breathe* I'm you're ..." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Elemantalist_Z · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 4 : Preparation

30 minutes till agreed duel time.

"Max. Jin is probably going to use the Azure Turantanium Blade in the upcoming duel, so use my Fiery Blood Saber."

Max looked at the Fiery Blood Saber emotionally. This sabre was forged personally by their foster father. It was the last item forged by their foster father. It was given to Kuro Kiba as a gift when he returned from the city with the title of the city guard.

Max slowly exhaled his breath while receiving the Fiery Blood Saber from Kuro Kiba's hand. He examined the sabre at hand, reminiscing the process of forging that he helped his foster father. Noticing something wrong with the blade, Max frowned.

"Big brother. The blazing fire enchantment and the bloodlust suppressing enchantment on the sabre is broken. Did you not want to fix it? The sabre will influence your blood lust strongly if you don't have the enchantment. The only thing father was worried about when he used the blood orchid crystal to craft your sabre."

"Also, Father would be sad if he knew you are using a sabre that doesn't even have a proper elemental enchantment."

Hearing Max's word, Kuro Kiba's eyes slightly teared up. Max knew, even though Kuro Kiba is indifferent in the outside, he is the one who's the saddest after their foster passed away. Even when their foster father was still alive, Kuro Kiba never showed his love. But both Max and their foster father knew, how much Kuro Kiba cherish them.

When they were still kids, Kuro Kiba was the most cheerful and positive among them. But after a certain incident, Kuro Kiba's personality changed for the worst. But deep inside, Kuro Kiba was still the same person who loved Max and their foster father. Even now Kuro Kiba probably doesn't want anyone else to touch the momento he has of his foster father.

"Max. I like the sabre as it is. You don't have to worry."

Hearing Kuro Kiba's words, Max knew, his suspicions were correct. Kuro Kiba doesn't want other people to change the blade crafted by his foster father.

"Big brother. Father thought me how to carve those two enchantments when we were forging the sabre for you. I know you probably don't want other people to change the sabre father forged for you. But even father would not want you to use a sabre that is no different from a normal kitchen knife. If you don't mind, if you allow me to, I want to carve those two enchantments for you."

Hearing Max's word, Kuro Kiba's eye's flooded with tears. He quickly wiped them. After all, how can he cry in front of his younger brother? After calming down, Kuro Kiba exhaled a deep breath.

"If it's you, my younger brother. The one that father personally thought in the ways of sealing and enchantment, I can be relieved. Even in the cities, I have not seen a forger or an enchanter as good as Father. I just didn't want them to damage the sabre that father made with such rare materials."

Kuro Kiba patted Max's hair with a big smile.

"But finish the duel first. If you use up all your spirit essence, how will you win the duel? Even father wouldn't want you to lose, especially to them."

"Rest assured big brother. How can I lose to him? But if you can give me a fire elemental core, I can fix the damaged blazing fire enchantment in less than five minutes. It barely costs me any spirit essence. Plus, with the enchantment fixed, the sabre will be more powerful, making it even easier for me to win."

Kuro Kiba thought for a second, then he agreed to Max's idea. After all, it is truly more beneficial for Max than harmful. He handed a fire elemental core to Max. Max went to his house and took some items with him to carve the enchantment.

Max took out a carving knife. Looking at the exquisite yet slightly worn out carving knife gave Kuro Kiba a mixed feeling of sorrow and joy. Sorrow because this carving knife was the prized possession of their foster father. Joy because it was passed down to his younger brother rather than anyone else.

Not noticing Kuro Kiba's expression, Max was wholly focused on preparing materials. After preparing the catalyst and extracting the fire essence from the elemental crystal, Max's hand started to dance on the air.

Slowly, the sabre floated and hovered in front of Max. After a series of hand gestures, a thin pattern glowing in deep ember appeared on the sabre. After a little while, the pattern itself separated from the sabre and hovered in between the sabre and Max.

Max performed a series of hand gesture and the materials he prepared started to hover and fuse with the tip of the carving knife. Then a thread of the extracted fire essence also started to fuse with the tip of the carving knife.

With the catalyst and fire essence fusing with his carving knife, Max started to carve the ember pattern into the sabre. After around five minutes of carving, Max removed the carving knife from the sabre. Max put down his carving knife and took the remaining fire essence.

With the remaining fire essence at hand, Max performed some hand seals. The fire essence from his hand fused with the sabre. The pattern that was carved on the sabre glowed bright crimson and disappeared without a trace into the sabre.

This indicated Max's successful enchantment carving. After checking the sabre for another time, Max handed the sabre over to Kuro Kiba.

"Big brother, try the sabre."

Receiving the sabre from Max's hand, Kuro Kiba distanced himself from Max and the table that Max used to perform the enchantment. Infusing spirit essence into the sabre, Kuro Kiba aimed a slash at a tree 10-feet away from him.

An ember slash was released from the sabre. The tree was slashed in two. Before the top part could even fall to the ground, both parts of the tree turned into ash. No sign of a fire or smoke was even present, but due to the blazing fire enchantment, the tree turned into ash. Kuro Kiba turned towards Max with a smile.

"Father will be proud to see you have achieved something of his level at this young of an age."

"Big brother you praise me so much. But even if I haven't achieved anything, father would have been proud."

"That's true. Father has always been proud of us, even when we have achieved nothing."

Max's eyes flooded with tears.

"Big brother"

"It's almost time. Let us go to the arena then. But Max. you must remember not to kill Jin. It's not time yet. We're not enough strong yet."

"Rest assured big brother. I will wait for that fateful day to come. We have waited this long, how can I not wait another couple of years."

"Good brother."

Hey guys, its Z here. If you like my story, please take a minute to write a comment. if you find any flaws, I'll be more than happy to learn from my mistakes.

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