
Elements And Life

At first, there existed nothing; it was a void of complete emptyness. Then suddenly something formed, or rather someone. And there he was, standing amidst utter darkness, with no light to even reflect in his dead-still eyes. So dark, the man wondered if he'd actually gone blind. *CLAP* A bright flash of light filled everywhere, with just a tiny dark orb in front of that man. The orb's color was that of the blackest of blacks. It wasn't black because of emptiness, rather it was too dense with every single particle of reality itself. That orb made a whistling sound, like it had a consciousness, a soul. "You want to live?", The man whose silence could make anyone feel uneasy, finally spoke. And in reply the orb again made a different creaky sound, which otherwise meaningless, somehow sound as if it agreed. "Then your wish I shall grant", said the man placing his hand in front of the orb. And another bright flash, but this time with a shattering sound. The hollow, the feeling of emptiness, all was gone, a universe was formed. The dense orb that was black all this time was glowing, dimming with life. It was the very source of everything that was being created. At last, it stopped, as if its work was done, as if it were a kid waiting for their father's order. The man looked at a nearby planet, his gaze was gentle, his voice softened. "Of all the worlds out there, I choose this one" The man said and upon this that orb fired a bright white ray and distributed its energy all over that planet. Only a small portion of that orb remained, as a tiny violet marble. "DIVIDE" Said the man to the little marble which was left. And upon his words that marble split into four parts, and from each part emerged a person; Three boys and one girl. "This world my children, is a place for you to live, to grow, a place for you to call home." The man continued, "The other beings that I've given life to might be inferior to you, but always remember they are me precious children, just as you four are". The four Gods nodded in agreement. The man smiled. "Agni, Astra, Chakra, Kaal; Protect this world, as it is truly adored by me. This world, my precious creation, my dear EARTH." ——————————— Hi, I'm the author of this novel, you might call me The Weaver. I'll be posting this fiction on royalroad.com. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/474493

Soumajit_Gayen · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Friend, Trust and Deception: Part-1

"Hurry up!! The night won't be getting any safer, better get out of here while we still can!!!", said the leader of the guards who came alongside Blaze. The remaining guards were loading the Stone-claw's corpse onto their carriage, but the corpse was too heavy even for all of them. 

 "Let me help", the prince said. To which the leader replied,

"No! you have saved the lives of us mere commoners. The last thing we should do now is troubling you with any more work."

"Yes, your my lord, you should take some rest", Sung Ho said gently.

"Oh please! Just call me Blaze, you of all people have earned it at least, Sung."

"You know my name?"

"Why wouldn't I? Your father used to be maa's personal guard. Matter of fact I know the names of all of you; Aldo, Sung, Swami..." Then he turned towards the leader and said, "And the person in charge of all the guards of East House of the Royal Castle, Chief Ajay."

All the guards were shocked by the fact that a Royal blood remembered their names when they weren't even officers, but just mere guards.

 "Now now, we shan't waste any more time. Lets load up the corpses, shall we?" All of them now tried together and at last it was done; All four corpses including Swen's remains were loaded up and they were finally ready to return.

"May I ride in the carriage with you? My horse seems to have run away." Blaze asked Sung.

 "You need not to ask me your highness! Just order!"

"Blaze! My name is Blaze I said, so call me that… I told you; you have my permission!"

 "I-uh I'm sorry my lor--, Blaze."

"Better! Let's go then."

The five of them set out for the castle; the chief rode on his stallion while Blaze, Sung and Aldo rode in the carriage driven by Swami.

"Do you have a lot of friends?", this question was quite unexpected to Sung, especially as it was coming from the prince himself. He answered hesitantly, "Uh I-uhm did! I mean in my hometown I had a few friends, but since I came to the capital, I haven't heard much from them…"

 "So you do not have any friends here? In the capital, I mean."

 "Well, all my co-workers are a lot older than me, so no; I don't have any friends here, yet."

"Oh! I see, I see! Well, then how about me?!"


"You said everyone else was too old to befriend, I'm not! You're 16, right? I'm only a year older, we can be friends."

 "But how can I dare to have you as a friend?" Sung was flabbergasted by this sudden proposition.

"You don't want to be my friend then?" Blaze asked with a hint of guile on his face.

 "Of course I do! Having you as my friend could as well be the most fortunate happening of my life!"

"It is decided then! You sir, are my very first friend."


"Well, I didn't get to leave our castle much; I do have some cousins but they are not my 'friends' though. So, congratulations on being my first friend." The smile on Blaze's face while saying this was like that of a child; so pure, so innocent, one could easily feel how happy he was to finally have a friend.

 And so was Sung Ho; but he wasn't glad to have befriended the prince, he was happy to have Blaze as his friend. But his joy faded away the moment he glanced at a sack near them; he couldn't advert his gaze from it, suddenly his heart felt heavy again. It was his colleague's remains.

Swen's body was dismembered so badly it could only be transported in a sack. Sung Ho was sitting right by that sack during their journey back.

 "Blaze, may I ask something?"

"Ask away my friend."

 "Do we really need to take his remains? Its not like his family could recogni.... He only has a sister! His face! It isn't even whole anymore, how can we let a girl see something like that?" Sung Ho's voice cracked as tears rolled down his eyes.

 "That's not a decision we can make; she has the right to see it, if she doesn't want to see it then she won't have to, but if she does then we are no one to stop her. And aside from that, we need his corpse for cremation." Said Blaze calmly.

 Suddenly Aldo joined the conversation, "Cremation is not for us commoners."

 "Well maybe, then again Swen didn't die the death of a commoner, did he? He died as one of my guardsmen. So he deserves that much. Ya'know, my maa says that cremation is the best way to reach heaven after death. The holy fire burns our mortal shells and cleanses our souls. So, my maa and I believe everyone deserves to be sent to heaven in the right way, not just Noblemen but every one of our Empire."

 The guards were once again shocked by the ideology of the prince whom they both assumed and expected to be some spoiled brat. But they didn't get much time to appreciate the young prince. The carriage was stopped for some reason, Blaze and Sung came out to find out what happened.

A fallen tree was blocking their way. "That's strange". Said chief.

 "Was the tree like this when we first came?" Blaze asked and Sung answered, "I don't think so."

 Meanwhile chief Ajay came down from his horse and started closely inspecting the tree trunk;

"Ah! It must've been the beast, there's claw marks on the trunk."

"Ah so that's what it is? Lets quickly get it out of the path and be on our way." Sung Ho said with a relieved expression.

 Blaze seemed to be confused, "But didn't the Stone-claw attack us from the West? This is in the far East side of the forest, isn't that weird?"

"No it is not my Lord!", Aldo said adamantly, "I don't think it would matter to a beast if he's on the East or on the West, It's a damn beast for God's sake!"

 "Aldo!!!" yelled the chief, "Do not raise your voice in front of the prince like that!"

"Its okay, he's right anyways. Lets get out of here quickly." Although Blaze didn't say anything anymore, but his heart was not at ease yet; he knew something was wrong but his mind couldn't properly grasp what it was.

 They finally reached the capital.

At the Capital Gate, the crown prince, Ansh was waiting for them with a golden chariot for Blaze to return in.

Ansh congratulated Blaze for success and took him up to the chariot, "Those guards will take care of the corpses, you'll ride with me to the castle.

 "Correction: I'm not going alone, Sung is going with me." Said Blaze while smirking.


"My friend Sung, he's right behind me."

Ansh looked at Blaze, then looked behind him and was profoundly shocked at what he saw, 

"A guard?! You want a mere guard to ride in the chariot with US?! Have you finally gone insane?"

"Not just any guard, he's my friend who saved my life yesterday. So I would appreciate it very much if you could just stop being nuisance and let us through, I'm already really tired."

 "Saved your life you said? Could you not even complete a hunt without others looking after you? How can a royal blood be so incompetent as you?!"

Finally Blaze lost his composure he started yelling, "Yes, I'm incompetent as hell!! But isn't that why I'm not participate in the heir trial? Isn't this the same incompetence of mine which is letting a certain someone to be the next crown prince without any objection?!!"

 And the he suddenly got close to his uncle and whispered, "So if you don't want me to become competent all of a sudden and challenging your son for succession, please let us through and we all can just not get in each other's ways."

 Ansh glared at Blaze with angst filled in his eyes but he had no choice but to agree as what Blaze said was not at all wrong; the only probable obstacle in Akansh's succession was this brat.

The three of them rode the Grand Chariot through the roads of the capital; both side of the roads were brimming with commoners who had come out to see the young prince who had returned victorious from his Debut-e-Hunt.

 To them, 'Royal Bloods' or the members of the great Royal Families were like a different species; They were their rulers who had strength like no other human; The royal bloods were freakishly handsome as well, but still looked quite different from other men and women.

And on top of that Blaze was the odd one of the Agnihotri family; all the other Agnihotris had hair, black as the darkest night and eyes, dulled crimson as blood. But Blaze had none of them; His hair and eyes were bright scorching red, it seemed as they would glow in the darkness, just like fire.

Blaze was rumored to be the illegitimate child of the Royal family, but due to his rather unique and distinguished looks he had become the guilty pleasure of the commoner women, a hot and fiery jewel they could not dare to touch.

 Blaze on the other hand, had no idea of this, he thought to himself, "There's so many people out here, but most of them are women. No wonder there's shortage of guards in East house."

At last they arrived in the Grand castle where the Emperor resided.