
An Unexpected Event.

"Ok, Were almost there!" Exclaimed Reimi as she led us towards our surprise while Jonetsu Misaki and I were blindfolded, Which we held our hands making it easier to guide us.

A few minutes earlier…

"A Surprise?" Jonetsu Misaki and I asked with a gasp.

"Yeah, A surprise!" Reimi exclaimed with a smile, "We thought it would be nice if we did something for you guys once you were dispatched." Explained Hideo, "Well it was mostly Reimi!" He added, "Aww, You didn't have to you guys." Said Misaki with joy.

"Well, Either way, Go and get ready you guys! We're leaving in a few!" Yelled Reimi as she jumped with joy while hurrying us to get ready.

I made my way to my room and got changed. After taking my shirt off I took a second to take a look at all of the bandages that wrapped around my body and arms. I quickly shrugged it off and went back to packing my stuff, after getting my usual clothes on I went towards a mirror and looked at myself. White hair, Light gray eyes, Decently tall, Properly built body assassin, I then went to check that I had everything on me making sure I didn't forget anything.

"Okay, I have my keys, My wallet, My phone, What else-" I mumbled to myself as someone knocked on the door, "Come in." I answered as Misaki came in, "Hi Zakou-san." She said.

As I turned around, I took a moment to look at her, I had never seen her dressed up so fine, She wore a cream colored blouse, a short white skirt, her hair was tied into a ponytail, and she wore white shoes.

"Is something wrong?" She asked as she noticed I stared at her for too long, "A-Ah,N-Nothing, It's just I'm not used to seeing you like this, Which I didn't expect it to be you." I explained in embarrassment while I finished getting my things, "I just came to see if you were doing okay." She implied.

"Oh come on, Thanks to your support I feel like new, Like I said, I cant thank you enough-" I explained until she spoke over me, "B-But why does it feel like there is something you want to tell me?" She said in anguish, "Well, If I am honest, There are things that I wish to tell you, But I feel like now isn't really the right moment to talk about them, I think that I have already cause you enough trouble-" I went on until she spoke over me, "Stop saying you caused me trouble Zakou, Don't you think I would have tried finding a way of not getting myself involved with you? You keep beating yourself up over things that you don't have control over. If there is anything you want to tell me, I want you to go ahead and say it." She implied as she walked closer to me.

"I'm not sure-" I started, "Please." She begged while speaking over me, "I-If you insist, I-Im going to-" I began, But Jonetsu knocked on the door at that moment.

"You done-" He said while walking in, "Oh, Sorry to interrupt, But we're about to leave." He pointed out as he realized Misaki and I were talking, "Yeah, We were about to go." I answered.

"Alright, I'll See you with the rest of the group." He said as he took his exit and walked down the hall, which you could hear his footsteps.

"Let's continue this conversation another time, Like I said right now isn't the moment." I said to her as I picked up my bag and made my way out the door.

As I walked down the hall I could hear Misaki's footsteps as she walked behind me, which made the air all tense.

"Hey there." Said Gale as she materialized from light orbs, "Hi." I answered with a dull expression, "Are you doing okay?" She sounded awfully concerned, "Yeah, I'm doing great." I answered with the total opposite tone in my voice, "It doesn't sound like it." She answered, "Well, I have things to do." I said as I sped up my pace.

She flew closer to me and sat on my head, As we got closer to the rest of the group I came to realize I would have to explain my occurrence with Gale, So I thought of a brief, and understandable explanation that would keep them partially satisfied.

As Misaki and I got back to the group, I got everyone's attention so I could get it over with.

"Uh, Hey everyone, I would like your attention for a moment." I yelled as everyone held their gaze upon me, "I would like to make this brief, But I would like you all to meet my companion Gale, the "Wind Spirit"." I explained with no facial expression.

"Oh, I see-" They all said as they came to a pause, "THE WIND SPIRIT!?" They yelled in unison, "T-The Wind Spirit?" Misaki in total awe and amazement.

"Yeah, That's what I expected." I sighed, "The "Wind Spirit" Huh? Not bad." Said Tatsuya and Hideo almost as if it made no difference to them if I had a spirit or not.

"Thats amazing Zakou!" "Yeah, Not just anyone gets a "Spirits Blessing!" "You don't stop impressing me!" They complimented me as they all started to surround me, "YEAH, APPRAISE ME!" Yelled Gale, "Y-Yeah thanks you guys…" I tried backing them off.

"Everyone give him some space, He just got out of the hospital after getting his ass kicked in more ways than one." Said Ganjo as he walked out from behind a concrete pillar.

"Oh Yeah, Sorry Zakou." "Yeah, Didn't mean to overwhelm you." They started to apologize as they backed away, "N-No it's okay you guys, I'm still getting used to it myself." I said with a nervous smile.

"Aww, come on, That didn't last very long..." Frowned Gale, "Shut up, Be happy I even introduced you." I sighed.

"Well, Now that we are all together, I need you three to blindfold yourselves, especially you Misaki and Zakou." Reimi said as she handed Misaki, Jonetsu and I each a blindfold.

We each took our blindfold and covered our eyes with it and grabbed each other by the hand.

"Oh god, I'm grabbing Misaki's hand. It's so soft and slim." I thought to myself, "Zakou's hand is so warm and gentle, you could never tell this is the hand of an assassin." Misaki thought to herself, "I wonder what these two are thinking about?..." Thought Jonetsu…

Back to the Present…

"Were here!!!" Shouted Reimi as they took Misaki's and Jonetsu's blindfolds off.

"Wait, M-My hou-" Said Misaki as someone grabbed her by the mouth, "U-Uh actually were not there yet." Said Reimi, "Don't say it out loud." Whispered Reimi to Misaki.

I felt someone grab my hand and guided me somewhere else, I could hear the sound of a gate opening while stepping on grass, and I then heard someone's voice which sounded familiar.

"Welcome back! Oh my sweet darling." Said a woman which it took me a while to realize, But it was Misaki's mother.

"You two can stop holding hands you know." Said Jonetsu in a sarcastic tone, "O-Oh t-the thing is I-I was guiding him c-cause he can't see." Answered Misaki awfully embarrassed, "I think I see what's going on." Said Misaki's mother, "Yes, Me too." Agreed Reimi, "MOOOOOOM!" Yelled Misaki in response, "Hahaha, I know you were guiding him, I was just joking." Jonestu laughed out.

"Either way, it's good to see you doing okay Zakou." Said Misaki's mother as she held my hands, "you too Jonetsu." She added.

"You know each other?" Asked Misaki in a suspicious yet rather annoyed tone, "W-Well, we are acquainted in a way." I answered trying to deny her assumptions.

"If you say so." She shrugged.

"Anyways, Don't just stand there, Lets go inside and celebrate." Said Misaki's Mother.

"If anything, thank you very much, Ms. Todomaru-" I started to thank her as she cut me off, "Just call me Hayami." She implied, "U-Uh, Ms. Hayami-san, Thank you very much." I bowed in gratitude.

"Oh pay no mind to it, If anything this is my form of gratitude for taking care of my sweet little pumpkin." Said Ms. Hayami as I could feel her hugging Misaki.

As we walked in I could smell the fresh air of a garden, I could smell roses, tulips, violets and felt at peace for some reason, Once we got to the front door we came to a stop, and we were then inside of the house as I could hear the door close behind me, and as they took my blindfold off all I could hear was….

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZAKOU!!!!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"Huh? What? IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!?" I yelled while looking around awfully puzzled and perplexed, "Well its September Fourteenth." Said Jonetsu as he held a Calendar in his hand, "You certainly have lost track of time, Haven't you, Z?" Said an awfully familiar voice with a totally familiar abbreviation…

"Dad?" I asked, "What are you surprised about? What's wrong wanting to celebrate my son's birthday?" Said Dad with a smirk.

"You've been through so much this past week you forgot all about your birthday, We wanted you to have some fun to make up for all of the bad things that have recently happened." Said Misaki with a bright smile, "Happy Birthday." She said as she gave me a tight hug, I was so happy I didn't say anything back, I hugged her back, Whilst my eyes started to glow in a bright yellow.

"Nice photo!" Exclaimed my Mom as I heard a click of a camera, "Mom…." I answered with an annoyed face.

"Yeah, Happy Birthday Man." Said Jonetsu as he also gave me a manly hug.

I soon came to realize everyone in the room came in to give me a warm hearted hug, and it felt great. Deep down I felt something spark, Something different started to flow into my body, It felt like a shock which I then quickly came to realize that I felt almost as if I was hit with a lightning bolt.

"U-Uh Zakou, Y-Your hair turned yellow." Said Jonetsu, "O-Ohhhh, Zakou! You subconsciously went into a surge!" Yelled Gale as she joyfully flew around me, "Y-You mean that thing from that fight I had?" I asked as I felt awfully different, "Yeah!" She answered with a bright smile.

"Well, Surge or no Surge, Let's get down to business." Said Jonetsu as he rubbed his hands in an ominous way, "Uh, Jonetsu-" I spoke until he sent me flying out to the back yard with his "Wind Element".

"WHAT THE HELL JONETSU!?" I yelled as I got up from the ground.

He signalled me to look back, and little did I know, There was a pool right behind me waiting for me to be thrown into it.

"J-Jonetsu, W-We can talk about this." I started to walk back, "Hehe, I don't think so." He said as he snapped his fingers and out of nowhere, All of my classmates were onto me trying to push me into the pool.

"W-What the hell!" I yelled as I jumped back, "Fine, If you want to do this, THEN LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS!" I yelled as I assumed a battle stance and got ready for the storm to come.

As everyone attacked me I dodged and countered all of their attacks with ease, This new power I had made me much faster than normal, Which I did not expect at all, Tatsuya came attacking me too.

"Y-You too!?" I yelled at Tatsuya while I blocked all of his attacks, "Hey, I can have some fun too." He smirked.

Everyone jumped towards me in an attempt to pinning me down to the ground, But I quickly countered all of their attacks and concentrated all of my energy and released a shockwave pushing all of them back.

"Gale." I said as she nodded, She forcefully changed my 'Element' from Lightning to Wind and I kneeled down and jumped with great force flying up into the air as I struggled to look up from all of the wind on my face. My hair slowly went back to normal and my eyes went to their usual Light Gray.

As I levitated in the air I sat mid air and looked down to see all of them look upwards.

"Are they trying to get me back into the hospital?" I sighed as I closed my eyes and leaned back.

"Tatsuya, Hideo, Get ready." Said Jonetsu as he also kneeled down and jumped into the air flying towards me.

"Well what should I- Wait a second… OH SHIT." I said as I quickly realized he came at me at a great speed.

Once he got close he started to shoot wind gusts which I dodged easily. He started to quickly attack me.

"What the hell Jonetsu!" I yelled as I blocked his attacks, "Hey, I'm just having some fun." He said as he kept punching me.

He suddenly came to a stop and started to slowly levitate away from me.

"Thank you, I don't know why you always do this." I sighed in relief.

But little did I know that this was part of his scheme.

"Hey there." Said Hideo behind me as his hands emitted sparks while rubbing them together, He then placed his hands on my back which discharged a large amount of lightning, Almost like a taser.

"W-W-What t-t-the h-h-hell." I said as I was paralized.

"I guess it's my turn now." Said Tatsuya down on the ground.

He also kneeled down and jumped up faster than Jonetsu and Hideo did. Once at the top he started to slowly spin as he came down towards me, and kicked me down with great force. As I fell down I quickly reacted and took all of my clothes off and threw them away from me leaving only my pants on. I dove into the pool splashing water everywhere.

"D-Don't e-ever do that to a normal human being, Y-You'll kill them." I yelled as I coughed.

Everyone froze into place as they looked at my body wrapped around in bandages and saw the outline of my muscles which I felt awkward.

"E-Either way, LET THE FUN BEGIN!" Yelled Reimi.