

Sophie Wharton was just like any other normal girl who was going to step into her new life that was a college. We all can relate with her, we think college as a chance to escape from our old self and find our new self. But who knew that she will accidentally step into a magical society. The moment she stepped into magical society her life become closer to hell. Her parents were almost get killed because of her. There is something that you all should know that this magical society does not tolerate humans. Little sneak peak from chapter 5- The Invitation card "It is an emergency," Master Wayne said. "This morning a human entered here..." "You mean here, magical realm..." Draven said, looking concerned. "As a matter of fact, yes," Master Wayne said. "How is that even possible?" "She got an invitation card," Master Wayne gave the card to the headmaster. "She must have applied to our human school," Master Wayne suggested. "Even then I have not sent any invitation this year," Draven said, getting worried. "Sir, what do we do," Master Wayne asked. "Kill her," Draven said without hesitation. Find out what happened, Will she be killed even if she died will she will be able to reincarnated. Readers if you want to find out the illustration that I chose to represent my characters then follow me on: Instagram-@ryan_writer6 This will help you to visualize and will make the story interesting for you. Happy reading.

Ryan_Writer · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Laura's Secret

"What are you doing here," Sophie asked.

Moreover of angry, she was shocked to see Laura there.

"Wait...why you are even here,"

"I know you are in shock," Laura tried to calm the situation.

"We will talk about this later,"

"Later...are you kidding me," Sophie, getting furious.

"Do you know each other," Master Wayne asked.

"Not now, keep out for a while," Sophie said, pointing at him with the finger but eyes were focused on Laura.

Everyone's eyes were on Sophie. It was like their eyes were going to pop out from their socket. Their jaw dropped.

"Do you have any idea what you just did," Laura said.


"You don't say shut up to Master,"

"What's big deal?"

"Forget it," Laura said and sighed.


As Laura said that word, Sophie's lips got sealed.

"Mmmm......" Sophie was having a hard time. She was constantly asking Laura to open her mouth. Her muttered was out of meaning.

"I am sorry master on her behalf," Laura apologized by sitting on the ground with one knee bent and hands crossed in front of the chest.

"Stand up," Master Wayne accepted the apology.

"Everyone sit down and continue," Master Wayne ordered. "Come with me." Laura and Sophie followed him.

In the Master Wayne's office.

Master Wayne sat on his chair. Laura stood in attention position in front of the desk. Sophie was sitting on the sofa with her hands and legs crossed.

Her mouth was still stitched.

"At ease," Master Wayne said to Laura.

"How do you know her," Master Wayne investigated.

Before Laura could answer Sophie got up and started to do a mime act in front of Master Wayne. She was making vague images with her hands that had no meaning. Sophie was just embarrassing herself.

"What are you doing," Laura asked.

Sophie was speaking but not clear also doing actions with her hands which were too not clear.

"Sophie go sit, I'll let you speak too," Master Wayne ordered. She refused the order.

Master Wayne swung his hands, he lifted Sophie and gently dropped her on the sofa. She did not sit quietly she came back to throw another tantrum.

"Statuam." Sophie statued. Only her eyes were moving.

"Now you please tell," Master Wayne said.

"Master, she is my human best friend," Laura speaks.

"We are neighbors,"

"So, you did not do anything when she was coming here?"

"Master, I thought she is going to our human school,"

"Did you not see her invitation card?"

"I did but I was not able to examine thoroughly,"

"Sorry, master,"

"Not your mistake," Master Wayne Sympathizes.

Sophie was rolling her eyeballs all the time. Master Wayne observed her.

"Vement." Master Wayne murmured.

Sophie started to move. She pointed with her fingers at her mouth. Master Wayne signaled to Laura.

"Lace." Laura said.

Sophie's mouth got unstitched and whatever she was blabbing before now, got crystal clear.

"You are not my best friends anymore," Sophie blasted.

"Best friends should tell things each other, but..." Sophie was angry with her best friend's secret. Master Wayne was quietly sitting there.

"You both can talk another time," Master Wayne said. "Let's go to class."

Laura said yes took it as an order but Sophie did not say anything. Sophie was too furious could be seen from her facial expression. Master Wayne with Sophie and Laura descended to the classroom.

All the students greeted Master Wayne as he entered.

"Laura go to your place," Master Wayne ordered. "Sophie walk with me,"

Sophie walked with him to the front of the students.

"She is your new classmates," Master Wayne introduced. "Her name is Sophie,"

"So, what you symbolize," A girl around the corner of the class asked.

"Nothing," Another girl from the center said.

"I know you don't have a brain but...you can't see too, Dakota."

Some students chuckled.

The fire started flashes from the hairs of Dakota, her eyes were too firing up.

"Control," Xion said, placed his hand on Dakota's.

"Behave," Xion directly said to Ikaria.

"She is new so, act according to your levels," Master Wayne directed to everyone.

Everyone nodded. Master Wayne tilted a little towards Sophie, one leg in the air.

"Do not tell them you are human," Master Wayne said. "They will eat you alive,"

"What..." Sophie shouted, took some steps back.

"Good luck," Master Wayne patted on the shoulder of Sophie and sent her to the seat. She with a scared expression went to her seat. As she sat on her bench, it started to talk.

"Whenever you feel uncomfortable just punch me, madam," The bench said. Everybody's eyes once again fell on Sophie. Except for Xion, Laura and Master Wayne rest of the laughs.

Sophie fell to the ground with the chair. "Oh, my God," She said.

She was speechless as well as shocked. She was catching her breath and at the same time, she was checking her heartbeat.

The bench came near her and asked if she was fine or not.

"A talking bench," Sophie said, getting excited.

She was shocked at first from all over that happened to her but now she started to believe that whatever was happening with her was true. At first, everybody goes nuts whenever they saw something which did not exist before. If someone told you that Hogwarts exists everyone would not believe it until they see it.

Sophie stood up and picked up the chair. She sat on the chair.

"Are you fine," Master Wayne asked.

"Yes," Sophie answered.

"Master is way too humble with her," Dakota murmured to Xion.

"She's new," Xion said to her.

Master Wayne asked the students to open their books.

"What is your name?" Sophie asked the bench, not audible to the others.

"I don't have a name," The bench said. "They just punch me whenever they need something,"

"That's bad," Sophie said. "I'll call you brown,"

"Brown, "The bench repeated.

"Did you like it?"

"It's based on your color,"

"Yes, thank you, ma'am,"

"Sophie do you have the book," Master Wayne interrupted the cute conversation between Sophie and the bench.

"I don't have a book," Sophie said. "Not even a pen,"

"I'll show her, master," Laura suggested.

Sophie watched her without a smile. Laura was just sitting at the backbench of Sophie. Laura teacher Sophie the uses of an enchanted bench. Laura tapped the bench it started glowing. The bench asked Laura to take the name of the thing she wanted.


The book appeared on the table.

"If you need anything else like a pen..." Laura said. "You just have to ask,"

Sophie did not say anything, not even a thank you. She turned away immediately as Laura ended. Sophie repeated what Laura taught her.

Master Wayne opened his book and stopped at one page. He glanced at it and then teleported without notice.

In the office of headmaster, Draven.

"Sir, Master Wayne is asking for the permission," Sound from nowhere.

"Ok," Draven said.

Master Wayne entered with the tornado, it disappeared within the second and he became visible.

"Did you find any way out," Draven asked.

"Yes, sir," Master Wayne said. He walked near Draven's desk and put down one picture on the desk. Draven viewed it.


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