
Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction)

Waking up in the world of danmachi with no knowledge of the series and one simply quest 'Clear the dungeon'.MC has no knowledge of the world he was mainly into Monster Hunter in his past life. [Volume 1 is a bit rough but I promise it gets good after it] UPDATES: Monday-Wednesday-Friday(Can change) MC LOOKS LIKE kirikou rung(Soul eater)/Ogun(Fire Force) just taller This will have massive spoilers for ALL danmachi content. Danmachi, the cover art or images linked in the chapters DO NOT belong to me, if you own any of these and want them removed it will be removed.

keanu_eugene · Anime & Comics
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257 Chs


Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)

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pat.treon: https :// www. pat.treon .com /Keanu_Eugene is always at least 5 chapters ahead.Remove the - - and spaces or just search Keanu_Eugene on the site.



Running through the labyrinth Yang can be seen full sprinting down corridor after corridor. Keeping the same wall to his left in order not to get lost he hastily moves forward.

Eventually making it to crossroads. To his left where he should be going seems deserted whilst to the right he hears swords clashing. 'Hmmm, go join the fight or ignore it, finding the mark is the challenge not joining stupid fights' he thinks as he continues to his left and ignores the fight.

Meanwhile, at the fight, he ignored---

One man can be seen with his back against the wall. His armor damaged and battered while a stunning amazon continuously rushes at him. As she narrowly avoids his sword and strikes with her own he can't help but take small unavoidable hits as he also has to contend with one of the men charmed by Ishtar flanking him with a spear.

As the allies make short work of this man he finds himself down on one knee looking up at the gorgeous amazon before him.

Imerla: "You should surrender, even alone any amazon can beat a simple man like you."

She coldly says as she presses the steel of her shortsword on the man's neck.

"I surrender" he bitterly says before disappearing back onto his familia insignia in the arena before the gods.

Imerla: "Now you, stay close to me."

She says as she looks at the charmed ally to her side.

Imerla: "Alright, now to find my next prey..."

Quickly turning on her heel she moves through the corridors once more.

As Yang continues sprinting down the corridor, before long he reaches a dead end.

'Damn, ok so I came from one and this one is useless, so there's the path with the fight and the one I haven't checked yet, man I really hope it's not the one with the fight'

He thinks before he begins backtracking as quickly as possible.

As Yang approaches the crossroads once more, however, to his dismay, a stunning amazon dressed in what can simply be described as a purple bikini with holsters for her gear locks eyes with him from the other side of the path.

To his surprise this woman is not alone, instead, she is accompanied by a man with a spear on his back. After pausing for a moment Yang decides to try something bold. Breaking the staring contest they were locked in, he simply turns to his left down the unknown path and decides to walk away, hoping that she simply ignores him.

As he takes 3 steps away however the man throws his spear at Yang's feet. 'Damn it, I don't wanna waste time fighting' he thinks before turning again to face his competition.

Yang: "Can't we just, not fight?"

Imerla: "Sorry, only one person can win, no hard feelings right, just surrender and we won't hurt you."

Yang: "How about we pretend we never saw each other?"

Imerla: "No, let's drop him."

She says before bursting into a full sprint and drawing her tanto(Shortsword) to strike at Yang.

Seeing her approaching Yang activates his AMP state and dodges her slash before jumping a few feet away from her.

Imerla: "Didn't think the Elementalist was a coward, what, never fought a level 3 before, or are you just intimidated by a beautiful woman like me?" She asks teasing him.

Yang: "No I've ne---"

He suddenly is cut off as her silent ally fires a bolt from his hand crossbow at Yang causing him to stop talking to catch the bold.

Yang: "As I was saying, I've never fought a person before. Adventurers fight monsters not people right."

Imerla: "We fight whatever benefits us to fight, it's that simple."

She says before rushing at him once more. As she frantically swipes at him and is constantly avoided, a completely different exchange happens in the stands of the arena.

Tsubaki and Hephaestus can be seen with slumped shoulders and a sweatdrop at the side of their faces.

Tsubaki: "So, I didn't think about that."

Hephaestus: "You mean that we sent someone who's never fought another person into an arena, I wish I could blame you but I kind of assumed he already fought other people at some point."

Tsubaki: "I should of at least asked."

Meanwhile in Hephaestus's private lounge---

Welf and Thalie sat facing a large open window to see a viewing mirror. In this mirror had Yang's fight in full view for all to see and hear.

Thalie: "He's good at running away at least. Looks like I'll have to do all the damage for our team."

Welf: "Just, he doesn't wanna hurt her. If she was a monster he'd be doing way better I promise."

Thalie: "Uh-huh, whatever you say, sword boy, I'm gonna get another drink."

She proceeds to get up and walk to the small bar.

Back with Yang---

He can be seen narrowly avoiding more swipes and crossbow bolts as they slowly push him back against a wall. As he parries one more strike with his gauntlet Yang finally decided to take action.

Rapidly boosting away from the amazon aggressing onto him and towards the silent man wielding a spear and peppering his direction with crossbow bolts he kicks out faster than the level 2 can react.

The man fails to lift his guard in time and is kicked directly onto his shoulder causing him to skid almost 20m across the floor with a broken left shoulder.

Turning around just in time Yang boosts into the air dodging a horizontal slash aimed at his back and beings to hover above the ground.

Yang: "Your ally is hurt, just let me go and you can go heal him."

Imerla: "Hm, what ally?"

She questions before throwing one of her swords at Yang. As he easily dodges she does one large jump and clearly almost 4m vertically to grab onto his waist and try to drag him down.

As she locks her arms around him, instead of falling he decides to begin climbing higher until he was almost at the 10m ceiling.

Yang: "Surrender and I won't drop you."

Imerla: "I'm a level 3 moron, this won't do anything to me."

Yang: "Alright, fine."

He says before beginning to heat up his body. Feeling the intense heat coming from him Imerla decides to let go and safely drop to the floor.

Seeing that he truly had to fight Yang decided to steel his will and get it over with. Flying towards his opponent he decided to open up with a simple punch to test how hard he would need to hit, unless he wanted to accidentally break more of his opponent's bones.

Seeing this strike coming Imerla easily raises her hands up instead of dodging, hoping that as he makes contact she can quickly draw her remaining blade to strike at him.

As she blocks his punch with her forearms, the weight of his strike makes her bones strain before small fractures can be felt in her arms. Gritting her teeth she attempts to take the pain in silence before the heat hits her. The heat from his body sears her exposed skin causing her to yell in pain.

"ARHHHHH!" her cry echoes through the empty corridors all around them.

As Yang is about to strike again however he suddenly boosts backward causing small flames to lick at Imerla as he dodges the spear thrust done by her ally. Holding the spear in his right hand as his broken right-hand hangs limply at his side he steps between the 2 level 3 adventurers.

Yang: "C'mon just let me go already."

Imerla: "The goddess wants that prize, you're cute but even you can't get past us."

Yang: "Uh th---"

His words were quickly cut off as he jumps backward to dodge another spear thrust. 'Ok these 2 are getting annoying' he thinks as he continues to avoid the attacks easily. 'Ok if I can't get past I need to disable them'.

Deciding to change the flow of battle Yang parries one of the spear thrusts with his gauntlet and closes the distance to the aggressive man. As he reaches within the man's personal space where the spear becomes useless he places his palms on the man's chest before focusing magic into an attack 'GUST' he commands causing a large amount of wind to generate and tear through their improvised arena.

As the sound of hard winds travels down the corridors the man is lifted off the ground and shunted across the hall, slamming hard into the wall before falling almost 10ft to the floor.

Seeing her ally struggling to catch his breath after the wind knocked it out of him, Imerla has no choice but the charge her opponent. Drawing her remaining blade she makes a mad dash toward Yang in an attempt to end the fight quickly.

Seeing his main opposition charging at him Yang follows her lead and rushes toward her as well, unlike her however he holds no weapons as he focuses all his efforts on a full charge.

25ft, Imerla is confident in her victory as she rushes her unarmed opponent.

20ft, Yang's shoulders drop slightly and his back becomes more bent over as if she were a tightly wound spring.

15ft, Imerla sees flames licking at his body as his mage armor activates, even from this distance. With no allies around he has no reason to contain the heat of his armor. This is made wildly apparent as bits of cloth maintaining her scantily designed outfit begin to be singed from sheer proximity.

10ft, Imerla realizes her mistake, he has no intention of stopping his charge, he intends to beat her by using his area of effect and tackling her. She quickly lowers her center of gravity by crouching down before beginning to turn on her heels. 'Damn it, how the hell am I supposed to fight this with a sword', her panicked mind thinks as she hears a loud BOOM behind her.

5ft, Seeing his opponent trying to run away and reposition, Yang thrusts off the ground with his flames. Almost cracking the ground and deafening everyone in the small area as he rockets toward her. Slamming into her back he palms the back of his head as his left-hand grips her left shoulder like a vice.

Finally having a proper hold of his target, Yang raises his body above her standing form before thrusting forward at a downward angle and slamming her directly into the floor.

BOOM! His flames echoed once more as he boosts downward.

CRACK! Whether it be the stone or the bones of his target, he is unsure, but from the blood trickling from her forehead he has a safe guess in mind.

Standing over her for a moment he sees the blood, but not before the burns. Where there was once a full head of long flowing hair there is now a handprint seared into the back of her skull. The heat cauterizing the wound, much like the handprint on her left shoulder. Yang can't help but wince as he considers his actions 'Maybe I should of just, knocked her out? Mmm but I don't like hitting people, sorry about the burns lady.' He thinks before taking a deep breath and walking towards the man who has now collected himself to continue the fight.

Taking a step toward his remaining opponent, he prepares to knock him out, but as he moves one step away a hand grabs his ankle.

"I'M. NOT. DONE." Imerla says through her teeth. Craning her neck to look up at Yang from her injured prone form. Her face battered and bruised from the impact makes the young adventurer freeze in place. Missing teeth, a swollen eye, a broken nose, and profuse bleeding from her forehead. He can't help but stare for a moment as their gazes are locked.

Yang: "Yes, you are, go get healed."

He says before crouching down to her level and placing a hand on her neck.

"Wat! No! STOP!" Her final pleas are heard as he focuses his magic to raise the earth around her, encasing her in a tight coffin of rock only leaving her head exposed.

"Just stay here until this is over. " He says as he walks toward her ally once more.

Approaching the man who recently got back to his feet Yang activates his Mage armor once more and delivers a solid right hook to the level 2 adventurer. As his fist makes an impact a familiar CRACK can be heard, Yang winces at what is becoming an all too familiar sound.

The man is slammed into the wall once more, sporting a broken jaw and a severe burn on his face from the hit. As he hits the floor a white light envelops him and takes him back to the arena.

"Sorry about the damage, I'm new to this" Yang says to Imerla as he scratches the back of his neck.


"Mmm no, just surrender and I think you'll disappear like him, bye," he says before continuing to rush off into the labyrinth.

Meanwhile, With the spectators in the arena---

Hephaestus: "Hmm, not what I expected."

Tsubaki: "How so?"

Hephaestus: "Well, he's normally more gun-ho about these things. Looks like my plan work."

Tsubaki: "Nothing like getting beat up by a boss to humble you."

Hephaestus: "How do you think he's gonna do so far."

Tsubaki: "Eh, kids a freak, don't worry so much. But, if he keeps fighting like that you'll get some healing bills even if technically he isn't liable."

Hephaestus: "Ugh, don't remind me."

Elsewhere, In Hephaestus's private lounge---

Thalie: "When you guys said he was new, didn't think you meant like, this new."

Welf: "What'd you expect."

Thalie: "Like, new adventurer but was a soldier or something. Is this really his first time fighting people, and he's in there."

Welf: "Yup."

Thalie: "He's gonna get himself killed."

Welf: "Mmm, Nah. I've seen him do some pretty crazy stuff. Just watch."


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---Thats what happens when someone with rockets on their feet full tackles you face first into the floor XD.

---Yeah Yang's never done PVP before and he really never thought he'd have to, inexperience is showing.

---Touching people with white hot flames on your hands tends to leave some damage, who would of thought.

keanu_eugenecreators' thoughts