
Elements of Dawn

Oceania had always just been another average girl, but her world was turned upside down on her 16th birthday as she finally discovered her true identity. As an elementor from the prophecy, she has no choice but to follow her friends to Dawn and embark on a dangerous yet exciting adventure. Will they save Dawn, or will they let it fall into an abyss of chaos?

MidnightShadow_MT · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7 - New Identity

A crystal ball suddenly started floating over to me. "Put both your hands on it and close your eyes. Focus on one clear thought, and try sensing a ball of light floating towards you." He paused, then added, "Usually, the light is blue in color."

I shakily put my hands on the crystal ball, and anxiously closed my eyes. As I slowly exhaled, I felt a warm feeling spreading from my fingertips. Suddenly, it was like I was back at the beach on the day of my birthday, as if it was nothing but a bizarre dream. I heard the sound of the ocean, and as I looked down, I saw ocean blue claws instead of my feet. I lifted my claws to confirm that they were real, not believing that I was a dragon. Just as I was starting to admire my claws, I was snapped back into reality.

"Congratulations on succeeding on your first try, princess," Sir Caspian told me with a warm smile. I instantly looked at my reflection in the crystal ball, and what I saw shocked me. I was covered in blue scales, and I had horns that resembled ice spikes. My eyes had a dark blue hue to it, and my long tail was curled around my hind claws. He chuckled at the look on my face. "Those are huge wings you have, Princess Oceania. That could mean that you could be a strong elemental with a lot of potentials." He slightly paused and continued, "But anyway, let's get back to your parents first, they're waiting for you there."

Sir Caspian led the way back to the hall, and I was confused as people started bowing to me as I walked past. Seeing my look of confusion, Sir Caspian chuckled and said, "You'll get used to it. You're a princess, people are naturally going to bow to you." He slowly pushed open the tall glass doors of the hall and signaled for me to enter. As I walked inside, I was quickly engulfed in a hug. I heard sobs and there was a muffled voice saying, "Don't leave me like that again…" Once I was free of the hug, I looked around to see who had hugged me that suddenly. I was shocked. The queen had hugged me.

"Welcome back, sister," said Princess Cordelia. She was standing next to the king, and the gap between them showed where the queen was before engulfing me in a hug. I was starting to bow as the queen held me upright. "No," she said sternly, "You bow to no one."

King Dylan said, "Oceania, I know that everything might be quite confusing to you, but we have decided that it is best that you have enchantment lessons in the morning and history lessons in the afternoon. Sir Caspian would be your teacher. Your lessons start tomorrow. Today, Cordelia will give you a tour around the castle." I nodded. I mean, what else could I have done?