
Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction)

Waking up in the world of danmachi with no knowledge of the series and one simply quest 'Clear the dungeon'.MC has no knowledge of the world he was mainly into Monster Hunter in his past life. [Volume 1 is a bit rough but I promise it gets good after it] UPDATES: Monday-Wednesday-Friday(Can change) MC LOOKS LIKE kirikou rung(Soul eater)/Ogun(Fire Force) just taller This will have massive spoilers for ALL danmachi content. Danmachi, the cover art or images linked in the chapters DO NOT belong to me, if you own any of these and want them removed it will be removed.

keanu_eugene · Anime & Comics
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257 Chs

CHAPTER 45(Final Countdown)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)

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4 Days until the challenge...

---Tower of Babel, Hephaestus's Office...

Sitting across from the goddess, Yang could be seen with spots of water roaming about his body trying to recover the still dried out patches of skin. Hephaestus herself has her hands folded under her chin as she leans forward observing every move he makes with extreme scrutiny.

Hephaestus: "So he just...left?" she says with a hint of surprise and disbelief.

Yang: "Yup"

Hephaestus: "Ottar, THE Ottar, Mr. Level 7, just healed you up and left?"

Yang: "Yeah he just asked me some stuff then left really."

Hephaestus: "Uh-huh, what'd he ask?"

Yang: "Mostly why I'm alone, if I'm a crafter, and @#$%^&" he finishes in a murmur.

Hephaestus: "Care to repeat that last part?"

Yang: "Uh, I kinda lost control of my magic like I said and well, the ring isn't the only thing I broke, I kinda broke part of the floor too."

Hephaestus places her hand over her face as she leans back in her chair taking in the full story of his training trip.

Hephaestus: "Have I ever told you you're a real handful."

Yang: "Well, it might have been mentioned. So care to explain a bit about this now?" he raises his hand to show her the mark of Orcus.

Hephaestus: "Mmm, you won't be able to go into the dungeon for a year because of it."

Yang: "WHAT!"

Hephaestus: "You heard me."

Yang: "WHY?"

Hephaestus: "Because I said so."

Yang: "I can't do that, there's something down there I need to get!"

Hephaestus: "Oh yeah, what's so important? Enlighten me."

Yang:" I-I, don't know," He says as his shoulders slump and he melts into his seat

Hephaestus: Sigh "Risking your life for something you don't even know is there, that's just dumb."

Yang: "Yeah, I know that. But have you ever done something you know might be wrong but it just feels like, you were meant to do it?"

At his words, Hephaestus gently touches her eyepatch before releasing a deep sigh.

Hephaestus: "This is such a bad idea, alright there is a way to get around it but just to be clear, I.DO. NOT. SUPPORT. THIS. So think very carefully about what you chose."

Yang: "I will."

Hephaestus: "The mark is a challenge, in a few days anyone who accepts is to go to the coliseum to compete in what was originally a death game. Orcus would take a few hundred adventurers and throw them into a battle from what I understand."

Yang: "From what you understand?"

Hephaestus: "I wasn't around when this was a thing. It hasn't been needed since more gods descended and familias became organized. It's a way to essentially toss mortals into a meatgrinder and make whoever comes out the other end stronger."

Yang: "That's..."

Tsubaki: "Barbaric, yeah," she says now entering the room.

Hephaestus: "Take a seat Tsubaki, I was just giving Yang here his options."

Tsubaki: "Options?"

Yang: "Yeah she's letting me consider competing!"

Tsubaki: "You sound wayyy too cherry for a guy who got invited to a death game."

Yang: "Uh, well-"

Tsubaki: "And why do you look like that?"

Yang: "The moisture in my body isn't fully back yet, I overdid it with my flames."

Hephaestus: "And went into mind zero, a perfect example of why you need a team by the way."

Yang: "Yeah yeah you were right, so about the challenge."

Hephaestus: "Yeah the prize used to be taking the exp from all the dead adventurers Falna. Essentially it was an easy way to force level-ups if you're below level 4."

Tsubaki: "Wait, so no need for an actual adventure?"

Hephaestus: "Exactly, this was before adventurers were plentiful enough to fill a city and keep the dungeon in check. One level 4 was worth more than a dozen familias back then, things have changed which is why the rules changed. Ouranos got Orcus to back down and allow KOs to be counted as defeats instead of only kills, and because of this, I expect that the prize has changed. He plans to leave after this challenge so to go out with a bang, likely his Chaos Mark."

Yang: "You mean this?" he raises his hand to show the mark

Hephaestus: "No, the chaos mark is more like, chaos energy flowing through you. It gives a boost relevant to your 'Purpose' from what I gathered."

Yang: "Purpose?"

Hephaestus: "Desire would likely be more accurate, if you want to save someone it makes you a bit better at doing that, want to kill someone, it makes you better."

Yang: "So it's like a magic power boost, like mage armor."

Hephaestus: "No idea honestly. This is all the information the guild had about it. All it really said was it amplifies your warrior desires."

Yang: "That sounds awesome!"

Tsubaki: "Awesome enough to fight a few dozen adventurers, risk your life and face off with some level 4s and 5s probably?"

Yang: "Uh..... maybe not that awesome."

Tsubaki: "At least no executives so nobody on my level or higher for sure."

Yang: "That's an upside at least. So what can I expect from this contest?"

Hephaestus: "No idea. Honestly kid I'd rather you not compete, especially since this is Orcus, whatever his blessing is can't be all good. He's the primordial lord of chaos for a reason."

Yang: "I'm competing, I can't afford to take a year off being an adventurer."

Hephaestus: "Even th---"

Yang: "Yes even though I don't know why. Just trust me alright, I'll be fine. All I've got to do is knock out whoever I fight and avoid the stronger people unless I have to. I can fly and they can't so it's gonna be easy." He says giving the best smile he can muster

Hephaestus: "I hope you're right. As long as you compete there's no surrender option so you have to fight. Take a hit and get knocked out if you can't win, it's better than getting hurt. Tsubaki?"

Sitting on the couch with a drink in her hand Tsubaki looked up from the stack of papers in her lap before speaking.

Tsubaki: "This is all the info I got on people that were marked, almost 57 people, not sure how many in total but we can plan for these at least."

Hephaestus: "Good, have someone bring up some coffee, we've got a long few days ahead of us..."

---The following night, 3 days until the challenge, Tibor's house...

Sitting around the dining table Yang can be seen eating dinner with Tibor's family. As 2 small horses made of water danced just beyond the children's plates a much more serious discussion happened just across from the distracted children.

Tibor: "You really don't know how to take it easy kid. Just take a year off and come work with me, a change of pace might be what you need."

Norryn(Tibor's wife): "Fighting monsters is one thing but making people fight each other, that's just sick. I'm glad he's going back to the gods home when this is over."

Yang: "Yeah I agree, but I really can't afford to take an entire year off, it wouldn't work for me. And honestly, I don't think my brain can handle working in the market after seeing the fun of flying around the dungeon, uh, no offense of course."

Tibor: "Hahaha, none taken kid, between you and me. If I could fly I wouldn't be working there either hahaha."

Norryn: "We'll be cheering you on, just try not to get hurt alright. It's already bad enough you have to fight. And if you change your mind, well working with my husband isn't THAT bad hehe."

Yang: "I'll keep that in mind."

Norryn: "Sooo..."

Yang: "Huh?"

Norryn: "What's your girlfriend think about you being in a D-E-A-T-H-M-A-T-C-H," She quickly spell out so the children don't notice

Yang: "I passed by Loki's place earlier to see her. They said she isn't in Orario right now apparently. I'm hoping she doesn't come back before it starts, the last thing I want her to see is me getting beaten up."

Norryn: "Hehehehe, yeah that would be embarrassing for any man."

Yang: "Thanks for the reminder," his shoulders slump and his head drops

Tibor: "Don't worry about it kid, now let's try some of this new pie the bakery made..."

---Somewhere outside of Orario, 2 Days until the challenge...

On a large open plain of brown dirt and protruding rocks, three elves can be seen standing under the evening sun. Lefiya and Elfy stand almost 30m apart as they pant heavily, forcing air into their systems as they try to recover before the next round of their duel. Not too far away Riveria stands with her hand on her staff as she holds a leather-bound book in her left hand, her gaze scrutinizing the two younger mages as she mercilessly drills proper form and control into them, their last-ditch effort to get Elfy ready for the challenge.

Riveria: "One more minute until Lefiya blocks and Elfy goes on the offensive. We don't have time for slacking off. Get in your stances."

At her words, both younger girls straighten up. Lefiya grasps her arcane staff and crosses it in front of her as she prepares to cast a barrier whilst Elfy prepares her signature fire spell, her very own specialty.

Riveria: "BEGIN!"

---The Night before the challenge begins, Hephaestus's private lounge.

Sitting on high-end couches Welf, Thalie, Tsubaki, Yang, and Hephaestus can be seen sharing a drink with each other. Between them, a tray of pastries sat on the large coffee table as their conversation continues.

Yang: "Hahaha, so what, Hephaestus caught you stealing and recruited you. That's not what I expected at all."

Thalie: "Yeah well having me join Hephaestus was the deal for my familia to not get reported to the guild."

Hephaestus: "The best deal I've made in the last 2 years, a free level 4 assassin that can find the most exclusive materials."

Tsubaki: "I really don't see why you're laughing, didn't you wake up and join us even though you aren't even a crafter."

Thalie: "HAHAHAHAHAHA, you aren't even a crafter, I didn't have much of a choice but you're just a moron."

Yang: "Ugh I only woke up with one real memory and I figured she could make it, if I remember it then it has to be important ok" he pouts

Thalie: "Oh, uh sorry. I didn't know you--"

Yang: "It's fine."

Welf: "Well I guess I'll be the first to say it, you ready for tomorrow Yang?"

As Welf's simple question hangs in the air everyones' eyes fall onto Yang.

Yang: "Well, gears ready, potions ready, I'm healed back up from my mind down. My stats could be a bit better but that can't be helped right now."

Thalie: "What do you mean?"

Hephaestus: "The little genius is whiney because his strength isn't anywhere near his magic stat."

Yang: "I just feel like it should be A by now you know" he pouts

As he says this the 3 adventurers in the room begin to glare at Yang.

Yang: "What?"

Tsubaki, Welf, Thalie give him a harsh glare.

Hephaestus: "Maybe don't say ungrateful things like that, you're a freak amongst freaks when it comes to how fast you improve so learn to shut up about it, for your own sake."

Yang: "Uh, right you told me about this, sorry."

Hephaestus: "Exactly. Now it's getting late you should get some rest."

Yang: "Mmm, alright. I'll see you all tomorrow."

Saying his goodbyes Yang exits the room and makes his way towards his apartment.

Thalie: "You really think letting him in there is a good idea, we can just knock him out until the challenge is over you know."

Hephaestus: "This is his choice."

Thalie: "When I told Tsubaki he seems like a suicidal level 3, I was kidding, but this..."

Tsubaki: "Huh, and here I thought you had just met him already," sarcasm dripping on her words.

Welf: "I don't know, I've seen him fight, have any of you?"

Silence fills the room.

Welf: "Yeah well let's just say his stats and records aren't the only things freaky about him. If any level 3 could compete in this, it's him."

Thalie: "Has he ever even fought actual Humans before?"

Hephaestus: "Not to our knowledge."

Tsubaki: "I see your point, he doesn't really have the experience fighting people with magic and weapons."

Thalie: "Or people trying to kill him."

Welf: "Mmm, maybe we should knock him out. I mean Tsubaki should knock him out."

Hephaestus: "Hm, and here I thought it would take you two a bit longer to start getting along."

Welf: "He's a bit naive but he means well, definitely doesn't deserve to get hurt, or worse in some stupid challenge."

Hephaestus: "This could be just what he needs to realize that his attitude will get him killed."

Thalie: "Thanks again for giving me this team Hephaestus, really appreciate it," she says as she rolls her eyes.

Hephaestus: "He'll grow on you."

Tsubaki: "Ain't that the truth. I'm gonna get some rest, big day tomorrow," she shots the rest of her glass before walking out the door.

Hephaestus: "Yeah I think she has the right idea, you're welcome to come here to watch the challenge tomorrow. Only Tsubaki and I will have seats in the colosseum since she is my captain."

Thalie: "Yeah that sounds good, hopefully, he isn't just all hot air."

Welf: "Yeah let's get some rest."


Special thanks to Steeve Baze*****, my very first patron. Honestly had set up that account just in case and never expected anything of it but hey thanks for the unexpected support.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---Some insight into how people are getting in some last minute practice, ofcourse Yang just got done training and is just chilling as he recovers from mind zero so he isn't training.

---Some team bonding at the end there, figured I'd skip the intro and just jump into them having some drinks in anticipation for tomorrow.

---What do you think the challenge will be?

---How do you think it will go?

keanu_eugenecreators' thoughts