

his name z***, the only fated lightning warrior destined to rid humanity of the dangers of the elementals

ADEX2497 · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

HOW IT ALL BEGAN pt1 (origin story)

Once upon a time there was a strong warrior, he didn't know when his life began or where it was going to but there was one thing he was sure of that he is going to be the one to save humanity.

"sir we found it" a a firm man bowing his head to a very handsome man siting on what seems to be a throne or something


sir are you okay?

*scoff* did you really think I didn't know that

*er....* the man dumbfounded while staring at the man on the throne but looks back down since even though the man sounded like he was happy and already knew that they were there his face was still as strict as always so it was best not to look at him.

*ck ck ck* the sound of the man coming down from his throne through a staircase he puts his hand on the shoulder of the man that was bowing and patted it *you should loosen up you guys deserve to celebrate leave it to me from here I will be back.

(WOOOSH) the harsh blizzard of the legendary mount scyla, legend says there is a god that lives inside but the entrance of his domain was unkown, they said if anyone tries to break the rocks of the mountain they will burn up in raging flames so the warrior did not want anyone doing that especially when he is on it that's why he didn't bring his men

Hum I hope you guys like this it's my first time making novels and I hope it's good

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